< Luka 22 >

1 Misong loih angmathaih poih, tiah kawk ih, taeh thuh ai ih takaw caakhaih poih loe zoi boeh.
And the halidai of therf looues, that is seid pask, neiyede.
2 Kalen koek qaima hoi ca tarik kaminawk mah kaminawk zit o pongah, anih hum thaihaih loklam to pakrong o.
And the princis of preestis and the scribis souyten, hou thei schulden sle Jhesu, but thei dredden the puple.
3 To naah kami hatlai hnetto thungah kathum Iskariot, tiah ahmin kaom Judah ih palung thungah Setan akunh.
And Sathanas entride in to Judas, that was clepid Scarioth, oon of the twelue.
4 Juda loe kalen koek qaima hoi tempul ukkung angraengnawk khaeah caeh moe, nihcae khaeah Jesu angphat taakhaih loklam to a dueng.
And he wente, and spak with the princis of preestis, and with the magistratis, hou he schulde bitray hym to hem.
5 Nihcae loe poeknawm o moe, anih to phoisa paek hanah palungdue o.
And thei ioyeden, and maden couenaunt to yyue hym money.
6 Nihcae khaeah lokkamhaih sak pacoengah, paroeai kaminawk om ai naah, nihcae khaeah Jesu paek thaihaih loklam to pakrong.
And he bihiyte, and he souyte oportunyte, to bitraye hym, with outen puple.
7 Taeh thuh ai ih takaw caakhaih poih phak naah loe, tuucaa to boh han angaih.
But the daies of therf looues camen, in whiche it was neede, that the sacrifice of pask were slayn.
8 To naah anih mah Piter hoi Johan khaeah, Caeh hoih loe, a caak o hanah, misong loih angmathaih poih to sah hoih, tiah a naa.
And he sente Petre and Joon, and seide, Go ye, and make ye redi to vs the pask, that we ete.
9 Nihnik mah anih khaeah, Naa ah maw saksak han na koeh? tiah a dueng hoi.
And thei seiden, Where wolt thou, that we make redi?
10 Anih mah nihnik khaeah, Khenah, vangpui thung na kun hoi naah, tuidok hanah tuidue kasin kami maeto na hnu hoi tih; anih akunhaih im ah caeh hoih.
And he seide to hem, Lo! whanne ye schulen entre in to the citee, a man berynge a vessel of watir schal meete you; sue ye hym in to the hous, in to which he entrith.
11 Im tawnkung khaeah, Patukkung mah, ka hnukbang kaminawk hoi misong loihaih poih sak hanah ahmuen naa ah maw oh? tiah ang duengsak, tiah thui paeh.
And ye schulen seie to the hosebonde man of the hous, The maister seith to thee, Where is a chaumbre, where Y schal ete the pask with my disciplis?
12 To naah anih mah pathoep tangcae, kalen parai im ranui asom to na patuek tih, to ah duembuh caakhaih poih to sah hoih, tiah a naa.
And he schal schewe to you a greet soupyng place strewid, and there make ye redi.
13 Nihnik caeh hoi naah, anih mah thuih ih lok baktih toengah a hnuk hoi: to ah misong loihaih poih to a sak hoi.
And thei yeden, and founden as he seide to hem, and thei maden redi the pask.
14 Atue phak naah anih loe, a hnukbang kaminawk hoi nawnto buhcaak hanah anghnut.
And whanne the our was come, he sat to the mete, and the twelue apostlis with hym.
15 Anih mah nihcae khaeah, Patang ka khang ai naah hae taeh thuh ai ih takaw hae nangcae hoi nawnto caak han ka koeh.
And he seide to hem, With desier Y haue desirid to ete with you this pask, bifor that Y suffre;
16 Kang thuih o, Sithaw prae ah akoephaih om ai karoek to, hae buh hae ka caa mak ai boeh, tiah a naa.
for Y seie to you, that fro this tyme Y schal not ete it, til it be fulfillid in the rewme of God.
