< Jeremias 48 >

1 Om Moab. Så siger Hærskares Herre, Israels Gud. Ve over Nebo, thi det er lagt øde, blevet til Skamme; indtaget er Kirjatajim, med Skam er Borgen brudt ned.
This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says about Moab: Disaster is coming to the town of Nebo, because it will be destroyed. The town of Kiriathaim will be captured and humiliated; the fortress will be torn down and its people shamed.
2 Der er ingen Lægedom mer for Moab, intet Fryderåb i Hesjbon; de oplægger onde Råd imod det: "Kom, lad os udrydde det af Folkenes Tal!" Også du, Madmen, skal omkomme, Sværdet skal forfølge dig.
No one praises Moab anymore. People in Heshbon are plotting, “We will destroy Moab as a nation. People of the town of Madmen, we will silence you too—you will be attacked by swords and chased down.”
3 Hør Skriget fra Horonajim, frygteligt Brag og Sammenbrud!
Listen to the cries from Horonaim: “Violence and terrible destruction!”
4 Moab er brudt sammen; lad Skriget lyde til Zoar.
Moab will be smashed. Hear the little ones crying for help.
5 Ak, grædende stiger de op ad Luhits Skråning; ak, på Vejen til Horonajim hører de Jammerskrig.
People weep as they go up to Luhith; and as they come down to Horonaim their sad cries at the destruction echo around.
6 Fly, red eders Liv, og I skal blive som en Enebærbusk i Ørkenen.
Run away! Save yourselves! Be like a scrawny tamarisk tree in the desert!
7 Ja, fordi du stolede på dine Borge og Skatte, skal også du fanges. Kemosj skal vandre i Landflygtighed, hans, Præster og Fyrster til Hobe.
It's because you put your confidence in what you do and what you own that you too will be captured. Your god Chemosh will be taken into exile along with his priests and leaders.
8 Hærværksmænd skal komme over hver By, ingen By skal reddes; Dalen skal ødelægges og Højsletten hærges, som HERREN har sagt.
The invaders will attack every town; not a single one will escape destruction. The valley will be ruined, and the plain will be destroyed, for the Lord has spoken.
9 Giv Moab Vinger, at det kan flyve bort; dets Byer skal blive en Ørken, så ingen bor der.
Put up gravestones in Moab, because the country will become a wasteland. Its towns will be turned into ruins where no one lives.
10 Forbandet være den, der er lad til at gøre HERRENs Værk, forbandet den, som holder sit Sværd fra Blod.
A curse on those who don't do the Lord's work properly. A curse on those who don't use their swords to kill.
11 Moab var tryg fra sin Ungdom, lå roligt på sin Bærme; det hældtes ikke fra Fad til Fad og vandrede ikke i Landflygtighed; derfor holdt det sin Smag, og dets Duft tabte sig ikke.
The people of Moab have been living comfortably since the country was founded. They're like wine that hasn't been disturbed, not poured from one container to another. So the taste and fragrance remains the same. They haven't experienced exile.
12 Se, derfor skal Dage komme, lyder det fra HERREN, da jeg sender Vintappere, som skal tappe det og tømme dets Fade og knuse dets Dunke.
But watch out, the time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will send them “winemakers” who will pour them out like wine. They will empty out the Moabites, and smash them like jars.
13 Da skal Moab få Skam af Kemosj, som Israels Hus havde Skam af Betel, som de stolede på.
Then the Moabites will feel let down by Chemosh, just as the people of Israel felt let down when they trusted in the golden calf idol at Bethel.
14 Hvor kan I sige: "Helte er vi og djærve Folk til Krig?"
How on earth can you Moabites say, “We're heroes, strong men ready to fight in battle”?
15 Moab skal hærges med sine Byer og dets ypperste Ynglinge stige ned til at slagtes, lyder det fra Kongen, hvis Navn er Hærskarers HERRE.
Moab is going to be destroyed and its towns conquered. Its finest young men will be killed, declares the King, whose name is the Lord Almighty.
16 Moabs Undergang er nær, dets Ulykke kommer såre hastigt.
Moab's doom is about to happen; destruction is rushing down on them.
