< Masalimo 116 >

1 Ndimakonda Yehova pakuti Iyeyo amamva mawu anga; Iye amamva kulira kwanga kopempha chifundo.
Alleluia. I louede `the Lord; for the Lord schal here the vois of my preier.
2 Pakuti ananditchera khutu, ndidzayitana Iye masiku onse a moyo wanga.
For he bowide doun his eere to me; and Y schal inwardli clepe in my daies.
3 Zingwe za imfa zinandizinga, zoopsa za ku dziko la anthu akufa zinandigwera; ndinapeza mavuto ndi chisoni. (Sheol h7585)
The sorewis of deth cumpassiden me; and the perelis of helle founden me. I foond tribulacioun and sorewe; (Sheol h7585)
4 Pamenepo ndinayitana dzina la Yehova: “Inu Yehova, pulumutseni!”
and Y clepide inwardli the name of the Lord. Thou, Lord, delyuere my soule;
5 Yehova ndi wokoma mtima ndi wolungama Mulungu wathu ndi wodzaza ndi chifundo.
the Lord is merciful, and iust; and oure God doith merci.
6 Yehova amateteza munthu wodzichepetsa mtima; pamene ndinali ndi chosowa chachikulu, Iye anandipulumutsa.
And the Lord kepith litle children; Y was mekid, and he delyuerede me.
7 Pumula iwe moyo wanga, pakuti Yehova wakuchitira zokoma.
Mi soule, turne thou in to thi reste; for the Lord hath do wel to thee.
8 Pakuti Inu Yehova mwapulumutsa moyo wanga ku imfa, maso anga ku misozi, mapazi anga kuti angapunthwe,
For he hath delyuered my soule fro deth; myn iyen fro wepingis, my feet fro fallyng doun.
9 kuti ine ndiyende pamaso pa Yehova mʼdziko la anthu amoyo.
I schal plese the Lord; in the cuntrei of hem that lyuen.
10 Ine ndinakhulupirira; choncho ndinati, “Ndasautsidwa kwambiri.”
I bileuede, for which thing Y spak; forsoth Y was maad low ful myche.
11 Ndipo ndili mʼnkhawa yanga ndinati, “Anthu onse ndi abodza.”
I seide in my passing; Ech man is a lier.
12 Ndingamubwezere chiyani Yehova, chifukwa cha zokoma zake zonse zimene wandichitira?
What schal Y yelde to the Lord; for alle thingis which he yeldide to me?
13 Ndidzakweza chikho cha chipulumutso ndipo ndidzayitana dzina la Yehova.
I schal take the cuppe of heelthe; and Y schal inwardli clepe the name of the Lord.
14 Ndidzakwaniritsa malonjezo anga kwa Yehova pamaso pa anthu ake onse.
I schal yelde my vowis to the Lord bifor al his puple;
15 Imfa ya anthu oyera mtima ndi yamtengowapatali pamaso pa Yehova.
the deth of seyntis of the Lord is precious in his siyt.
16 Inu Yehova, zoonadi ndine mtumiki wanu: ndine mtumiki wanu, mwana wa mdzakazi wanu; Inu mwamasula maunyolo anga.
O! Lord, for Y am thi seruant; Y am thi seruaunt, and the sone of thi handmaide. Thou hast broke my bondys,
17 Ndidzapereka nsembe yachiyamiko kwa Inu ndipo ndidzayitanira pa dzina la Yehova.
to thee Y schal offre a sacrifice of heriyng; and Y schal inwardli clepe the name of the Lord.
18 Ndidzakwaniritsa malonjezo anga kwa Yehova pamaso pa anthu ake onse,
I schal yelde my vowis to the Lord, in the siyt of al his puple;
19 mʼmabwalo a nyumba ya Yehova, mʼkati mwako iwe Yerusalemu. Tamandani Yehova.
in the porchis of the hous of the Lord, in the myddil of thee, Jerusalem.

< Masalimo 116 >