< Numbers 16 >

1 And Core the son of Isaar the son of Caath the son of Levi, and Dathan and Abiron, sons of Eliab, and Aun the son of Phaleth the son of Ruben, spoke;
Kora'a Iza nemofokino Kohati negeho, Livae naga nofipinti neki Datani'ene Abiramukea Eliabu nemofokegi Pereti nemofo Oni Rubeni nagapinti neki hu'za eri mago hu'za antahintahia retro hu'naze.
2 and rose up before Moses, and two hundred and fifty men of the sons of Israel, chiefs of the assembly, chosen councillors, and men of renown.
Hagi ana venenemo'za 250'a Israeli kva vahe'mo'zane eri mago hu'za Mosesena hararente'naze.
3 They rose up against Moses and Aaron, and said, Let it be enough for you that all the congregation [are] holy, and the Lord [is] amongst them; and why do you set up yourselves against the congregation of the Lord?
Hagi ana vahe'mo'za emeri atru hu'za Mosesene Aronikiznia keha'reznante'za anage hu'naze, Tanagrakera ugagota vahera omani'na'e. Hagi miko vahe'mo'za ruotage hu'naze. Hu'neankino Ra Anumzamo'a tagrane mani'ne. Tanagra hago havifi tavreta vu'na'e.
4 And when Moses heard it, he fell on his face.
Mosese'ma ananke nentahino'a avugosaregati mopafi umase'ne.
5 And he spoke to Core and all his assembly, saying, God has visited and known those that are his and who are holy, and has brought them to himself; and whom he has chosen for himself, he has brought to himself.
Anantera Korane mika agri'enema emehagerafi'naza naga'mokizmia Mosese'a zamasamino, Oki nanterana Ra Anumzamo'a iza Agri nagara mani'neno, ruotagera hu'nefi tamaveri hanigeta keta antahita hugahaze. Hagi Ra Anumzamo'ma huhampri zamantesimo'za Agri tavaonte ruotage'ma hu'nefina urava'o hugahaze.
6 This do you: take to yourselves censers, Core and all his company;
Koraga, kagrane kagri kamagema nentaza vahe'enena Mananentake paura kremna nevaza taferora retro hiho.
7 and put fire on them, and put incense on them before the Lord to-morrow; and it shall come to pass that the man whom the Lord has chosen, he shall be holy: let it be enough for you, you sons of Levi.
Hagi okina tevea hugreta mnanentake'zana Ra Anumzamofo avuga krenkeno, Ra Anumzamo'ma huhampri zamante'nea vahe'mo'za, ruotage hu'za agru hugahazanki, tamagra Livae nagamota havi avu'avara huta havifi vu'naze!
8 And Moses said to Core, Listen to me, you sons of Levi.
Mosese'a Korankura anage hu'ne, Livae naga nofira antahiho,
9 Is it a little thing for you, that the God of Israel has separated you from the congregation of Israel, and brought you near to himself to minister in the services of the tabernacle of the Lord, and to stand before the tabernacle to minister for them?
Israeli vahe Anumzamo'ma Israeli naga nofipinti tamagrira refako huno huhampriramantegeta, Ra Anumzamofo Seli mono nompima eri'zama'a enerita, Israeli vahe zamavugama eri'zama eneri'za zamo'a knarera huoramanteneo?
10 And he has brought you near and all your brethren the sons of Levi with you, and do you seek to be priests also?
Koragane maka kafuhe'za Livae nagamota Israeli vahepinti'ma tamazeri ruotage huno'ma Agra'a tavaonte'ma tamavrente'nea zankura ontahita, tamagra nahigeta pristi eri'zanena erinakura nehaze?
11 Thus [it is with] you and all your congregation which is gathered together against God: and who is Aaron, that you murmur against him?
E'ina hu'negu kagrane kamage'ma ante'naza naga'enena eritru'ma hazana Ra Anumzamofo ha'renentaze. Hianagi Aroni'a iza mani'negeta kehakerea hunentaze?
