< 诗篇 83 >

1 亚萨的诗歌。 神啊,求你不要静默! 神啊,求你不要闭口,也不要不作声!
A song, or Psalme committed to Asaph. Keep not thou silence, O God: bee not still, and cease not, O God.
2 因为你的仇敌喧嚷, 恨你的抬起头来。
For lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee, haue lifted vp the head.
3 他们同谋奸诈要害你的百姓, 彼此商议要害你所隐藏的人。
They haue taken craftie counsell against thy people, and haue consulted against thy secret ones.
4 他们说:来吧,我们将他们剪灭, 使他们不再成国! 使以色列的名不再被人记念!
They haue said, Come and let vs cut them off from being a nation: and let the name of Israel be no more in remembrance.
5 他们同心商议, 彼此结盟,要抵挡你,
For they haue consulted together in heart, and haue made a league against thee:
6 就是住帐棚的以东人和以实玛利人, 摩押和夏甲人,
The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites, Moab and the Agarims:
7 迦巴勒、亚扪, 和亚玛力、非利士并泰尔的居民。
Gebal and Ammon, and Amalech, the Philistims with the inhabitants of Tyrus:
8 亚述也与他们连合; 他们作罗得子孙的帮手。 (细拉)
Asshur also is ioyned with them: they haue bene an arme to the children of Lot. (Selah)
9 求你待他们,如待米甸, 如在基顺河待西西拉和耶宾一样。
Doe thou to them as vnto the Midianites: as to Sisera and as to Iabin at the riuer of Kishon.
10 他们在隐·多珥灭亡, 成了地上的粪土。
They perished at En-dor, and were dung for the earth.
11 求你叫他们的首领像俄立和西伊伯, 叫他们的王子都像西巴和撒慕拿。
Make them, euen their princes like Oreb and like Zeeb: yea, all their princes like Zebah and like Zalmuna.
12 他们说:我们要得 神的住处, 作为自己的产业。
Which haue said, Let vs take for our possession the habitations of God.
13 我的 神啊,求你叫他们像旋风的尘土, 像风前的碎秸。
O my God, make them like vnto a wheele, and as the stubble before the winde.
14 火怎样焚烧树林, 火焰怎样烧着山岭,
As the fire burneth the forest, and as the flame setteth the mountaines on fire:
15 求你也照样用狂风追赶他们, 用暴雨恐吓他们。
So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraide with thy storme.
16 愿你使他们满面羞耻, 好叫他们寻求你—耶和华的名!
Fill their faces with shame, that they may seeke thy Name, O Lord.
17 愿他们永远羞愧惊惶! 愿他们惭愧灭亡!
Let them be confounded and troubled for euer: yea, let them be put to shame and perish,
18 使他们知道:惟独你— 名为耶和华的—是全地以上的至高者!
That they may knowe that thou, which art called Iehouah, art alone, euen the most High ouer all the earth.

< 诗篇 83 >