< Yeremiya 2 >

1 Yehova anandiwuza kuti,
And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
2 “Pita ukalengeze kwa anthu a ku Yerusalemu kuti Yehova akuti, “‘Ine ndikukumbukira mmene umakhulupirikira pa unyamata wako, mmene unkandikondera ngati momwe amachitira mkwatibwi, mmene unkanditsata mʼchipululu muja; mʼdziko losadzalamo kanthu.
and seide, Go thou, and crye in the eeris of Jerusalem, and seie, The Lord seith these thingis, Y hadde mynde on thee, and Y hadde merci on thee in thi yong wexynge age, and on the charite of thi spousyng, whanne thou suedist me in desert, in the lond which is not sowun.
3 Israeli anali wopatulika wa Yehova, anali ngati zipatso zake zoyamba kucha pa nthawi yokolola; onse amene anamuzunza anapezeka kuti ndi olakwa ndipo mavuto anawagwera,’” akutero Yehova.
Israel was hooli to the Lord, the firste of fruytis of hym; alle men that deuouren that Israel, trespassen; yuelis schulen come on hem, seith the Lord.
4 Imvani mawu a Yehova, inu zidzukulu za Yakobo, inu mafuko onse a Israeli.
The hous of Jacob, and alle the lynagis of the hous of Israel, here ye the word of the Lord.
5 Yehova akuti, “Kodi makolo anu anandipeza nʼcholakwa chanji, kuti andithawe? Iwo anatsata milungu yachabechabe, nawonso nʼkusanduka achabechabe.
The Lord seith these thingis, What of wickidnesse foundun youre fadris in me, for thei yeden fer awey fro me, and yeden after vanyte, and weren maad veyn?
6 Iwo sanafunse nʼkomwe kuti, ‘Kodi Yehova ali kuti, amene anatitulutsa mʼdziko la Igupto natitsogolera mʼchipululu mʼdziko lowuma ndi lokumbikakumbika, mʼdziko lopanda mvula ndi la mdima, dziko limene munthu sadutsamo ndipo simukhala munthu aliyense?’
And thei seiden not, Where is the Lord, that made vs to stie fro the lond of Egipt, that ledde vs ouer thorou desert, bi the lond vnabitable and with out weie, bi the lond of thirst, and bi the ymage of deeth, bi the lond in whiche a man yede not, nether a man dwellide.
7 Ndinakufikitsani ku dziko lachonde kuti mudye zipatso zake ndi zabwino zake zina. Koma inu mutafika munaliyipitsa dziko langa ndi kusandutsa cholowa changa kukhala chonyansa.
And Y brouyte you in to the lond of Carmele, that ye schulden ete the fruyt therof, and the goodis therof; and ye entriden, and defouliden my lond, and settiden myn eritage in to abhomynacioun.
8 Ansembe nawonso sanafunse kuti, ‘Yehova ali kuti?’ Iwo amene amaphunzitsa malamulo sanandidziwe; atsogoleri anandiwukira. Aneneri ankanenera mʼdzina la Baala, ndi kutsatira mafano achabechabe.
Preestis seiden not, Where is the Lord? and thei that helden the lawe, knewen not me; and scheepherdis trespassiden ayens me, and profetis profesieden in Baal, and sueden idols.
9 “Chifukwa chake Ine ndidzakuyimbaninso mlandu,” akutero Yehova. “Ndipo ndidzayimbanso mlandu zidzukulu zanu.
Therfor yit Y schal stryue with you in doom, seith the Lord, and Y schal dispute with youre sones.
10 Pitani kumadzulo ku chilumba cha Kitimu, ndipo mukaone, tumizani anthu ku Kedara kuti akafufuze bwino; ndipo muona kuti zinthu zoterezi sizinachitikepo nʼkale lomwe:
Go ye to the ilis of Cethym, and se ye; and sende ye in to Cedar, and biholde ye greetli; and se ye,
11 Kodi ulipo mtundu wa anthu uliwonse umene unasinthapo milungu yake? (Ngakhale kuti si milungu nʼkomwe). Koma anthu anga asinthitsa Mulungu wawo waulemerero ndi mafano achabechabe.
if siche a thing is doon, if a folk chaungide hise goddis; and certeynli thei ben no goddis; but my puple chaungide hise glorie in to an ydol.
12 Inu mayiko akumwamba, dabwani ndi zimenezi, ndipo njenjemerani ndi mantha aakulu,” akutero Yehova.
Heuenes, be ye astonyed on this thing, and, ye yatis of heuene, be ye desolat greetli, seith the Lord.
13 “Popeza anthu anga achita machimo awiri: Andisiya Ine kasupe wa madzi a moyo, ndi kukadzikumbira zitsime zawo, zitsime zongʼaluka, zomwe sizingathe kusunga madzi.