12 And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abiron sons of Eliab; and they said, We will not go up.
Anante Mosese'a Eliabu nemofokizni Datanine Abiramunena e'ogu ke hianagi zanagra omegahu'e nehuke,
13 Is it a little thing that you have brought us up to a land flowing with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, [and] that you altogether rule over us?
tumerimo'ene amirimo'ma avimate'nea mopafinti'ma tavrefegi atrenka e'nanana, ka'ma kopi frisunegu anara hu'nano? Hagi kagra ranti mani'nenka, kva hurante'za nehano?
14 You are a prince, and have you brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey, and have you given us an inheritance of land and vineyards? would you have put out the eyes of those men? we will not go up.
Hagi kagra tamage hunka tumerine amirimo'ma avimate'nea mopafina tavrenka omenka, erisantihare'saza zane hunka mopane waini hozanena huorante'nane. Kagra ama vahera rezamatga hu'za nehampi? I'o, tagra kagranena omegahune.
15 And Moses was exceeding indignant, and said to the Lord, Do you take no heed to their sacrifice: I have not taken away the desire of any one of them, neither have I hurt any one of them.
Anage'ma hazageno'a Mosesena tusi'a asivazigeno amanage huno Ra Anumzamofona asmi'ne, Ofama hanazana antahi ozamio. Hagi magore hu'na donki afura zamagripintira e'ori'noe. Nagra mago vahera havizana huozmante'noe.
16 And Moses said to Core, Sanctify your company, and be ready before the Lord, you and Aaron and they, to-morrow.
Anante Mosese'a Korana anage huno asami'ne, kagri'ma kavaririza naga'ene, Aroni'enena okina Ra Anumzamofo avuga eme atru hiho. Kagrane maka ana vahe'ene Aroni'enana eme atru hiho.
17 And take each man his censer, and you shall put incense upon them, and shall bring each one his censer before the Lord, two hundred and fifty censers, and you and Aaron shall bring each his censer.
Hagi mago magomota mananentake paurane erineta anampina mnanentake'za insensia eri havia huta erita Ra Anumzamofo avuga eho. Hagi mika 250'a mananentake paura kre manavu taferotamia erineta Aroni'enena magoka Ra Anumzamofo avuga erita egahaze.
18 And each man took his censer, and they put on them fire, and laid incense on them; and Moses and Aaron stood by the doors of the tabernacle of witness.
Anage'ma hutege'za nanterana mago mago'mo'a mananentake paura kre mnavuza taferopi teve taginte'za paura kre mna vu'za, eri'za seli mono nompima ufre kafante Mosese'ene Aroni'ene oti'za mani'naze.
19 And Core raised up against them all his company by the door of the tabernacle of witness; and the glory of the Lord appeared to all the congregation.
Hagi Kora'a agri'ma amage'ma antage'za Mosesene Aroninema ha'ma rezmante'naza vahera atruhu seli mono nomofo kafante zamazeri atru higeno, Ra Anumzamofo hihamu masa'amo'a ana miko Israeli vahetera efore hu'ne.
20 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,
Anante Ra Anumzamo'a Mosesene Aronikiznia anage huno znasami'ne,
21 Separate your selves from the midst of this congregation, and I will consume them at once.
Hagi amama atruma hu'naza vahepintira tanagra ame huta maniganeta vike'na, zamahe fanane huvagaraneno.
22 And they fell on their faces, and said, O God, the God of spirits and of all flesh, if one man has sinned, [shall] the wrath of the Lord [be] upon the whole congregation?
Anage hu'neanagi Mosese'ene Aronikea zanavugosaregati mopafi maseke nunamu huke anage hu'na'e. Anumzana miko vahe'mokizmi zamasimu'ma nezamina Anumzamoka, magoke ne'mo'ma hu'nenia kumitera miko vahe'mokizmia karimpa ahezmantegahano?
23 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Anante Ra Anumzamo'a Mosesena anage huno asami'ne,
24 Speak to the congregation, saying, Depart from the company of Core round about.
Mika'a vahera zmasmige'za Korama, Tatanima, Abiramukizmi seli no tava'ontetira maniganeho.
25 And Moses rose up and went to Dathan and Abiron, and all the elders of Israel went with him.
Anante Mosese'a otino Datanine Abiramu kizanirega nevige'za, Israeli kva vahe'mo'za avariri'za vu'naze.
26 And he spoke to the congregation, saying, Separate yourselves from the tents of these stubborn men, and touch nothing that belongs to them, lest you be consumed with them in all their sin.
