< Markos 10 >

1 Yisa chinno kiti kane uchindu kusarin Yahudiya nin mbun kurawa Judan ligozi nanite kuru idah kitine. Awandi ndurzuzu nani tutun nafo na amene nsuze.
And rising up from thence, he cometh into the coasts of Judea beyond the Jordan: and the multitudes flock to him again. And as he was accustomed, he taught them again.
2 A farisiyawa dā kitime ida malaghe inin tiiringhe, “Uchau chikilari ko uwani me?”
And the Pharisees coming to him asked him: Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? tempting him.
3 A kaw, “Inyaghrri Musa na woro minu isu?”
But he answering, saith to them: What did Moses command you?
4 Inug woro “Musa wa yinin gankilime a su iyerte nsunun wani anin koghe anya.”
Who said: Moses permitted to write a bill of divorce, and to put her away.
5 Yisa woro nani ulele vat bara kugwas minere wati ana minu ule uduke.
To whom Jesus answering, said: Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you that precept.
6 “Nburnu makekewe Kutellẹ wa ke gankilime nin wani.
But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female.
7 Bara nanere gankilime ba sunu uchifeme nin namẹ atafin nin wani me.
For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother; and shall cleave to his wife.
8 Inun nabẹ ibaso kidowa kirum. Bara nani inug nabe baso kidowo kirum na niba ba.
And they two shall be in one flesh. Therefore now they are not two, but one flesh.
9 Bara nani imon ile na Kutellẹ ntere na umon uwa bunku ba.”
What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
10 Kubi ko na iwadi nanya kilari nono katuwa me tiringhe imon ine.
And in the house again his disciples asked him concerning the same thing.
11 A woro nani vat ule na akọ uwani me adiyiru umon uwani uso adin su nzina nin uwani upese.
And he saith to them: Whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another, committeth adultery against her.
12 Assa uwani nchino ulese adi su ilugma nin kan gankilime aso adin sun zina”
And if the wife shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.
13 Anit dā nin ni nono ni bebene kitime anan duduzo nani, Nono katuwa me kpada nani.
And they brought to him young children, that he might touch them. And the disciples rebuked them that brought them.
14 Na Yisa yene nani, ayi nanaghe, aworo nani “sunan nono nibebene idak kitinig na iwa wanttin nani ba, kutï tigoh kitene di kun musu nalelere.
Whom when Jesus saw, he was much displeased, and saith to them: Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.
15 Kidegene indin bellu munu vat ulle na ayinna nin kutï tigoh Kutellẹ nafo ni nono nibebene ba na abase upiru kutï tigowe ba.”
Amen I say to you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, shall not enter into it.
16 Atunna ayira ni nono nibebene nin nachara me atarda acara ata nani immari.
And embracing them, and laying his hands upon them, he blessed them.
17 Na a cizina uchinme umon daghe nin chum a da tumuno nin nalung a tirrighe “unan yiru ugegeme iyapin imonari mmasu nnanseh ulai sa ligang?” (aiōnios g166)
And when he was gone forth into the way, a certain man running up and kneeling before him, asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may receive life everlasting? (aiōnios g166)
18 Yisa woroghe “iyarintah uyicilai unit ugegeme? na umon duku unit ugegeme ba andina Kutellẹ chas ba.
And Jesus said to him, Why callest thou me good? None is good but one, that is God.
19 Fe yiru uduka: na uwa mollu unit ba, na uwa su uzina ba uwa su likiri ba, uwa su kinu'u ba, uwa bollusu imon na nit ba. Tutun Tumuzuno Uchifi fe nin Nafine.”
Thou knowest the commandments: Do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, bear not false witness, do no fraud, honour thy father and mother.
20 Unite woro, ''Unanyiru, elle imone vat nwa dortu a nduttu kwanyana.”
But he answering, said to him: Master, all these things I have observed from my youth.
