< 以賽亞書 52 >

1 熙雍起來,起來,披上你的威能!耶路撒冷聖城!穿上你華麗的衣服,因為未受割損和不潔的人,再不得進入你內。
Rise thou, Sion, rise thou, be thou clothid in thi strengthe; Jerusalem, the citee of the hooli, be thou clothid in the clothis of thi glorie; for a man vncircumcidid and a man vncleene schal no more leie to, that he passe by thee.
2 被擄的耶路撒冷!抖下灰塵,起來罷!被俘的熙雍女子!解下你頸項上的鎖鍊罷!
Jerusalem, be thou schakun out of dust; rise thou, sitte thou; thou douyter of Sion, prisoner, vnbynde the boondis of thi necke.
3 因為上主這樣說:「你們是無代價被出賣的,也無需用金錢贖回。」
For the Lord seith these thingis, Ye ben seeld without cause, and ye schulen be ayenbouyt with out siluer.
4 吾主上主這樣說:「我的百姓昔日曾下到埃及,僑居在那裏,而後亞述又無故地虐待了她;
For the Lord God seith these thingis, Mi puple in the bigynnyng yede doun in to Egipt, that it schulde be there `an erthe tiliere, and Assur falsli calengide it with out ony cause.
5 如今我還在這裏作什麼﹖上主的斷語。我的百姓已無故地被擄去,治理他的人又自誇自大--上主的斷語--我的名又天天不斷地受褻瀆;
And now what is to me here? seith the Lord; for my puple is takun awei with out cause; the lordis therof doen wickidli, seith the Lord, and my name is blasfemyd contynueli al dai.
6 為此我的百姓必要認得我的名,到那一天他們必明白:那說「看!我在這裏!」的那一位就是我。」
For this thing my puple schal knowe my name in that day, for lo! Y my silf that spak, am present.
7 那傳佈喜訊,宣佈和平,傳報佳音,宣佈救恩,給熙雍說「你的天主為王了!」的腳步,在山上是多麼美麗啊!
Ful faire ben the feet of hym that tellith, and prechith pees on hillis, of hym that tellith good, of hym that prechith helthe, and seith, Sion, thi God schal regne.
8 請聽,你的守望者都提高了喉嚨一起歡呼,因為他們親眼看見上主返回了熙雍。
The vois of thi biholderis; thei reisiden the vois, thei schulen herie togidere; for thei schulen se with iye to iye, whanne the Lord hath conuertid Sion.
9 耶路撒冷的廢墟啊!你們要興高采烈,一起歡呼,因為上主安慰了自己的百姓,救贖了耶路撒冷。
The forsakun thingis of Jerusalem, make ye ioie, and herie ye togidere; for the Lord hath coumfortid his puple, he hath ayenbouyt Jerusalem.
10 上主在萬民眼前顯露了自己的聖臂,大地四極看見了我們天主的救恩。
The Lord hath maad redi his hooli arm in the iyen of alle folkis, and alle the endis of the erthe schulen se the helthe of oure God.
11 離開!離開!從那裏出來罷!不要觸摸不潔之物!你們攜帶上主器皿的人,從巴比倫中間出來,聖潔自己罷!
Go ye awei, go ye awei, go ye out fro thennus; nyle ye touche defoulid thing, go ye out fro the myddis therof; be ye clensid, that beren the vessels of the Lord.
12 你們出走,不必慌張,更不必奔逃而去,因為上主要走在你們前面,以色列的天主將作你們的後盾。
For ye schulen not go out in noyse, nether ye schulen haaste in fleynge awei; for whi the Lord schal go bifore you, and the God of Israel schal gadere you togidere.
13 請看,我的僕人必要成功,必要受尊榮,必要被舉揚,且極受崇奉。
Lo! my seruaunt schal vndirstonde, and he schal be enhaunsid, and he schal be reisid, and he schal be ful hiy.
14 就如許多人對他不勝驚愕,因為他的容貌損傷得已不像人,他的形狀已不像人子,
As many men wondriden on hym, so his biholdyng schal be with out glorie among men, and the fourme of hym among the sones of men.
15 同樣,眾民族也都要對他不勝驚異,眾君王在他面前都要閉口,因為他們看見了從未向他們講述過的事,聽見了從未聽說過的事。
He schal bisprenge many folkis; kyngis schulen holde togidere her mouth on him; for thei schulen se, to whiche it was not teld of hym, and thei that herden not, bihelden.

< 以賽亞書 52 >