Hagi Mosese'a miko vahera anage huno zamasami'ne, ama kumike vahe'mokizmi seli nozmimofo tava'ontetira atreta ogantu vuta eta nehuta, mago'a zazmirera avakora osiho. Hagi ana kema ontahita avako'ma hanazana zamagri kumimofo knaza erita frigahaze.
27 And they stood aloof from the tent of Core round about; and Dathan and Abiron went forth and stood by the doors of their tents, and their wives and their children and their store.
Anage hige'za Korama, Datanima, Abiramukizmi seli mono nomofo tava'ontetira atre'za ogantu mani'naze. Higeke Datani'ene Abiramukea seli nozanimofo kahante mika a'mofavre'znine oti'za mani'naze.
28 And Moses said, Hereby shall you know that the Lord has sent me to perform all these works, that [I have] not [done them] of myself.
Anante Mosese'a amanage huno zamasami'ne, Amanahukna zama fore'ma hanigeta negesuta Ra Anumzamo huntegeno ama eri'zana e'nerie huta hugahaze. Na'ankure nagra'a navesi zantera ama ana eri'zana e'norue.
29 If these men shall die according to the death of all men, if also their visitation shall be according to the visitation of all men, then the Lord has not sent me.
Hagi zamagra vahe'mo'zama nehazaza hu'za frige, knazama e'orisageta, nagrikura Ra Anumzamo'a eri'zama'a erinogura huhampri onte'ne huta hugahaze.
30 But if the Lord shall show by a wonder, and the earth shall open her mouth and swallow them up, and their houses, and their tents, and all that belongs to them, and they shall go down alive into Hades, then you shall know that these men have provoked the Lord. (Sheol h7585)
Hianagi Ra Anumzamo'a ruzahuma huno zamahe frisiana, mopamo'a ru aka huno maka zazimine zamasagahu vazisige'za, zamavu agama fri vahe kumapima uramisageta, tamagra antahi ama'ma hanazana ama vahe'mo'za Ra Anumzamofo kefenkami atre'naze huta hugahaze. (Sheol h7585)
31 And when he ceased speaking all these words, the ground clave asunder beneath them.
Hagi anankema huvama neregeno amehuno anama oti'naza mopamo'a hagro huno keriga efore hu'ne.
32 And the ground opened, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that were with Core, and their cattle.
Hagi anama oti'naza mopamo'a ru'aka huno mika Korane agranema hagerafi'naza naga'ene a'mofavrezmine, makaza zaminena zamasaga huvazi'ne.
33 And they went down and all that they had, alive into Hades; and the ground covered them, and they perished from the midst of the congregation. (Sheol h7585)
Hagi zamavuaga mani'nageno mopamo'a zamasaga huvazino, maka'zazmine refite'zamantege'za mopafi fanane hazage'za Israeli vahe'mo'za ozamage'naze. (Sheol h7585)
34 And all Israel round about them fled from the sound of them, for they said, Lest the earth swallow us up [also].
Hagi miko manigagi'naza Israeli vahe'mo'za mopafima urami'za vahe'mokizmi zavi krafa nentahiza, mopamo'a tasaga huvazi zankure nehu'za koro fre'naze.
35 And fire went forth from the Lord, and devoured the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo tevea atregeno hagana hagana huno eramino mika 250'a vahe'ma mananentake paurama kre'za ofa nehaza vahera terasage vagare'ne.
36 And the Lord said to Moses,
Ra Anumzamo'a Mosesena anage huno asami'ne,
37 and to Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, Take up the brazen censers out of the midst of the men that have been burnt, and scatter the strange fire yonder, for they have sanctified the censers
Pristi ne' Aroni nemofo Eliazana asamigeno mananentake zama negraza taferote'ma tevema nereana hampageno. Na'ankure e'i ruotage hu'neanki eri ruotage nehuno, tevema nerea tankanuzanena eri faka hino.
38 of these sinners against their own souls, and do you make them beaten plates a covering to the altar, because they were brought before the Lord and hallowed; and they became a sign to the children of Israel.
Kumizmimofo nona'ama fri'za vahe'mo'zama mananentake paurama kremnamavaza taferozamia, erino hamanteti arukuta huteno, kresramna vu ita refitente'za tro hino. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamofo amizageno anazamo'a ruotage huno me'neanki'za Israeli vahe'mo'za nege'za koro hugahaze.
