< Galaziarrei 1 >

1 PAVL Apostoluac (ez guiçonéz ezeta guiçonen partez, baina Iesus Christen eta Iainco Aita hura hiletaric resuscitatu duenaren partez.)
Paul, an apostle, (not from men, nor by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead, )
2 Eta enequin diraden anaye guciéc, Galatiaco Elicey:
and all the brethren that are with me, to the churches of Galatia:
3 Gratia dela çuequin eta baquea Iainco Aitaganic, eta Iesus Christ gure Iaunaganic.
grace be to you, and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,
4 Ceinec bere buruä eman vkan baitu gure bekatuacgatic, idoqui guençançát secula gaichto hunetaric, gure Iainco eta Aitaren vorondatearen araura. (aiōn g165)
who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, (aiōn g165)
5 Hari dela gloria secula seculacotz. Amen. (aiōn g165)
to whom be glory from age to age. Amen. (aiōn g165)
6 Miraz nago nola horrein sarri, Christen gratiara deithu vkan cenduztena vtziric transportatu içan çareten berce Euangeliotara:
I am astonished that you are so soon turning away from him that called you into the grace of Christ, to another gospel:
7 Berceric batre eztelaric: baina batzuc trublatzen çaituztéz, eta nahi duté erauci Christen Euangelioa:
which is nothing else than that there are some who trouble you, and are determined to pervert the gospel of the Christ.
8 Baina baldin guc-ere, edo Aingueru batec cerutic euangelizatzen badrauçue, euangelizatu drauçuegunaz berceric, maradicatu biz.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach to you any other gospel than that which we have preached, let him be accursed.
9 Lehen erran dugun beçala, orain-ere berriz diot, Baldin norbeitec euangelizatzen badrauçue recebitu duçuenaz berceric, maradicatu biz.
As we said before, so even now I say again, if any one preaches to you any other gospel than that which you have received, let him be accursed.
10 Ecen orain guiçonéz predicatzen dut ala Iaincoaz? ala guiçonén gogara eguin nahiz nabila? Segur baldin oraino guiçonén gogaraco baninz, Christen cerbitzari ezninçande.
For, do I now seek the favor of men, or of God? or do I strive to please men? If, indeed, I would still please men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
11 Iaquin eraciten drauçuet bada, anayeác, niçaz predicatu içan den Euangelioa, eztela guiçonaren araura.
But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which is preached by me, is not according to man:
12 Ecen eztut hura guiçonganic recebitu ez ikassi: baina Iesus Christen reuelationez.
for neither did I receive it from man, nor was it taught me, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.
13 Ecen ençun duçue nola conuersatu vkan dudan Iudaismoan, nola terriblequi Iaincoaren Eliçá persecutatzen eta deseguiten nuen:
For you have heard of my former mode of life in Judaism, that I greatly persecuted the church of God, and laid it waste;
14 Eta nola probetchatzen nincén Iudaismoan, ene quidetaric anhitz baino guehiago, neure nationean, neure aitén ordenancetara affectione guehienduna nincelaric.
and I surpassed in Judaism many of my own age and nation, being more exceedingly zealous for the tradition of my fathers.
15 Baina Iaincoaren placera içan denean (ceinec neure amaren sabeleandanic appartatu baininduen eta deithu bainau bere gratiaz)
But when God, who chose me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace, was pleased
16 Bere Semearen reuelatzera nitan, hura euangeliza neçançát Gentilén artean, eznaiz bertan conseillatu içan haraguiarequin eta odolarequin:
to reveal his Sou in me, that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I at once declined all conference with flesh and blood:
17 Eta eznaiz Ierusalemera itzuli içan ni baino lehen Apostolu ciradenetara: baina ioan nendin Arabiara: eta harçara itzul nendin Damascera.
nor did I go up to Jerusalem, to those who were apostles before me; but I went away into Arabia, and then returned to Damascus.
18 Gueroztic hirur vrtheren buruän itzul nendin Ierusalemera Pierrisen visitatzera: eta egon nendin harequin amorz egun.
Then, after three years, I went up to Jerusalem, in order to become personally acquainted with Peter; and I remained with him fifteen days:
19 Eta berce Apostoluetaric ezneçan ikus Iacques Iaunaren anayea baicen.
but of the apostles I saw no other, but James the brother of the Lord.
20 Baina çuey scribatzen drauzquiçuedan gaucetan, huná, badiotsuet Iaunaren aitzinean, ecen eztiodala gueçurric.
With respect to the things which I now write to you, behold, before God I lie not.
21 Guero ethor nendin Syriaco eta Ciliciaco herrietara.
Then, I went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia:
22 Eta nincen beguithartez eçagun gabea Iudeaco Eliça Christean ciradeney:
but I was not known, in person, to the churches of Judea which are in Christ.
23 Baina solament ençun vkan çuten erraiten cela, Gu berce orduz persecutatzen guentuenac, orain predicatzen du berce orduz deseguiten çuen fedea.
They had heard only that he who formerly persecuted us was now preaching the faith which he once destroyed.
24 Eta glorificatzen çuten Iaincoa nitan.
And they glorified God in me.

< Galaziarrei 1 >