< 以西結書 5 >

1 「人子啊,你要拿一把快刀,當作剃頭刀,用這刀剃你的頭髮和你的鬍鬚,用天平將鬚髮平分。
and you(m. s.) son: child man to take: take to/for you sword sharp razor [the] barber to take: take her to/for you and to pass upon head your and upon beard your and to take: take to/for you balance weight and to divide them
2 圍困城的日子滿了,你要將三分之一在城中用火焚燒,將三分之一在城的四圍用刀砍碎,將三分之一任風吹散;我也要拔刀追趕。
third in/on/with flame to burn: burn in/on/with midst [the] city like/as to fill day [the] siege and to take: take [obj] [the] third to smite in/on/with sword around her and [the] third to scatter to/for spirit: breath and sword to empty after them
3 你要從其中取幾根包在衣襟裏,
and to take: take from there little in/on/with number and to confine [obj] them in/on/with wing your
4 再從這幾根中取些扔在火中焚燒,從裏面必有火出來燒入以色列全家。
and from them still to take: take and to throw [obj] them to(wards) midst [the] fire and to burn [obj] them in/on/with fire from him to come out: issue fire to(wards) all house: household Israel
5 主耶和華如此說:這就是耶路撒冷。我曾將她安置在列邦之中;列國都在她的四圍。
thus to say Lord YHWH/God this Jerusalem in/on/with midst [the] nation to set: make her and around her land: country/planet
6 她行惡,違背我的典章,過於列國;干犯我的律例,過於四圍的列邦,因為她棄掉我的典章。至於我的律例,她並沒有遵行。
and to rebel [obj] justice: judgement my to/for wickedness from [the] nation and [obj] statute my from [the] land: country/planet which around her for in/on/with justice: judgement my to reject and statute my not to go: walk in/on/with them
7 所以主耶和華如此說:因為你們紛爭過於四圍的列國,也不遵行我的律例,不謹守我的典章,並以遵從四圍列國的惡規尚不滿意,
to/for so thus to say Lord YHWH/God because be turbulent your from [the] nation which around you in/on/with statute my not to go: walk and [obj] justice: judgement my not to make: do and like/as justice: judgement [the] nation which around you not to make: do
8 所以主耶和華如此說:看哪,我與你反對,必在列國的眼前,在你中間,施行審判;
to/for so thus to say Lord YHWH/God look! I upon you also I and to make: do in/on/with midst your justice: judgement to/for eye: seeing [the] nation
9 並且因你一切可憎的事,我要在你中間行我所未曾行的,以後我也不再照着行。
and to make: do in/on/with you [obj] which not to make: do and [obj] which not to make: do like him still because all abomination your
10 在你中間父親要吃兒子,兒子要吃父親。我必向你施行審判,我必將你所剩下的分散四方。」
to/for so father to eat son: child in/on/with midst your and son: child to eat father their and to make: do in/on/with you judgment and to scatter [obj] all remnant your to/for all spirit: breath
11 主耶和華說:「我指着我的永生起誓,因你用一切可憎的物、可厭的事玷污了我的聖所,故此,我定要使你人數減少,我眼必不顧惜你,也不可憐你。
to/for so alive I utterance Lord YHWH/God if: surely yes not because [obj] sanctuary my to defile in/on/with all abomination your and in/on/with all abomination your and also I to dimish and not to pity eye my and also I not to spare
12 你的民三分之一必遭瘟疫而死,在你中間必因饑荒消滅;三分之一必在你四圍倒在刀下;我必將三分之一分散四方,並要拔刀追趕他們。
third your in/on/with pestilence to die and in/on/with famine to end: destroy in/on/with midst your and [the] third in/on/with sword to fall: kill around you and [the] third to/for all spirit: breath to scatter and sword to empty after them
13 「我要這樣成就怒中所定的;我向他們發的忿怒止息了,自己就得着安慰。我在他們身上成就怒中所定的那時,他們就知道我-耶和華所說的是出於熱心;
and to end: expend face: anger my and to rest rage my in/on/with them and to be sorry: comfort and to know for I LORD to speak: speak in/on/with jealousy my in/on/with to end: expend I rage my in/on/with them
14 並且我必使你在四圍的列國中,在經過的眾人眼前,成了荒涼和羞辱。
and to give: make you to/for desolation and to/for reproach in/on/with nation which around you to/for eye: seeing all to pass
15 這樣,我必以怒氣和忿怒,並烈怒的責備,向你施行審判。那時,你就在四圍的列國中成為羞辱、譏刺、警戒、驚駭。這是我-耶和華說的。
and to be reproach and taunt discipline and devastation to/for nation which around you in/on/with to make: do I in/on/with you judgment in/on/with face: anger and in/on/with rage and in/on/with argument rage I LORD to speak: speak
16 那時,我要將滅人、使人饑荒的惡箭,就是射去滅人的,射在你們身上,並要加增你們的饑荒,斷絕你們所倚靠的糧食;
in/on/with to send: depart I [obj] arrow [the] famine [the] bad: harmful in/on/with them which to be to/for destruction which to send: depart [obj] them to/for to ruin you and famine to add upon you and to break to/for you tribe: supply food: bread
17 又要使饑荒和惡獸到你那裏,叫你喪子,瘟疫和流血的事也必盛行在你那裏;我也要使刀劍臨到你。這是我-耶和華說的。」
and to send: depart upon you famine and living thing bad: harmful and be bereaved you and pestilence and blood to pass in/on/with you and sword to come (in): bring upon you I LORD to speak: speak

< 以西結書 5 >