39 And Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest took the brazen censers, which the men who had been burnt brought near, and they put them as a covering on the altar:
Higeno pristi ne' Eleasa'a tevemo'ma zamahe fananema hia vahe'mokizmi 250'a mananentake paurama kre manavu bronsire tafero zamia erino, ruguta huno kresramna vu itama refite'za tro hu'ne.
40 a memorial to the children of Israel that no stranger might draw near, who is not of the seed of Aaron, to offer incense before the Lord; so he shall not be as Core and as they that conspired with him, as the Lord spoke to him by the hand of Moses.
Ra Anumzamo'ma Mosesema asami'nea kante anteno, anazamo'a mago avame'za me'nena Israeli vahe'mo'za nege'za, Aroni nagamoke mananentake paurana kremana vugahazanki, Kora'ene naga'amo'zama hu'nazaza huta rumota ke rutagreta anara osugahune hu'za antahigahaze.
41 And the children of Israel murmured the next day against Moses and Aaron, saying, You have killed the people of the Lord.
Hianagi anante knazupa Mosesene Aronikiznia Israeli vahe'mo'za ke hakare huznante'za, Tanagra Ra Anumzamofo vahe zamahe frie.
42 And it came to pass when the congregation combined against Moses and Aaron, that they ran impetuously to the tabernacle of witness; and the cloud covered it, and the glory of the Lord appeared.
Hagi mika vahe'mo'zama atru hu'za Mosesene Aronikiznima ke ha'ma hunezanante'za rukrahe hu'za kazageno, hampomo'a atruhu seli nona refitegeno Ra Anumzamofo masamo efore hu'ne.
43 And Moses and Aaron went in, in front of the tabernacle of witness.
Anante Mosese'ene Aroni'enena atruhu seli nomofo kafantega vuke ome oti'nakeno,
44 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying,
Ra Anumzamo'a Mosesena anage huno asami'ne,
45 Depart out of the midst of this congregation, and I will consume them at once: and they fell upon their faces.
ama vahepintira maniganeke'na ame hu'na miko zamahe fanane huvagara'neno. Anage higeke Mosese'ene Aroni'enena zanavugosaregati mopafi mase'na'e.
46 And Moses said to Aaron, Take a censer, and put on it fire from the altar, and put incense on it, and carry it away quickly into the camp, and make atonement for them; for wrath is gone forth from the presence of the Lord, it has begun to destroy the people.
Anante Mosese'a Aronina asmino, mananentakezama kre taferoka'a erinka antuma atruma hu'za mani'naza vahepi vunka, zamagri kumitera nona hunka mananentake paurana kremana vuo. Na'ankure Ra Anumzamofo rimpahe'zamo'a ama agafa higeno hazenkezamo'a agafa nehie.
47 And Aaron took as Moses spoke to him, and ran amongst the congregation, for already the plague had begun amongst the people; and he put on incense, and made an atonement for the people.
Higeno Mosese'ma asamiaza huno Aroni'a agareno ana vahe amunompi vu'ne. Hianagi ko zamazeri havizahu knazamo'a agafa huno ana vahepina efore hu'negeno ome negeno, mananentake paurana Ra Anumzamofontega kremna vunenteno, ama vahe'mokizmi kumira atrezamanto huno hu'ne.
48 And he stood between the dead and the living, and the plague ceased.
Hagi Aroni'a fri'naza vahe'ene ofri'ma amnema mani'naza vahe'mokizmi amu'nompi' kremna vu paurana azerineno ome otigeno ana knazamo'a ame huno vagare'ne
49 And they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred, besides those that died on account of Core.
Hianagi Kora'ene amage'ma ante'naza vahe'ma fri'nare ete mago'ane Israeli vahera 14 tausen, 700'a vahe ana knazamo'a zamahe fri'ne.
50 And Aaron returned to Moses to the door of the tabernacle of witness, and the plague ceased.
Hagi ana knazamo'ma vagamaregeno'a, Aroni'a ete Mosese'ma atruhu seli mono nomofo kafante'ma mani'nerega vu'ne.

< Numbers 16 >