17 Anih mah boengloeng to lak moe, oephaih lawk a thuih, Hae hae la oh loe, amzet oh:
And whanne he hadde take the cuppe, he dide gracis, and seide, Take ye, and departe ye among you;
18 kang thuih o, Sithaw mah siangpahrang ah ukhaih prae angzo ai karoek to, misurtui ka nae mak ai boeh, tiah a naa.
for Y seie to you, that Y schal not drynke of the kynde of this vyne, til the rewme of God come.
19 Takaw to a lak, oephaih lawkthuih pacoengah, a aeh moe, nihcae khaeah paek, Hae loe nangcae han paek ih ka takpum ah oh: kai nang panoek o poe hanah hae tiah sah oh, tiah a naa.
And whanne he hadde take breed, he dide thankyngis, and brak, and yaf to hem, and seide, This is my bodi, that schal be youun for you; do ye this thing in mynde of me.
20 To baktih toengah takaw a caak o pacoengah, Boengloeng to a lak moe, Hae boengloeng loe nangcae han kalong, ka thii hoiah sak ih lokkamhaih kangtha ah oh.
He took also the cuppe, aftir that he hadde soupid, and seide, This cuppe is the newe testament in my blood, that schal be sched for you.
21 Toe khenah, kai angphat taak han kami ih ban loe kai hoi nawnto caboi nuiah oh.
Netheles lo! the hoond of hym that bitraieth me, is with me at the table.
22 Kami Capa loe lok khaeh tangcae baktih toengah ni caeh tih: toe anih angphat taak kami loe khosak bing! tiah a naa.
And mannus sone goith, `aftir that it is determyned; netheles wo to that man, bi whom he schal be bitraied.
23 Mi mah maw hae baktih hmuen hae sah tih, tiah maeto hoi maeto ang dueng o.
And thei bigunnen to seke among hem, who it was of hem, that was to do this thing.
24 Mi maw kalen koekah om tih, tiah maeto hoi maeto lok angaekhaih doeh angmacae thungah oh.
And strijf was maad among hem, which of hem schulde be seyn to be grettest.
25 Anih mah nihcae khaeah, Gentel siangpahrangnawk loe kaminawk nuiah ukhaih akaa to tawnh o; kaminawk nuiah akaa tawn kaminawk to khenzawnkung, tiah kawk o.
But he seide to hem, Kyngis of hethen men ben lordis of hem, and thei that han power on hem ben clepid good doeris, but ye not so;
26 Toe nangcae loe to tiah om o hmah: nangcae thung ih kalen koek loe kanawk kue baktiah om nasoe; kalen koek loe toksahkung ah om nasoe.
but he that is grettest among you, be maad as yongere, and he that is bifor goere, as a seruaunt.
27 Buhcaak han anghnu kami maw kalen kue, to tih ai boeh loe buh paek kami? Buhcaak han anghnu kami to len kue na ai maw? Toe kai loe nangcae thungah buh paek kami ah ni ka oh.
For who is gretter, he that sittith at the mete, or he that mynystrith? whether not he that sittith at the mete? And Y am in the myddil of you, as he that mynystrith.
28 Pacuekhaih ka tongh naah, nangcae loe ka taengah om poe kami ah na oh o.
And ye ben, that han dwellid with me in my temptaciouns; and Y dispose to you,
29 Siangpahrang ah Ka ukhaih prae caboi pongah buh na caak o moe, na naek o pacoengah, angraeng tangkhang nuiah anghnut moe, Israel acaeng hatlai hnettonawk lok na caek o thai hanah; Pa mah siangpahrang ah ukhaih prae maeto ang paek baktih toengah, nangcae han doeh ukhaih prae maeto kang paek o.
as my fadir hath disposid to me,
a rewme, that ye ete and drynke on my boord in my rewme, and sitte on trones, and deme the twelue kynredis of Israel.