For whi my puple hath don tweyne yuels; thei han forsake me, the welle of quyke watir, and han diggid to hem cisternes, `that weren distried, that moun not holde watris.
14 Israeli si wantchito kapena kapolo wobadwira mʼnyumba, ayi. Nanga nʼchifukwa chiyani amuwononga chotere?
Whether Israel is a boond man, ether is borun boonde?
15 Adani ake abangulira ndi kumuopseza ngati mikango. Dziko lake analisandutsa bwinja; mizinda yake anayitentha popanda wokhalamo.
Whi therfor is he maad in to prey? Liouns roriden on hym, and yauen her vois; thei han set the londe of hym in to wildernesse, the citees of him ben brent, and noon is that dwellith in tho.
16 Ndiponso Aigupto a ku Mefisi ndi a ku Tapanesi akuphwanyani mitu.
Also the sones of Menfis and of Tafnys han defoulid thee, `til to the cop of the heed.
17 Zimenezitu zakuchitikirani chifukwa munasiya Yehova Mulungu wanu pamene Iye ankakutsogolerani pa njira yanu?
Whether this is not don to thee, for thou forsokist thi Lord God, in that tyme in which he ledde thee bi the weie?
18 Tsopano mudzapindula chiyani mukapita ku Igupto, kukamwa madzi a mu Sihori? Ndipo mudzapindulanji mukapita ku Asiriya, kukamwa madzi a mu mtsinje wa Yufurate?
And now what wolt thou to thee in the weie of Egipt, that thou drynke troblid watir? And what is to thee with the weie of Assiriens, that thou drynke water of the flood?
19 Kuyipa kwanuko kudzakulangani; kubwerera mʼmbuyo kwanuko kudzakutsutsani. Tsono ganizirani bwino, popeza ndi chinthu choyipa kundisiya Ine Yehova Mulungu wanu; ndi chinthu chowawa ndithu kusandiopa Ine Mulungu wanu. Akutero Ambuye Yehova Wamphamvuzonse.
Thi malice schal repreue thee, and thi turnyng awei schal blame thee; wite thou and se, that it is yuel and bittir that thou hast forsake thi Lord God, and that his drede is not at thee, seith the Lord God of oostis.
20 “Kuyambira kalekale inu munathyola goli lanu ndi kudula msinga zanu; munanena kuti, ‘Sitidzakutumikirani!’ Ndithudi, inu mwakhala ngati mkazi wachiwerewere. Mukupembedza milungu ina pa phiri lililonse lalitali ndiponso pansi pa mtengo uliwonse wa masamba ambiri.
Fro the world thou hast broke my yok, thou hast broke my bondis, and seidist, Y schal not serue. For thou hoore didist hordom in ech hiy litil hil, and vndur ech tree ful of bowis.
21 Ine ndinakudzala iwe ngati mtengo wampesa wosankhika; unali mpesa wabwino kwambiri ndi wodalirika. Nanga nʼchifukwa chiyani wasanduka mpesa wachabechabe wonga wa kutchire?
Forsothe Y plauntide thee a chosun vyner, al trewe seed; hou therfor art thou, alien vyner, turned to me in to a schrewid thing?
22 Ngakhale utasamba ndi soda kapena kusambira sopo wambiri, kuthimbirira kwa machimo ako kumaonekabe pamaso panga,” akutero Ambuye Yehova.
Thouy thou waischist thee with fulleris clei, and multypliest to thee the erbe borith, thou art defoulid in thi wickidnesse bifore me, seith the Lord God.
23 “Iwe ukunena bwanji kuti, ‘Ine sindinadziyipitse; sindinatsatire Abaala’? Takumbukira mmene unkandichimwira mʼchigwa muja; zindikira bwino zomwe wachita. Iwe uli ngati ngamira yayikazi yaliwiro yomangothamanga uku ndi uku,
Hou seist thou, Y am not defoulid, Y yede not aftir Baalym? Se thi weies in the greet valei, wite thou what thou hast do; a swifte rennere ordeynynge hise weies.
24 wakhala ngati mbidzi yozolowera mʼchipululu, yonka ninunkhiza pa nthawi yachisika. Ndani angayiretse chilakolako chakecho? Mphongo iliyonse yoyikhumba sidzavutika. Pa nthawi yachisika chakecho mphongoyo idzayipeza.
A wielde asse customable in wildirnesse drow the wynd of his loue in the desire of his soule; no man schal turne awei it. Alle that seken it, schulen not faile; thei schulen fynde it in the flux of vncleene blood therof.
25 Iwe usathamange, nsapato zingakuthere kuphazi ndi kukhosi kwako kuwuma ndi ludzu. Koma unati, ‘Zamkutu! Ine ndimakonda milungu yachilendo, ndipo ndidzayitsatira.’
