< Jeremiah 50 >

1 Tonghma Jeremiah kut dongah BOEIPA loh Babylon ham neh Khalden khohmuen ham ol a thui.
The word that Jehovah hath spoken concerning Babylon, concerning the land of the Chaldeans, by the hand of Jeremiah the prophet:
2 Namtom taengah puen lamtah yaak sak laeh. Rholik te thoh uh lamtah na yaak sak te phah boeh. “Babylon te a loh vetih Bel khaw yak ni, Marduk te rhihyawp vetih a muei a rhoi vaengah a mueirhol te yawk ni.
'Declare ye among nations, and sound, And lift up an ensign, sound, do not hide, Say ye: Captured hath been Babylon, Put to shame hath been Bel, Broken hath been Merodach, Put to shame have been her grievous things, Broken have been her idols.
3 Tlangpuei lamkah namtom loh anih te a paan vetih a khohmuen te imsuep la a khueh ni. A khuiah khosa ham hlang om pawt vetih rhamsa ni rhaehba ham a pongpa eh.
For come up against her hath a nation from the north, It maketh her land become a desolation, And there is not an inhabitant in it. From man even unto beast, They have moved, they have gone.
4 BOEIPA kah olphong khohnin kah a tue vaengah tah amih Israel ca rhoek neh Judah ca he tun pongpa ham ha pawk uh ni. Te vaengah a rhah neh pongpa uh vetih BOEIPA a Pathen te a toem uh ni.
In those days, and at that time, An affirmation of Jehovah, Come in do sons of Israel, They and sons of Judah together, Going on and weeping they go, And Jehovah their God they seek.
5 A maelhmai a hooi uh vetih Zion longpuei te a dawt uh ni. Ha pawk uh vaengah BOEIPA taengla naep uh vetih kumhal kah paipi te hnilh mahpawh.
[To] Zion they ask the way, Thitherward [are] their faces: Come in, and we are joined unto Jehovah, A covenant age-during — not forgotten.
6 Ka pilnam he boiva aka milh bangla om rhoe om coeng. Amih aka dawn loh amih te kho a hmang sak tih tlang ah hnukcol la a mael sak. Tlang lamloh som la luei uh tih a kolhmuen te a hnilh uh.
A perishing flock hath My people been, Their shepherds have caused them to err, [To] the mountains causing them to go back, From mountain unto hill they have gone, They have forgotten their crouching-place.
7 Amih te aka hmu sarhui loh a ngaeh uh ni. A rhal rhoek loh, “Duengnah tolkhoeng BOEIPA neh a napa rhoek kah ngaiuepnah BOEIPA taengah a tholh uh dongah m'boe uh moenih,” a ti uh.
All finding them have devoured them, And their adversaries have said: We are not guilty, Because that they sinned against Jehovah, The habitation of righteousness, And the hope of their fathers — Jehovah.
8 Babylon lakli lamloh rhaehba lamtah Khalden khohmuen lamloh coe rhoe coe uh laeh. Boiva kah mikhmuh ah kikong bangla om uh.
Move ye from the midst of Babylon, And from the land of the Chaldeans go out. And be as he-goats before a flock.
9 Tlangpuei khohmuen lamloh namtom pilnu hlangping te ka haeng tih Babylon taengla ka thak coeng he. Anih te rhong a pai thil vetih a thaltang khaw pahoi a rhawt pah ni. Hlangrhalh tah cakol bangla kuttling la mael mahpawh.
For, lo, I am stirring up, And am causing to come up against Babylon, An assembly of great nations from a land of the north, And they have set in array against her, From thence she is captured, Its arrow — as a skilful hero — returneth not empty,
10 Khalden khaw anih aka buem boeih kah kutbuem la om vetih cung uh ni. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni.
And Chaldea hath been for a spoil, All her spoilers are satisfied, An affirmation of Jehovah.
11 Na kohoe la hoe uh tih kai kah rho aka tukvat uh loh na sundaep la na sundaep uh. Cang aka til vaito bangla na pet na pet uh tih na hlampan khaw vaito lueng bangla na hlampan uh.
