< Ecclesiastes 5 >

1 Put your feet down with care when you go to the house of God, for it is better to give ear than to make the burned offerings of the foolish, whose knowledge is only of doing evil.
Èuvaj nogu svoju kad ideš u dom Božji, i pristupi da slušaš; to je bolje nego što bezumni daju žrtve, jer ne znaju da zlo èine.
2 Be not unwise with your mouth, and let not your heart be quick to say anything before God, because God is in heaven and you are on the earth — so let not the number of your words be great.
Nemoj nagliti ustima svojim, i srce tvoje da ne bude brzo izgovoriti što pred Bogom, jer je Bog na nebu a ti si na zemlji, zato neka bude malo rijeèi tvojih.
3 As a dream comes from much business, so the voice of a foolish man comes with words in great number.
Jer san dolazi od mnogoga posla, a glas bezumnikov od mnogih rijeèi.
4 When you take an oath before God, put it quickly into effect, because he has no pleasure in the foolish; keep the oath you have taken.
Kad uèiniš zavjet Bogu, ne oklijevaj ispuniti ga, jer mu nijesu mili bezumnici; što god zavjetuješ, ispuni.
5 It is better not to take an oath than to take an oath and not keep it.
Bolje je da ne zavjetuješ negoli da zavjetuješ pa ne ispuniš.
6 Let not your mouth make your flesh do evil. And say not before the angel, It was an error. So that God may not be angry with your words and put an end to the work of your hands.
Ne daj ustima svojima da na grijeh navode tijelo tvoje, i ne govori pred anðelom da je bilo nehotice. Zašto bi se gnjevio Bog na rijeèi tvoje i potro djelo ruku tvojih?
7 Because much talk comes from dreams and things of no purpose. But let the fear of God be in you.
Jer kao što u mnoštvu sanova ima taštine, tako i u mnogim rijeèima; nego boj se Boga.
8 If you see the poor under a cruel yoke, and law and right being violently overturned in a country, be not surprised, because one authority is keeping watch on another and there are higher than they.
Ako vidiš gdje se èini nepravda siromahu i otima sud i pravda u zemlji, ne èudi se tome, jer viši pazi na visokoga, i ima još viših nad njima.
9 It is good generally for a country where the land is worked to have a king.
Ali je zemlja korisnija od svega; i car njivi služi.
10 He who has a love for silver never has enough silver, or he who has love for wealth, enough profit. This again is to no purpose.
Ko ljubi novce, neæe se nasititi novaca; i ko ljubi bogatstvo, neæe imati koristi od njega. I to je taština.
11 When goods are increased, the number of those who take of them is increased; and what profit has the owner but to see them?
Gdje je mnogo dobra, mnogo je i onijeh koji ga jedu; pa kaka je korist od toga gospodaru? osim što gleda svojim oèima.
12 The sleep of a working man is sweet, if he has little food or much; but to him who is full, sleep will not come.
Sladak je san onome koji radi, jeo malo ili mnogo; a sitost bogatome ne da spavati.
13 There is a great evil which I have seen under the sun — wealth kept by the owner to be his downfall.
Ima ljuto zlo koje vidjeh pod suncem: bogatstvo koje se èuva na zlo onome èije je.
14 And I saw the destruction of his wealth by an evil chance; and when he became the father of a son he had nothing in his hand.
Jer tako bogatstvo propadne zlom nezgodom, te sinu kojega je rodio ne ostane ništa u ruku.
15 As he came from his mother at birth, so does he go again; he gets from his work no reward which he may take away in his hand.
Kao što je izašao iz utrobe matere svoje nag, tako opet odlazi kako je došao; i ništa ne uzima od truda svojega da ponese u ruci svojoj.
16 And this again is a great evil, that in all points as he came so will he go; and what profit has he in working for the wind?
I to je ljuto zlo što odlazi kako je došao; i kaka mu je korist što se trudio u vjetar,
17 All his days are in the dark, and he has much sorrow, pain, disease, and trouble.
I svega vijeka svojega jeo u mraku, i mnogo se brinuo i žalostio i ljutio?
18 This is what I have seen: it is good and fair for a man to take meat and drink and to have joy in all his work under the sun, all the days of his life which God has given him; that is his reward.
Eto, to vidjeh da je dobro i lijepo èovjeku da jede i pije i uživa dobro od svega truda svojega kojim se trudi pod nebom za života svojega, koji mu Bog da, jer mu je to dio.
19 Every man to whom God has given money and wealth and the power to have pleasure in it and to do his part and have joy in his work: this is given by God.
I kad kome Bog da bogatstvo i blago, i da mu da uživa i uzima svoj dio i da se veseli s truda svojega, to je dar Božji.
20 He will not give much thought to the days of his life; because God lets him be taken up with the joy of his heart.
Jer se neæe mnogo opominjati dana života svojega, jer mu Bog daje da mu je srce veselo.

< Ecclesiastes 5 >