31 Angraeng mah, Simon, Simon, khenah, Nang loe Setan mah cang paset baktiah paset hanah koeh:
And the Lord seide to Symount, Symount, lo, Satanas hath axid you, that he schulde ridile as whete; but Y haue preyede for thee,
32 toe na tanghaih amtimh han ai ah lawk kang thuih pae: nam laem let naah, nam nawkamyanawk to thapaek ah, tiah a naa.
that thi feith faile not; and thou sum tyme conuertid, conferme thi britheren.
33 Toe anih mah Jesu khaeah, Angraeng, thongkrak moe, duek han om cadoeh, nang hoi nawnto caeh hanah kam sakcoek boeh, tiah a naa.
Which seide to hym, Lord, Y am redi to go in to prisoun and in to deeth with thee.
34 Anih mah, Piter, kang thuih, vaihni aakhong ai naah, kang panoek ai, tiah vai thumto kai nang phat taak tih, tiah a naa.
And he seide, Y seie to thee, Petir, the cok schal not crowe to dai, til thou thries forsake that thou knowist me.
35 Anih mah nihcae khaeah, phoisa bawm, pasah hoi khokpanai sin ai ah kang patoeh o naah, kavawt kami na oh o maw? tiah a naa. To naah nihcae mah, Om ai tiah, a naa o.
And he seide to hem, Whanne Y sente you with outen sachel, and scrippe, and schone, whether ony thing failide to you?
36 Anih mah nihcae khaeah, Toe vaihi loe phoisa bawm tawn kami mah phoisa bawm to sin nasoe, to tiah pasah tawn kami mah doeh, pasah to sin nasoe: sumsen tawn ai kami loe a khukbuen to zaw nasoe loe, qan nasoe.
And thei seiden, No thing. Therfor he seide to hem, But now he that hath a sachel, take also and a scrippe; and he that hath noon, selle his coote, and bigge a swerd.
37 Kang thuih o, Anih loe kazae kaminawk hoi kroek o hmaek, tiah tarik ih lok to ka nuiah akoep han oh: kai kawng tarik ih hmuen loe boeng boeh, tiah a naa.
For Y seie to you, that yit it bihoueth that thing that is writun to be fulfillid in me, And he is arettid with wickid men; for tho thingis that ben of me han ende.
38 A hnukbang kaminawk mah, khenah, Angraeng, haeah sumsen hnetto oh, tiah a naa o. Anih mah nihcae khaeah, Khawt boeh, tiah a naa.
And thei seiden, Lord, lo! twei swerdis here. And he seide to hem, It is ynowy.
39 A caehzong baktih toengah, anih loe Olive mae ah caeh; a hnukbang kaminawk doeh anih hnukah bang o toeng.
And he yede out, and wente aftir the custom in to the hille of Olyues; and the disciplis sueden hym.
40 To ahmuen to a phak o naah, anih mah nihcae khaeah, Pacuekhaih thungah na kun o han ai ah lawkthui oh, tiah a naa.
And whanne he cam to the place, he seide to hem, Preye ye, lest ye entren in to temptacioun.
41 Anih loe thlung hoi vah moe, phak ih ahmuen setto kangthla ah caeh moe, khokkhu cang krawn hoiah lawkthuih,
And he was taken awei fro hem, so myche as is a stonys cast; and he knelide,
42 Pa, na koeh nahaeloe, hae boengloeng hae kai khae hoiah takhoe ving ah: toe ka koehhaih baktih na ai ah, na koehhaih baktiah om nasoe, tiah a naa.
and preyede, and seide, Fadir, if thou wolt, do awei this cuppe fro me; netheles not my wille be don, but thin.
