< Mark 13 >

1 As he went out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, “Teacher, see what kind of stones and what kind of buildings!”
Izi maqidaseppe kezishin iza kalizaytappe issay astemare haysi kethaynne kethay kexetida shuchay ay mala lo7izakkone hayssa beyay? gidees.
2 Jesus said to him, “Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone on another, which will not be thrown down.”
Yeusayakka zaridi “hayta giitta kethata xelay? shucahti issay issa bolla diza mala detena, wurikka lalistana” gidees.
3 As he sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter, James, John, and Andrew asked him privately,
Yeususay maqidaseza ginara Dabirazayte zumma bolla utidishin Phixirosay, Yaqobey, Yanisaynne Indirasay xalla izakko shiqidi
4 “Tell us, when will these things be? What is the sign that these things are all about to be fulfilled?”
“Haysi ayde hananakkone nus yot. Haysi wursethan polistanas malatay aze? gi oychida.
5 Jesus, answering, began to tell them, “Be careful that no one leads you astray.
Yesusaykka istas hizgidees “Oonikka intena balethonta mala nagetite.
6 For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he!’ and will lead many astray.
Buro daroti (Ta Kirstosa) gishe ta sunthan yana, darotakka balethana.
7 “When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be troubled. For those must happen, but the end is not yet.
Inte olanne olla wore siyiza wode dagamopitte. Hessi hananaysi attena. wursethi gidikko burona.
8 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places. There will be famines and troubles. These things are the beginning of birth pains.
Derey dere bolla kawoy kawo bolla dendana, daroson bitta qathinne qoshay hanana, heyti wuri mixas leeso malla.
9 “But watch yourselves, for they will deliver you up to councils. You will be beaten in synagogues. You will stand before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony to them.
Inte intes nagetite. Buro intena dere dulatan athi immana. Isti intena Ayhudata wossa kethan garafana. Inte ta markata gidana mala ta gish dere dananata sinthaninne kawota sinthan eeqana.
10 The Good News must first be preached to all the nations.
Kyoyrotidi mishiracho qalay dere wursos sabakistana beses.
11 When they lead you away and deliver you up, do not be anxious beforehand or premeditate what you will say, but say whatever will be given you in that hour. For it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.
Inte oyketidi pirdas shiqiza wode hino he sateyin intes immetizaro hasa7ite atin bidi nu ay gino gidi kaseti hirgopitte. Hasa7anay Xiillo Ayanappe atin intena gideketta.
12 “Brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child. Children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death.
Ishay isha aaway ba na hayqos athi immana. Nayti bena yelidayta bolla makal7ananne wodhana.
13 You will be hated by all men for my name’s sake, but he who endures to the end will be saved.
Ta gedon inte asa wurson ixetidayta gidana. Wurseth gakanas mini eeqidadey gidikko atana.”
14 “But when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not” (let the reader understand), “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains,
Inte, dhaysana tunatethi izas besontason eeqidashe beykko nababizadey wozinan wotho, Yudan dizayti pude zumma bolla gangeto.
15 and let him who is on the housetop not go down, nor enter in, to take anything out of his house.
Ketha karen dizadey so gelofo ba miish kesana gidi kethe geloppo.
16 Let him who is in the field not return back to take his cloak.
Goshason dizadey ba mayo ekanas guye simoppo.
17 But woe to those who are with child and to those who nurse babies in those days!
He galasatan qanthera diza macashatasine na dhanthizaytas aye ana!
18 Pray that your flight will not be in the winter.
Hessikka balgon gidonta mala Xoossu wositte.
19 For in those days there will be oppression, such as there has not been the like from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and never will be.
Koyro Xoossi medhetetha wursi medhosoppe ha7i gakanas woykko hayssappe guye izara lemusotizay baynda gitta metoy hanana.
20 Unless the Lord had shortened the days, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the chosen ones, whom he picked out, he shortened the days.
Goday he galasata qanthotakkao oonikka atena shin bess doretidayta gish he galasata qanthides.
21 Then if anyone tells you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or, ‘Look, there!’ do not believe it.
He wode oonikka hekko kirstosay hayssan dees, gikko woykko hekko hen dees gikko amanopitte.
22 For false christs and false prophets will arise and will show signs and wonders, that they may lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones.
Wordo kirstosatinne wordo nabeti buro dendidi malatatane kasse hani eeronta palamish oothon istas danda7etikko haray ato shin doretidaytakka balethana.
23 But you watch. “Behold, I have told you all things beforehand.
Hessa gish nagetite, he wodey gakonta dishin haara hayssa ubbaa ta intes yotadis.
24 But in those days, after that oppression, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light,
He wode he metozappe kalidi awa arshey dhummana aginaykka po7uku.
25 the stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken.
Xoolinteti saloppe qoqofistana, salon diza wolaqamati qaaxana.
26 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.
He wode asa nay gitta wolqarane bonchora salo sharara yishin asay iza beyana.
27 Then he will send out his angels, and will gather together his chosen ones from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the sky.
Izikka kiitanchata yedidi oydu bagafe/mizaneppe/ biitta gaxappe salo gaxa gakanas diza bess doretidayta shishana.
28 “Now from the fig tree, learn this parable. When the branch has now become tender and produces its leaves, you know that the summer is near;
Lumusoza balase miththafe tamaritte. Unquloy cililiza wode haythe kesishin bonney matidaysa inte ereista.
29 even so you also, when you see these things coming to pass, know that it is near, at the doors.
Hesathokka hayti ta gidayti poletishin inte beykko wodey mati yidi penge gakidayssa erite.
30 Most certainly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things happen.
Ta intes tumu gays ha yoti polistana gakanas haysi ha yeletay adhena.
31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.
Saloynne haysi biittay adhana shin ta qalay gidikko adhena.
32 “But of that day or that hour no one knows—not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Qasse he glasay gish woykko he satey gish ta aawappe atin salo kitanchata gidinkka naza gidnkka onikka erena.
33 Watch, keep alert, and pray; for you do not know when the time is.
Hessa gish wodey aydekkone inte eronta gish nagetite, minitene wositte.
34 “It is like a man traveling to another country, having left his house and given authority to his servants, and to each one his work, and also commanded the doorkeeper to keep watch.
Haysikka ba keth ashikaratas agidi; ashskarata issa issa iza iza ootho oythidi penge nagizaysi begidi nagana mala azazidi bida asa milates.
35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the lord of the house is coming—whether at evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning;
Histikko ketha aaway wode yanakone woykko qama gidi gidoth yanakone woykko kutoy wasishin yanakone woykko wonta bolla sosey zo7ishin yanakko inte erontagish begidi nagitte.
36 lest, coming suddenly, he might find you sleeping.
Izi yishin inte qopponta zin7idashe izi intena demofo.
37 What I tell you, I tell all: Watch!”
Ta intes yotizaysa asa wursos yotays, minidi nagite) gays.”

< Mark 13 >