17 Ynk det, alle dets Naboer og alle, som kender dets Navn; sig: Hvor knækkedes dog den stærke Stav, det herlige Spir!
Mourn for them, all you surrounding nations, everyone who knows them! Let others know how the great scepter has been smashed, the rod that once proudly ruled!
18 Stig ned fra Æressædet, sæt dig i Skarnet, du, som bor der, Dibons Datter! Thi han, der hærger Moab, drager op imod dig, nedbryder dine Fæstninger.
Come down from your glory and sit on the dusty ground, you who live in Dibon, for Moab's destroyer will come and attack you, destroying your fortresses.
19 Stå hen på Vejen og se dig om, du, som bor i Aroer, spørg Flygtningene og de undslupne Kvinder, sig: "Hvad er der sket?"
Stand at the roadside and watch, you who live in Aroer. Ask the men and women who are running away to escape, “What's happened?”
20 Moab er blevet til Skamme, ja knust. Jamrer og skrig, meld ved Arnon, at Moab er hærget,
Moab has been humiliated because it has been defeated. Weep and wail! Shout out beside the River Arnon that Moab has been destroyed!
21 at Dommen er kommet over Højslettelandet, over Holon, Jaza, Mefaat,
Punishment has arrived on the towns of the high plain—on Holon, Jahzah, and Mephaath,
22 Dibon, Nebo, Bet-Diblatajim,
on Dibon, Nebo, and Beth-diblathaim,
23 Kirjatajim, Bet-Gamul, Bet Meon,
on Kiriathaim, Beth-gamul, and Beth-meon,
24 Kerijot, Bozra og alle Byer i Moabs Land fjernt og nær.
on Kerioth, Bozrah, and on all the towns of Moab, whether far away or nearby.
25 Afhugget er Moabs Horn, og dets Arm er brudt, lyder det fra HERREN.
Moab's strength is gone; their power has been broken, declares the Lord.
26 Gør det drukkent! Thi det hovmodede sig mod HERREN; og Moab skal falde omkuld i sit eget Spy, også det skal blive til Latter.
Make the people of Moab drunk, because they defied the Lord. Then they will roll around in their own vomit, as people laugh at them.
27 Var ikke Israel til Latter for dig? Blev det måske grebet blandt Tyve, siden du bliver så ivrig, hver Gang du taler derom?
Didn't you Moabites used to ridicule the Israelites? But they weren't ever found to be thieves, were they? Yet whenever you talk about them, you shake your heads in contempt.
28 Kom fra Byerne og fæst Bo på Klippen, Moabs Indbyggere, vær som Duen, der bygger Rede hist ved Afgrundens Rand.
You people living in Moab, run from your towns, go and live among the rocks. Be like a dove nesting on the cliffs at the entrance to a ravine.
29 Vi har hørt om Moabs Hovmod, det såre store, dets Stolthed. Overmod og Hovmod, dets opblæste Hjerte.
We know all about how pompous Moabites are, how extremely proud and conceited they are, arrogantly thinking so highly of themselves.
30 Jeg kender, lyder det fra HERREN, dets Frækhed, dets tomme Snak, dets tomme Gerninger.
I'm well aware of how disrespectful they are, declares the Lord, but it doesn't matter. They make empty boasts, and what they do is just as empty.
31 Derfor må jeg jamre over Moab, skrige over hele Moab, over Mændene i Kir-Heres må jeg sukke.
So I will weep for Moab; I will cry out for all the Moabites; I will mourn for the people of Kir-heres.
32 Jazers Gråd græder jeg over dig, Sibmas Vinstok; dine Skud overskred Havet, nåede til Jazer; på din Frugt og din Høst slog Hærværksmanden ned.
will weep for you, people of the town of Sibmah with its vineyards, more than I weep for the town of Jazer. Your vines have spread to the sea, and all the way to Jazer. But the destroyer has stolen your harvest of summer fruit and grapes.
33 Glæde og Jubel er svundet fra Frugthaven og Moabs Land. Jeg lader Vinen svinde fra Persekarrene, ingen træder Vin.
There's no more celebration and happiness in Moab's orchards and fields. I have stopped the grape juice flowing from the winepresses. No one shouts for joy as they tread out the grapes. No, their shouts now are not because of joy!