43 To naah van hoiah van kami maeto anih khaeah amtueng pae moe, Anih to thapaek.
And an aungel apperide to hym fro heuene, and coumfortide hym. And he was maad in agonye, and preyede the lenger;
44 Anih loe paroeai kana pauephaih hoiah oh moe, palungthin tang hoi lawk a thuih: to pacoengah anih ih angsatui loe athii baktiah long ah ca.
and his swot was maad as dropis of blood rennynge doun in to the erthe.
45 Lawk a thuih pacoengah angthawk moe, a hnukbang kaminawk khaeah caeh, to naah palungset hoiah ka-iip nihcae to a hnuk,
And whanne he was rysun fro preier, and was comun to hise disciplis, he foond hem slepynge for heuynesse.
46 Anih mah nihcae khaeah, Tikhoe na iih o loe? Angthawk oh loe, lawkthui oh, to tih ai nahaeloe pacuekhaih thungah na kun o moeng tih, tiah a naa.
And he seide to hem, What slepen ye? Rise ye, and preye ye, that ye entre not in to temptacioun.
47 Lawk a thuih li naah, khenah, paroeai kaminawk angzoh o, kami hatlai hnetto thungah Judah, tiah kawk ih kami loe nihcae hma ah caeh moe, Jesu to mok hanah a taengah anghnaih.
Yit while he spak, lo! a company, and he that was clepid Judas, oon of the twelue, wente bifor hem; and he cam to Jhesu, to kisse hym.
48 Toe Jesu mah anih khaeah, Judah, mokhaih hoiah maw Kami Capa to nang phat taak? tiah a naa.
And Jhesus seide to hym, Judas, `with a coss `thou bytrayest `mannys sone.
49 A taengah kaom kaminawk mah hnuk o naah, anih khaeah, Angraeng, sumsen hoi takroek o si maw? tiah a naa o.
And thei that weren aboute hym, and sayn that that was to come, seiden to hym, Lord, whether we smyten with swerd?
50 Nihcae thung ih maeto mah kalen koek qaima tamna ih, bantang naa to takroek pae pat.
And oon of hem smoot the seruaunt of the prince of preestis, and kittide of his riyt eere.
51 Jesu mah, Khawt boeh, tiah a naa. Anih mah to kami ih naa to sui pae moe, anih to ngan a tuisak.
But Jhesus answerde, and seide, Suffre ye til hidir. And whanne he hadde touchid his eere, he heelide hym.
52 To pacoengah Jesu mah anih khaeah angzo kalen koek qaima, tempul khenzawnkung angraengnawk hoi kacoehtanawk khaeah, Kamqu naeh han ih baktiah maw, sumsen hoi thingboeng hoiah nang zoh o?
And Jhesus seide to hem, that camen to hym, the princis of preestis, and maiestratis of the temple, and eldre men, As to a theef ye han gon out with swerdis and staues?
53 Ni thokkruek nangcae hoi nawnto tempul thungah ka oh naah loe nang naeh o ai bae: toe hae loe khoving thacakhaih hoi nangcae ih atue roe boeh ni, tiah a naa.
Whanne Y was ech dai with you in the temple, ye streiyten not out hondis in to me; but this is youre our, and the power of derknessis.
54 Anih to naeh o moe, kalen koek qaima im ah caeh o haih. Toe Piter loe kangthla hoiah patom.
And thei token him, and ledden to the hous of the prince of prestis; and Petir suede hym afer.
55 Nihcae loe impui thungah nawnto anghnut o moe, hmai angawt o; to naah Piter doeh nihcae salakah anghnut toeng.
And whanne a fier was kyndelid in the myddil of the greet hous, and thei saten aboute, Petir was in the myddil of hem.
56 Anih hmai kungah anghnut naah, tamna nongpata maeto mah Piter to hnuk, mikhmai ah khet moe, Hae kami doeh Anih hoi nawnto kaom kami ni, tiah a naa.
Whom whanne a damysel hadde seyn sittynge `at the liyt, and hadde biholdun hym, sche seide, And this was with hym.