Because thou rejoicest, because thou exultest, O spoilers of Mine inheritance, Because thou increasest as a heifer [at] the tender grass, And dost cry aloud as bulls,
12 Na nu te yak vetih nang aka cun khaw namtom thaihdong, rhamrhae neh kolken kah khosoek ah tlal ngam ni.
Ashamed hath been your mother greatly, Confounded hath she been that bare you, Lo, the hindermost of nations [is] a wilderness, A dry land, and a desert.
13 BOEIPA kah a thinhul ah khosa uh pawt vetih a pum la khopong la poeh ni. Babylon kah aka cet boeih tah pong vetih a hmasoe cungkuem ah hlip ni.
Because of the wrath of Jehovah it is not inhabited, And it hath been a desolation — all of it. Every passer by at Babylon is astonished, And doth hiss because of all her plagues.
14 Lii aka pom boeih Babylon kaepvai ah rhongpai uh lamtah anih te omtoem uh laeh. BOEIPA taengah a tholh dongah thaltang te hnaih uh boeh.
Set yourselves in array against Babylon round about, All ye treading a bow, Shoot at her, have no pity on the arrow, For against Jehovah she hath sinned.
15 Anih te a kaepvai ah yuhui thil uh. A kut kha tih a yung yung ah cungku coeng. BOEIPA kah tawnlohnah dongah khaw a vongtung khaw koengloeng uh coeng. Anih sokah phu a loh bangla a taengah saii rhoe saii pah.
Shout against her round about, She hath given forth her hand, Fallen have her foundations, Thrown down have been her walls, For it [is] the vengeance of Jehovah, Be avenged of her, as she did — do ye to her.
16 Babylon lamkah lo aka tawn neh cangah tue ah vinkui aka pom te saii laeh. Aka vuelvaek kah cunghang hman ah hlang he amah pilnam taengla mael saeh lamtah hlang he amah khohmuen la rhaelrham saeh.
Cut off the sower from Babylon, And him handling the sickle in the time of harvest, Because of the oppressing sword, Each unto his people — they turn, And each to his land — they flee.
17 Israel khaw sathueng kah a yaal tu bangla a heh coeng. Lamhma ah Assyria manghai loh a yoop tih a hmailong he Babylon manghai Nebukhanezar loh a khat pah.
A scattered sheep is Israel, lions have driven away, At first, devour him did the king of Asshur, And now, at last, broken his bone Hath Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon.
18 Te dongah Israel Pathen caempuei BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. Assyria manghai taengah ka cawh bangla Babylon manghai neh a khohmuen te ka cawh coeng ne.
Therefore thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel: Lo, I am seeing after the king of Babylon, And after his land, As I have seen after the king of Asshur;
19 Tedae Israel te amah tolkhoeng la ka mael vetih Karmel neh Bashan ah, Ephriam tlang neh Gilead ah khaw a hinglu te kodam la luem ni.
And I have brought back Israel unto his habitation, And he hath fed on Carmel, and on Bashan. And in mount Ephraim, and on Gilead is his soul satisfied.
20 Te khohnin neh BOEIPA kah olphong tue ah Israel kathaesainah te tlap cakhaw om mahpawh. Judah tholhnah te khaw hmu uh mahpawh. Ka hlun rhoek te khodawk ka ngai ni.
In those days, and at that time, An affirmation of Jehovah, Sought is the iniquity of Israel, and it is not, And the sin of Judah, and it is not found, For I am propitious to those whom I leave!
21 Merathaim khohmuen amah te paan uh. Pekod khosa rhoek te khap uh lamtah amih hnukkah te thup uh. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni. Te dongah nang kang uen te a cungkuem la saii uh.
Against the land of Merathaim: Go up against it, and unto the inhabitants of Pekod, Waste and devote their posterity, An affirmation of Jehovah, And do according to all that I have commanded thee.
22 Khohmuen kah caemtloek ol neh pocinah tanglue aih te.
A noise of battle [is] in the land, and of great destruction.
23 Diklai pum kah kilung tah tlawt tih paep coeng. Balae tih Babylon he namtom lakli ah imsuep la a poeh.
How hath it been cut and broken, The hammer of the whole earth! How hath Babylon been for a desolation among nations!
24 Babylon aw na ming pawt vaengah nang kan hlaeh tih na man van coeng. BOEIPA te na huek dongah ni m'hmuh tih n'tuuk van.