21 Yisa yeneghe nin kibinai nsu aworoghe vat imon irumari lawafi “can udi lewu vat nimon na udumu udi kosu anan diru nimon, ubase kiti lisosiin kitenne kani. unin da dofini.”
And Jesus looking on him, loved him, and said to him: One thing is wanting unto thee: go, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.
22 Nin lanzun nlirun ne kidowo taghe yototo ayime nanakang atinna a gya bara adinin nimon nachara gbardong.
Who being struck sad at that saying, went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.
23 Yisa gitirino anin woro nono katuwa me “ubayitu nin nijasi unan nimon nachara se upiru Kilari tigoh Kutellẹ!”
And Jesus looking round about, saith to his disciples: How hardly shall they that have riches, enter into the kingdom of God!
24 Nono katuwa me nidowo mine wati cancam nin tigbulang me Yisa tutun kuru a belle nani nono nig ubayitu nin nijasi unan nimon nacara piru kilari tigoh Kutellẹ!
And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus again answering, saith to them: Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches, to enter into the kingdom of God?
25 Ubayitu shiyau wang kurakomi se upiru ligalang nalura nun woru unan nimon nacara piru kilari i tigoh Kutellẹ.
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
26 I wa su umamaki kang ibelle atimine ani ghari ba se utucue?
Who wondered the more, saying among themselves: Who then can be saved?
27 Yisa yene nani anin woro “kiti nanit udumun nijasi ana kiti Kutellẹ ba kiti Kutellẹ imon vat nsuari.
And Jesus looking on them, saith: With men it is impossible; but not with God: for all things are possible with God.
28 Bitrus cizina uliru ninghe “nanere arik na sun imon vat tinani na ndofifin”
And Peter began to say unto him: Behold, we have left all things, and have followed thee.
29 Yisa woro nani kidegene nbelun munu na umon duku ulle na a cino kilari sa nuawana ni limi sa nishono sa unna sa uchif sa nono sa anen bara meng nin lirun lai so,
Jesus answering, said: Amen I say to you, there is no man who hath left house or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or lands, for my sake and for the gospel,
30 ulle na aba serru uwesu tinonto akalt likure kiteni nakalt likure nanyan nyulele, use nilari nwanna nilime nin nishono a una nin uchif nan Nanen nin niu nyi incindak ulai sa ligang. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
Who shall not receive an hundred times as much, now in this time; houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions: and in the world to come life everlasting. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 Bara nani gwardang ana idi bun iba kpulu kidung anan kidung kpillun ubun.
But many that are first, shall be last: and the last, first.
32 Iwadin cinnu libau lo na li ghana udu Urushalima yisa wa din ncin mbun mine. nono katuwa me lanza umamaki allenge na iwadin kidung mine lanza fiu, Yisa yira likure nin nawabe kusari kurum tutung, imon ille na iba seghe na nin dandauna ba.
And they were in the way going up to Jerusalem: and Jesus went before them, and they were astonished; and following were afraid. And taking again the twelve, he began to tell them the things that should befall him.
33 “Yenen, tidin cinnu udu Urushelima ibadi ni gonon in Nit nachara nadidya kutyï Kutellẹ nin na nan nnsu niyerte.
Saying: Behold we go up to Jerusalem, and the Son of man shall be betrayed to the chief priests, and to the scribes and ancients, and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles.
34 Iba su ghe ushara un kul iba nakpughhe kiti na lumai. Iba sughe liyong itufuzunghe ataf ikpizi ghe inin mollughe. Nanya nayiri atat aba fitu.
And they shall mock him, and spit on him, and scourge him, and kill him: and the third day he shall rise again.
35 Yakub nin Yohanna nonon Zabadi dah kitime iworo “unan yiru nimon tidininsu usu nari vat ile imon na tiba tirrinfi.”
And James and John the sons of Zebedee, come to him, saying: Master, we desire that whatsoever we shall ask, thou wouldst do it for us:
36 A woro nani, “iyaghari idununsu meng su minu?”
But he said to them: What would you that I should do for you?
