< 约伯记 32 >

1 于是这三个人,因约伯自以为义就不再回答他。
So these three men ceased to answer Job, because he was righteous in his own eyes.
2 那时有布西人兰族巴拉迦的儿子以利户向约伯发怒;因约伯自以为义,不以 神为义。
Then the wrath of Elihu the son of Barakel, the Buzite, of the family of Ram, was kindled against Job. His wrath was kindled because he justified himself rather than God.
3 他又向约伯的三个朋友发怒;因为他们想不出回答的话来,仍以约伯为有罪。
Also his wrath was kindled against his three friends, because they had found no answer, and yet had condemned Job.
4 以利户要与约伯说话,就等候他们,因为他们比自己年老。
Now Elihu had waited to speak to Job, because they were elder than he.
5 以利户见这三个人口中无话回答,就怒气发作。
When Elihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of these three men, his wrath was kindled.
6 布西人巴拉迦的儿子以利户回答说: 我年轻,你们老迈; 因此我退让,不敢向你们陈说我的意见。
Elihu the son of Barakel the Buzite answered, "I am young, and you are very old; Therefore I held back, and did not dare show you my opinion.
7 我说,年老的当先说话; 寿高的当以智慧教训人。
I said, 'Days should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom.'
8 但在人里面有灵; 全能者的气使人有聪明。
But there is a spirit in man, and the breath of Shaddai gives them understanding.
9 尊贵的不都有智慧; 寿高的不都能明白公平。
It is not the great who are wise, nor the aged who understand justice.
10 因此我说:你们要听我言; 我也要陈说我的意见。
Therefore I said, 'Listen to me; I also will show my opinion.'
11 你们查究所要说的话; 那时我等候你们的话, 侧耳听你们的辩论,
"Look, I waited for your words, and I listened for your reasoning, while you searched out what to say.
12 留心听你们; 谁知你们中间无一人折服约伯, 驳倒他的话。
Yes, I gave you my full attention, but there was no one who convinced Job, or who answered his words, among you.
13 你们切不可说:我们寻得智慧; 神能胜他,人却不能。
Beware lest you say, 'We have found wisdom, God may refute him, not man;'
14 约伯没有向我争辩; 我也不用你们的话回答他。
for he has not directed his words against me; neither will I answer him with your speeches.
15 他们惊奇不再回答, 一言不发。
"They are amazed. They answer no more. They do not have a word to say.
16 我岂因他们不说话, 站住不再回答,仍旧等候呢?
Shall I wait, because they do not speak, because they stand still, and answer no more?
17 我也要回答我的一分话, 陈说我的意见。
I also will answer my part, and I also will show my opinion.
18 因为我的言语满怀; 我里面的灵激动我。
For I am full of words. The spirit within me constrains me.
19 我的胸怀如盛酒之囊没有出气之缝, 又如新皮袋快要破裂。
Look, my breast is as wine which has no vent; like new wineskins it is ready to burst.
20 我要说话,使我舒畅; 我要开口回答。
I will speak, that I may be refreshed. I will open my lips and answer.
21 我必不看人的情面, 也不奉承人。
Please do not let me respect any man's person, neither will I give flattering titles to any man.
22 我不晓得奉承; 若奉承,造我的主必快快除灭我。
For I do not know how to give flattering titles; or else my Maker would soon take me away.

< 约伯记 32 >