57 Toe Piter mah Anih to angphat taak, Nongpata, Anih to ka panoek ai, tiah a naa.
And he denyede hym, and seide, Womman, Y knowe hym not.
58 Nawnetta oh pacoengah kalah maeto mah anih to hnuk, Nang doeh nihcae thung ih kami maeto ah ni na oh toeng, tiah a naa. Piter mah, Kai loe nihcae thung ih kami na ai ni, tiah a naa.
And aftir a litil another man siy hym, and seide, And thou art of hem. But Petir seide, A! man, Y am not.
59 Atue maeto akra pacoengah, kalah kami maeto bae mah, Tangtang ni hae kami doeh Anih hoi nawnto kaom kami ah oh: anih loe Kalili kami ni, tiah a naa.
And whanne a space was maad as of on our, another affermyd, and seide, Treuli this was with hym; for also he is of Galilee.
60 Piter mah, Na thuih ih lok to ka panoek ai, tiah a naa. Akra ai, anih lok thuih li naah, aakhong roep.
And Petir seide, Man, Y noot what thou seist. And anoon yit while he spak, the cok crewe.
61 Angraeng loe angqoi moe, Piter to khet. Angraeng mah anih khaeah, Aakhong ai naah, vai thumto kai nang phat taak tih, tiah thuih ih lok to Piter mah poek.
And the Lord turnede ayen, and bihelde Petre; and Petre hadde mynde on the word of Jhesu, as he hadde seid, For bifor that the cok crowe, thries thou schalt denye me.
62 To pongah Piter loe tasa bangah caeh moe, palungnat loiah qah.
And Petre yede out, and wepte bittirli.
63 Jesu naeh kaminawk mah, Anih to pahnui o thuih moe, boh o.
And the men that helden hym scorneden hym, and smyten hym.
64 A mik to zaeng pae o khoep moe, mikhmai ah thong o, Nang bop kami loe mi maw? Thui ah, tiah a naa o.
And thei blynfelden hym, and smyten his face, and axiden hym, and seiden, Arede, thou Crist, to vs, who is he that smoot thee?
65 Kalah loknawk hoiah doeh Anih kasae to thuih o.
Also thei blasfemynge seiden ayens hym many other thingis.
66 Khodai naah loe, rangpui kacoehtanawk, kalen koek qaima hoi ca tarik kaminawk nawnto amkhueng o, lokcaek kaminawk hma ah anih to hoih o,
And as the day was come, the eldre men of the puple, and the princis of prestis, and the scribis camen togidir, and ledden hym in to her councel,
67 nang loe Kri maw, na thui ah, tiah a naa o. Anih mah nihcae khaeah, Kang thuih o cadoeh, na tang o mak ai:
and seiden, If thou art Crist, seie to vs.
68 lok kang dueng o cadoeh, nang pathim o thai mak ai, kai doeh nang prawt o mak ai.
And he seide to hem, If Y seie to you, ye schulen not bileue to me; and if Y axe, ye schulen not answere to me, nethir ye schulen delyuere me.
69 Vaihi hoi kamtong Kami Capa loe thacak Sithaw bantang bangah anghnu tih boeh, tiah a naa.
But aftir this tyme mannys sone schal be sittynge on the riyt half of the vertu of God.
70 To naah nihcae boih mah, To tih nahaeloe nang loe Sithaw Capa ah maw na oh? tiah a naa o. Anih mah nihcae khaeah, Kai loe na thuih o ih baktih toengah ka oh, tiah a naa.
Therfor alle seiden, Thanne art thou the sone of God? And he seide, Ye seien that Y am.
71 To naah nihcae mah, Aicae han tih kalah hnukung maw angai vop? Angmah ih pakha hoi tacawt lok to a thaih o boih boeh hae loe, tiah a thuih o.
And thei seiden, What yit desiren we witnessyng? for we vs silf han herd of his mouth.

< Luka 22 >