37 Inung belle “yinna nari tiso ninfi nanya ngongon fe. Warum nchara ulime umon nchara ugul. “
And they said: Grant to us, that we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory.
38 Ame yisa kawa nani “Na anughe yiru imon ille na idin pizuru ba, iwasa isono nmyin libbo lo na meng ba sonah? Sa iwasa ita ayi akone nin musun mmen mọ na iba nshintini kuwa?
And Jesus said to them: You know not what you ask. Can you drink of the chalice that I drink of: or be baptized with the baptism wherewith I am baptized?
39 I woroghe nenge tiwasa tisu, Yisa belle nani nmyen libo mo na meng ba sonu iwasa isona. Ushintinu ulle na ima sue anunọg wangp ima su minu mun.
But they said to him: We can. And Jesus saith to them: You shall indeed drink of the chalice that I drink of: and with the baptism wherewith I am baptized, you shall be baptized.
40 Bara nani ulle na aba so nchara ulime sa nchara ugule nighe na unanighari ba, udi un nalle na ina mekeni mun”
But to sit on my right hand, or on my left, is not mine to give to you, but to them for whom it is prepared.
41 Na kagisin likure nlatiza nani ayi cizina unanizu nani nin Yakub a Yohanna.
And the ten hearing it, began to be much displeased at James and John.
42 Yisa yichilla ani a woro nani, “Iyiru alle na idi agoh na wurumi, anan kuteet likara asa ita isu kitene mine.
But Jesus calling them, saith to them: You know that they who seem to rule over the Gentiles, lord it over them: and their princes have power over them.
43 Na uwa uso nani nanya mine ba vat ulle na atah ayi nworu aba so udya nanya mine na aso gono katuwa mine.
But it is not so among you: but whosoever will be greater, shall be your minister.
44 Vat ulle na adi nin nayin woro aba so unan bun mine na ayita kucin mine.
And whosoever will be first among you, shall be the servant of all.
45 Na gonon in Nit nadak asu tigoh ba, awa dak nafo kucin, anan da serze ulai me bara anit.
For the Son of man also is not come to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a redemption for many.
46 Vat mine gbardang. I dah u Jeriko. Na a ichino u Jeriko ligowa nan nono katame nan ligozi nanit. Umon wa duku iwa yicighe Bartimaus (a wadi usaun Timaus) uduuwari asa aso nbun ndina likura.
And they came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho, with his disciples, and a very great multitude, Bartimeus the blind man, the son of Timeus, sat by the way side begging.
47 Na alanza yisa din cinnu ukatu ndine atunna ntutuzu aworo “Yisa usaun Dauda lanza nkunekune nigh”
Who when he had heard, that it was Jesus of Nazareth, began to cry out, and to say: Jesus son of David, have mercy on me.
48 Anit gwardang Kpada ghe ati tik, ame na ghantina liwuye, “Yisa usaun Dauda, lanza nkunekune nighe!”
And many rebuked him, that he might hold his peace; but he cried a great deal the more: Son of David, have mercy on me.
49 Yisa Jombilino a woro iyichila ghe inun yichila uduwe iworoghe “terre kibinnai, ufita, a din yichufi.”
And Jesus, standing still, commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying to him: Be of better comfort: arise, he calleth thee.
50 A tunna a fillo kultuk me kusari ata katari udu kitin Yisa.
Who casting off his garment leaped up, and came to him.
51 Yisa kawa aworoghe “udumusu ntifi iyaghari?” Uduwe woroghe “unanyiru aye die nse uyenu kiti.
And Jesus answering, said to him: What wilt thou that I should do to thee? And the blind man said to him: Rabboni, that I may see.
52 Yisa woroghe “cang uyinnu sa uyenufe nshino ninfi” atunna ase uyenu kiti adofino Yisa ku, ncine ndine.
And Jesus saith to him: Go thy way, thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he saw, and followed him in the way.

< Markos 10 >