< Exodus 31 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
Alò, SENYÈ a te pale avèk Moïse. Li te di:
2 “Behold, I have called by name Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, from the tribe of Judah,
“Gade, Mwen te rele Betsaléel pa non li, fis Uri a, nan tribi Juda.
3 and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, and understanding, and knowledge in every craft,
Mwen te ranpli li avèk Lespri Bondye nan sajès, nan konprann, nan konesans, ak nan tout kapasite mendèv yo,
4 in order to design whatever must be fabricated from gold, and silver, and brass,
pou fè desen pou travay avèk lò, avèk ajan, e avèk bwonz,
5 from marble, and precious stones, and various woods.
epi nan koupe pyè bijou pou monti, ak nan fè desen sou bwa, pou li kapab fè tout kalite mendèv.
6 And I have given to him, as his associate, Oholiab the son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan. And I have placed wisdom in the heart of every artisan, so that they may make everything as I have instructed you:
“Epi gade byen, Mwen menm te nonmen ansanm avèk li Oholiab, fis Ahisamach la, nan tribi Dan lan; epi osi nan kè tout moun ki ranpli avèk kapasite, Mwen te mete kapasite sa a, pou yo ta kapab fè tout sa ke M te kòmande ou yo:
7 the tabernacle of the covenant, and the ark of the testimony, and the propitiatory which is over it, and all the vessels of the tabernacle,
“Pou tant reyinyon an, lach temwayaj la, chèz pwopyatwa a sou li, ak tout mèb tant lan,
8 and the table and its vessels, the most pure lampstand with its vessels, and the altars of incense
tab la osi avèk tout bagay itil li yo, chandelye an lò pi avèk tout bagay itil li yo, ak lotèl lansan an,
9 and of holocaust and all their vessels, the washtub with its base,
lotèl ofrann ki brile yo, osi avèk tout bagay itil li yo, e basen lave a avèk baz li,
10 the holy vestments for the ministry of Aaron the priest, and for his sons, so that they may execute their office of sacred rites,
epi vètman tise yo tou, vètman sen pou Aaron yo, prèt la, ak vètman pou fis li yo, pou ranpli kapasite prèt la;
11 the oil of unction, and the incense of aromatics in the Sanctuary. All the things that I have instructed you, they shall make.”
lwil onksyon an osi, ak lansan santi bon pou lye sen an. Yo va fèt selon tout sa ke M te kòmande ou yo.”
12 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
SENYÈ a te pale avèk Moïse. Li te di:
13 “Speak to the sons of Israel, and you shall say to them: See that you keep my Sabbath. For it is a sign between me and you among your generations, so that you may know that I am the Lord, who sanctifies you.
“Men pou ou menm, pale a fis Israël yo. Di yo: ‘Nou va vrèman obsève Saba Mwen yo. Paske sa se yon sign antre Mwen ak nou pandan tout jenerasyon pa nou yo, pou nou kapab konnen ke Mwen se SENYÈ ki fè nou sen an.
14 Keep my Sabbath, for it is holy to you. Whoever will have polluted it, shall die a death. Whoever will have done any work in it, his soul shall perish from the midst of his people.
“‘Pou sa, nou gen pou obsève Saba a, paske li sen pou nou. Tout sila ki vyole li yo va vrèman vin mete a lanmò. Paske nenpòt moun ki fè okenn travay nan li, moun sa a va koupe retire de pèp li yo.
15 For six days you shall do work. On the seventh day, it is the Sabbath, a rest sanctified by the Lord. All who will have done work on this day shall die.
“‘Pandan sis jou nou kapab travay, men nan setyèm jou a, gen yon Saba repo konplè, ki sen a SENYÈ a. Nenpòt moun ki fè okenn travay nan jou sa a va vrèman vin mete a lanmò.
16 Let the sons of Israel keep the Sabbath, and let them celebrate it throughout their generations. It is an everlasting covenant
Konsa, fis Israël yo va obsève Saba a, pou selebre Saba a pandan tout jenerasyon pa yo kòm yon akò ki p ap janm sispann.
17 between me and the sons of Israel, and a perpetual sign. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and in the seventh he ceased from work.”
Li se yon sign antre Mwen avèk fis Israël yo pou tout tan. Paske nan sis jou SENYÈ a te fè syèl la avèk tè a, men nan setyèm jou a Li te pran repo, e Li te vin rafrechi Li.’”
18 And the Lord, having completed speaking in this way on Mount Sinai, gave to Moses two stone tablets of testimony, written with the finger of God.
“Lè Li te fin pale avèk li sou Mòn Sinai a, Li te bay Moïse de tablèt temwayaj la. Tablèt yo te fèt an wòch, e yo te ekri pa dwèt SENYÈ a.”

< Exodus 31 >