I have laid a snare for thee, And also — thou art captured, O Babylon, And thou — thou hast known, Thou hast been found, and also art caught, For against Jehovah thou hast stirred thyself up.
25 BOEIPA loh a thakvoh te a ong tih Khalden khohmuen ah caempuei Yahovah Boeipa kah bitat ham a kosi hnopai te a poh coeng.
Jehovah hath opened His treasury, And He bringeth out the weapons of His indignation, For a work [is] to the Lord Jehovah of Hosts, In the land of the Chaldeans.
26 Khobawt lamloh anih te paan laeh. A cangboh te ong lamtah, a canghlom bangla tul pah. Amah te thup uh lamtah a taengah a meet khaw om boel saeh.
Come ye in to her from the extremity, Open ye her storehouses, Raise her up as heaps, and devote her, Let her have no remnant.
27 A vaito khaw boeih kaeh pah uh lamtah maeh la suntla uh saeh. Anunae amih aih te, amih a ngodoelh tue kah a khohnin ha pai coeng.
Slay all her kine, they go down to slaughter, Woe [is] on them, for come hath their day, The time of their inspection.
28 Babylon khohmuen lamkah rhaelrham neh hlangyong rhoek ol loh Mamih BOEIPA Pathen kah tawnlohnah neh a bawkim kah tawnlohnah ni Zion ah a doek eh.
A voice of fugitives and escaped ones [Is] from the land of Babylon, To declare in Zion the vengeance of Jehovah our God, The vengeance of His temple.
29 Lithen Babylon la yaak sakuh. Lii aka kap boeih loh a kaepvai ah rhaeh uh. A khuikah te rhalyong la om boel saeh. A khoboe bangla amah te thuung uh. Israel kah a cim BOEIPA taengah a lokhak dongah a saii boeih te a taengah saii uh.
Summon unto Babylon archers, all treading the bow, Encamp against her round about, Let [her] have no escape; Recompense to her according to her work, According to all that she did — do to her, For unto Jehovah she hath been proud, Unto the Holy One of Israel.
30 Te dongah a tongpang rhoek te a toltung ah cungku uh ni. Te khohnin ah anih kah caemtloek hlang boeih khaw kuemsuem uh ni. He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni.
Therefore fall do her young men in her broad places, And all her men of war are cut off in that day, An affirmation of Jehovah.
31 He tah caempuei Yahovah ka Boeipa kah olphong ni. Nang taengah ka altha he khaw, nang kan cawh tue kah, na khohnin ha pawk coeng dongah ni.
Lo, I [am] against thee, O pride, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah of Hosts, For thy day hath come, the time of thy inspection.
32 Althanah te paloe vetih cungku ni. Anih aka thoh te om mahpawh. A khopuei ah hmai ka hlup vetih a kaepvai boeih a hlawp ni.
And stumbled hath pride, And he hath fallen, and hath no raiser up, And I have kindled a fire in his cities, And it hath devoured all round about him.
33 Caempuei BOEIPA loh he ni a thui. Israel ca neh Judah ca te rhenten a hnaemtaek uh. Amih aka sol boeih loh amih te a parhaeng uh tih amih hlah ham a aal uh.
Thus said Jehovah of Hosts: Oppressed are the sons of Israel, And the sons of Judah together, And all their captors have kept hold on them, They have refused to send them away.
34 Amih aka tlan tah tlungluen tih a ming khaw caempuei Yahweh ni. Amih kah tuituknah te a oelh rhoe a oelh pah ni. Te daengah ni khohmuen te a hoep vetih Babylon khosa rhoek te a tlai sak eh.
Their Redeemer [is] strong, Jehovah of Hosts [is] His name, He doth thoroughly plead their cause, So as to cause the land to rest, And He hath given trouble to the inhabitants of Babylon.
35 BOEIPA olphong bangla cunghang te Khalden taeng neh Babylon khosa rhoek taengah, a mangpa rhoek taeng neh a hlangcueih rhoek taengah ka tueih ni.