34 Hesjbon og Elale skriger, det høres til Jahaz; Horonajim og Eglat-Sjelisjija skriger; ak, Nimrims Vande bliver Ødemarker.
Cries for help reach from Heshbon to Elealeh and all the way to Jahaz. They're shouting out from Zoar to Horonaim and Eglath-shelishiyah, for even the water in the Nimrim Brook has dried up.
35 Jeg udrydder af Moab den, der stiger op på Offerhøjen og tænder Offerild for dets Guder, lyder det fra HERREN.
I'm going to finish off those in Moab who sacrifice on the pagan high places and burn incense to their gods, declares the Lord.
36 Derfor klager mit Hjerte som Fløjter over Moab, og mit Hjerte klager som Fløjter over Kir-Heres's Mænd. Godset, de vandt, går derfor til Spilde.
So I mourn inside like a flute playing a sad song for Moab; like a flute playing a funeral tune for the people of Kir-heres, because they've lost everything of value that they worked for.
37 Thi hvert Hoved er skaldet, hvert Skæg revet af; i alle Hænder er der Rifter, over alle Lænder Sæk.
As signs of their mourning, every head is shaved, every beard is trimmed, every hand has a gash, and every waist is wearing sackcloth.
38 Alt er Klage på alle Moabs Tage og Torve; thi jeg sønderbryder Moab som et usselt Kar, lyder det fra HERREN.
Everyone is mourning on all the flat roofs and streets of Moab, because I have smashed the country like a jar nobody wants, declares the Lord.
39 Hvor er Moab forfærdet! Hvor vender det Ryg med Skam! Ja, Moab er blevet til Latter og Rædsel for alle sine Naboer.
Moab is completely shattered! Listen to them cry! See how the Moabites turn away in shame! All the surrounding nations are horrified at what's happened to the country, and ridicule its people.
40 Thi så siger HERREN: Se, som en Ørn med udbredte Vinger svæver han over Moab.
This is what the Lord says: Watch as an enemy like an eagle swoops down, spreading its wings as it attacks Moab.
41 Kerijot er taget og Borgene faldet. Moabs Heltes Hjerte bliver på hin Dag som en nødstedt Kvindes Hjerte.
Kirioth has been conquered, and the fortresses captured. At that time Moab's warriors will be as scared as a woman in labor.
42 Moab er ødelagt og ikke mer et Folk, fordi det hovmodede sig mod HERREN.
Moab will cease to exist as a nation because they defied the Lord.
43 Gru og Grav og Garn kommer over dig, du, som bor i Moab, lyder det fra HERREN;
You people living in Moab, what's waiting for you are terror, traps, and snares, declares the Lord.
44 den, der flygter for Gru, falder i Grav, den, der når op af Grav, fanges i Garn. Thi jeg bringer over Moab deres Hjemsøgelses År, lyder det fra HERREN.
You will run away in terror and fall into a trap, and when you climb out of the trap, you'll be caught in a snare. I will do this to the Moabites at the time when they're punished, declares the Lord.
45 I Ly af Hesjbon står Flygtninge uden Kraft. Thi Ild farer ud fra Hesjbon, Ildsluefra Sihons Stad; den fortærer Moabs Tinding og de larmende Mænds isse.
Those who run away will be left defenseless in Heshbon where they went for protection, because fire blazes out from Heshbon, a fire from where Sihon once reigned. It burns up the whole country of Moab and its defiant people.
46 Ve dig, Moab, det er ude med dig, Kemosjs Folk. Thi dine Sønner slæbes i Fangenskab, dine Døtre ligeså.
What a disaster has come to you Moabites! The people of Chemosh have been wiped out. Your sons and daughters have been taken prisoner and have gone into exile.
47 Menjeg vender Moabs Skæbne i de sidste Dage, lyder det fra HERREN. Så vidt Moabs Dom.
But even so, later on, I will bring the people of Moab back from exile, declares the Lord. This is the end of the description of the judgment on Moab.

< Jeremias 48 >