< Psalms 56 >

1 To the chief music-maker; put to Jonath elem rehokim. Of David. Michtam. When the Philistines took him in Gath. Have mercy on me, O God, for man is attempting my destruction; every day he makes cruel attacks against me.
(Til sangmesteren. Al-jonat-elem-rehokim. Af David. En miktam, da filisterne greb ham i Gat.) Vær mig nådig Gud, thi Mennesker vil mig til livs, jeg trænges stadig af Stridsmænd;
2 My haters are ever ready to put an end to me; great numbers are lifting themselves up against me.
mine Fjender vil mig stadig til Livs, thi mange strider bittert imod mig!
3 In the time of my fear, I will have faith in you.
Når jeg gribes af Frygt, vil jeg stole på dig,
4 In God will I give praise to his word; in God have I put my hope; I will have no fear of what flesh may do to me.
og med Guds Hjælp skal jeg prise hans Ord. Jeg stoler på Gud, jeg frygter ikke, hvad kan Kød vel gøre mig?
5 Every day they make wrong use of my words; all their thoughts are against me for evil.
De oplægger stadig Råd imod mig, alle deres Tanker går ud på ondt.
6 They come together, they are waiting in secret places, they take note of my steps, they are waiting for my soul.
De flokker sig sammen, ligger på Lur, jeg har dem lige i Hælene, de står mig jo efter Livet.
7 By evil-doing they will not get free from punishment. In wrath, O God, let the peoples be made low.
Gengæld du dem det onde, stød Folkene ned i Vrede, o Gud!
8 You have seen my wanderings; put the drops from my eyes into your bottle; are they not in your record?
Selv har du talt mine Suk, i din Lædersæk har du gemt mine Tårer; de står jo i din Bog.
9 When I send up my cry to you, my haters will be turned back; I am certain of this, for God is with me.
Da skal Fjenderne vige, den Dag jeg kalder; så meget ved jeg, at Gud er med mig.
10 In God will I give praise to his word; in the Lord will I give praise to his word.
Med Guds Hjælp skal jeg prise hans Ord, med HERRENs Hjælp skal jeg prise hans Ord.
11 In God have I put my hope, I will have no fear of what man may do to me.
Jeg stoler på Gud, jeg frygter ikke, hvad kan et Menneske gøre mig?
12 I keep the memory of my debt to you, O God; I will give you the offerings of praise.
Jeg har Løfter til dig at indfri, o Gud, med Takofre vil jeg betale dig.
13 Because you have taken my soul from the power of death; and kept my feet from falling, so that I may be walking before God in the light of life.
Thi fra Døden frier du min Sjæl, ja min Fod fra Fald, at jeg kan vandre for Guds Åsyn i Livets Lys.

< Psalms 56 >