Forbede thi foot fro nakidnesse, and thi throte fro thirst; and thou seidist, Y dispeiride, Y schal not do; for Y louede brennyngli alien goddis, and Y schal go aftir hem.
26 “Monga momwe mbala imachitira manyazi pamene yagwidwa, moteronso nyumba ya Israeli idzachita manyazi; Aisraeliwo, mafumu ndi akuluakulu awo, ansembe ndi aneneri awo.
As a theef is schent, whanne he is takun, so the hous of Israel ben schent; thei, and kyngis of hem, the princes, and prestis, and the prophetis of hem,
27 Iwo amawuza mtengo kuti, ‘Iwe ndiwe abambo athu,’ ndipo amawuza mwala kuti, ‘Iwe ndiye amene unatibala.’ Iwo andifulatira Ine, ndipo safuna kundiyangʼana; Koma akakhala pa mavuto amati, ‘Bwerani mudzatipulumutse!’
that seien to a tree, Thou art my fadir; and to a stoon, Thou hast gendrid me. Thei turneden to me the bak, and not the face; and in the tyme of her turment thei schulen seie, Ryse thou, and delyuere vs.
28 Nanga ili kuti milungu yanu imene munadzipangira nokha? Ibweretu ngati ingathe kukupulumutsani pamene muli pamavuto! Inu anthu a ku Yuda, milungu yanu ndi yambiri kuchuluka kwake ngati mizinda yanu.
Where ben thi goddis, whiche thou madist to thee? Rise thei, and delyuere thee in the tyme of thi turment; for aftir the noumbre of thi citees weren thi goddis, thou Juda.
29 “Kodi mukundizengeranji mlandu? Nonse mwandiwukira,” akutero Yehova.
What wolen ye stryue with me in doom? Alle ye han forsake me, seith the Lord.
30 “Ine ndinalanga anthu ako popanda phindu; iwo sanaphunzirepo kanthu. Monga mkango wolusa, lupanga lanu lapha aneneri anu.
In veyn Y smoot youre sones, thei resseyueden not chastisyng; youre swerd deuouride youre prophetis, youre generacioun is distried as a lioun.
31 “Inu anthu a mʼbado uno, ganizirani bwino mawu a Yehova: “Kodi Ine ndinakhalapo ngati chipululu kwa Israeli kapena ngati dziko la mdima wandiweyani? Chifukwa chiyani anthu anga akunena kuti, ‘Ife tili ndi ufulu omayendayenda; sitidzabweranso kwa Inu’?
Se ye the word of the Lord, whether Y am maad a wildirnesse to Israel, ether a lond late bryngynge forth fruyt? Whi therfor seide my puple, We han go awei, we schulen no more come to thee?
32 Kodi namwali amayiwala zokongoletsera zake, kapena kuyiwala zovala zake za ukwati? Komatu anthu anga andiyiwala masiku osawerengeka.
Whethir a virgyn schal foryete hir ournement? and a spousesse `schal foryete hir brest girdil? But mi puple hath foryete me bi daies with out noumbre.
33 Mumadziwa bwino njira zopezera zibwenzi! Choncho ngakhale akazi oyipa omwe mumawaphunzitsa njira zanu.
What enforsist thou to schewe thi weie good to seke loue, which ferthermore bothe hast tauyt thi malices thi weies,
34 Ngakhale pa zovala zako anthu amapezapo magazi a anthu osauka osalakwa. Anthuwo simunawapeze akuthyola nyumba. Komabe ngakhale zinthu zili chomwechi,
and the blood of pore men and innocentis is foundun in thi wyngis? Y fond not hem in dichis, but in alle thingis whiche Y remembride bifore.
35 inu mukunena kuti, ‘Ndife osalakwa, sadzatikwiyira.’ Ndidzakuyimbani mlandu chifukwa mukunena kuti, ‘Ife sitinachimwe.’
And thou seidist, Y am with out synne and innocent; and therfor thi stronge veniaunce be turned awei fro me. Lo! Y schal stryue with thee in doom; for thou seidist, Y synnede not.
36 Chifukwa chiyani mukunkabe nimusinthasintha njira zanu? Aigupto adzakukhumudwitsani monga momwe Asiriya anakuchititsani manyazi.
Hou vijl art thou maad, rehersynge thi weies? and thou schalt be schent of Egipt, as thou were schent of Assur.
37 Mudzachokanso kumeneko manja ali kunkhongo. Popeza Ine Yehova ndawakana anthu amene munkawadalira, choncho sadzakuthandizani konse.
For whi and thou schalt go out of this lond, and thin hondis schulen be on thin heed; for whi the Lord hath al to-broke thi trist, and thou schalt haue no thing to prosperite.

< Yeremiya 2 >