A sword [is] for the Chaldeans, An affirmation of Jehovah, And it [is] on the inhabitants of Babylon, And on her heads, and on her wise men;
36 cunghang te olsai taengah ka tueih vetih nga uh ni. cunghang te a hlangrhalh rhoek taengah ka tueih vetih rhihyawp uh ni.
A sword [is] on the princes, And they have become foolish; A sword [is] on her mighty ones, And they have been broken down;
37 Cunghang te a marhang taeng neh a leng taengah, a khui kah namcom boeih taengah ka tueih vetih huta bangla om uh ni. Cunghang tea thakvoh taengah ka tueih vetih a poelyoe uh ni.
A sword [is] on his horses and on his chariot, And on all the rabble who [are] in her midst, And they have become women; A sword [is] on her treasuries, And they have been spoiled;
38 Te mueidaep khohmuen neh mueirhih dongah a yan uh te a tui sokah kholing loh a rhae bitni.
A sword [is] on her waters, and they have been dried up, For it [is] a land of graven images, And in idols they do boast themselves.
39 Te dongah kohong sa-ui neh kho a sak uh vetih a khuiah tuirhuk vanu loh kho a sak ni. Te vaengah a yoeyah la khosa voel pawt vetih cadilcahma phoeikah cadilcahma duela khosa mahpawh.
Therefore dwell do Ziim with Iim, Yea, dwelt in her have daughters of the ostrich, And it is not inhabited any more for ever, Nor dwelt in unto all generations.
40 He tah BOEIPA kah olphong ni. Pathen loh Sodom neh Gomorrah neh a imben rhoek imrhong- la a khueh bangla hlang loh khosa pawt vetih a khuiah hlang capa loh bakuep mahpawh.
As overthrown by God with Sodom, And with Gomorrah, and with its neighbours, An affirmation of Jehovah, none doth dwell there, Nor sojourn in her doth a son of man.
41 Tlangpuei lamkah pilnam ha pawk coeng ke. Te vaengah diklai khobawt lamkah namtom pilnu neh maghai boeiping rhoek khaw haenghang uh.
Lo, a people hath come from the north, Even a great nation, And many kings are stirred up from the sides of the earth.
42 Amih muenying muenyang loh lii neh soe a pom uh tih haidam uh pawh. A ol te tuipuei bangla kawk. Te phoeiah Babylon nu nang taengkah caemtloek ham te marhang dongah ngol uh tih hlang bangla rhong a pai.
Bow and halbert they seize, Cruel [are] they, and they have no mercy, Their voice as a sea soundeth, and on horses they ride, Set in array as a man for battle, Against thee, O daughter of Babylon.
43 Amih kah olthang te Babylon manghai loh a yaak vaengah a kut khaw tahah coeng. Citcai loh anih te ca-om bangla bungtloh neh a kolek.
Heard hath the king of Babylon their report, And feeble have been his hands, Distress hath seized him; pain as a travailing woman.
44 Sathueng bangla Jordan kah mingthennah lamloh tangkuek tolkhoeng la cet. Amih te ka hoep vetih te lamloh ka yong rhoe ka yong sak ni. Anih aka coelh te khaw ka cawh ta. Kamah bangla unim aka om tih unim kai aka tuentah? He he unim aka dawn tih ka mikhmuh ah unim aka pai thai?
Lo, as a lion he cometh up, Because of the rising of the Jordan, Unto the enduring habitation, But I cause to rest, I cause them to run from off her. And who is chosen? on her I lay a charge, For who [is] like Me? And who doth convene Me? And who [is] this shepherd who standeth before Me?
45 Te dongah Babylon ham a uen BOEIPA kah cilsuep neh Khalden khohmuen ham a kopoek a moeh te hnatun uh. Boiva ca rhoek te a sol kuekluek pawt vetih a tolkhoeng ah pong kuekluek mahpawt nim?
Therefore, hear ye the counsel of Jehovah, That He counselled concerning Babylon, And His devices that He hath devised Concerning the land of the Chaldeans; Drag them out do not little ones of the flock, Doth He not make desolate over them the habitation?
46 Babylon a tuuk ol dongah diklai tuen vetih a pang te namtom lakli ah a yaak ni.
From the voice: Captured was Babylon, Hath the earth been shaken, And a cry among nations hath been heard!

< Jeremiah 50 >