< Leviticus 8 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
Awurade ka kyerɛɛ Mose sɛ,
2 Take Aaron, with his sons, their vestments, and the oil of anointing, a calf for sin, two rams, and a basket with unleavened bread,
“Afei fa Aaron ne ne mmammarima bra Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no kwan no ano. Wɔmfa wɔn ntadeɛ, ɔsra ngo, nantwie ba a wɔde no bɛbɔ bɔne afɔdeɛ, nnwennini mmienu ne burodo a mmɔreka nni mu nkɛntɛmma mmienu
3 and gather together all the assembly at the door of the tabernacle.
na frɛ Israelfoɔ no nyinaa na wɔmmra hɔ bi.”
4 And Moses did as the Lord had commanded. And when all the crowd was gathered together before the entrance of the tabernacle,
Enti nnipa no nyinaa hyiaeɛ wɔ Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no kwan ano.
5 he said: “This is the word that the Lord has ordered to be done.”
Mose ka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, “Adeɛ a merebɛyɛ yi, Awurade na wahyɛ me sɛ menyɛ.”
6 And immediately, he brought forward Aaron and his sons. And when he had washed them,
Afei, ɔfaa Aaron ne ne mmammarima de nsuo hohoroo wɔn ho,
7 he vested the high priest with the linen undergarment, wrapped him with the wide belt, and clothed him with the hyacinth tunic, and over it he imposed the ephod.
de Aaron atadeɛ sononko a ne mmeamu ka ho de ne batakari a asɔfotadeɛ a wɔde tam a ɛyɛ fɛ ayɛ nʼabɔwomu hyɛɛ no.
8 And tying it to the belt, he fitted it to the breastplate, on which was Doctrine and Truth.
Afei, Mose de adaaboɔ fam Aaron bo de Urim ne Tumim no hyɛɛ mu.
9 Also, he wrapped the headdress on his head, and over it, opposite the forehead, he placed the plate of gold, consecrated with sanctification, just as the Lord had instructed him.
Ɔbɔɔ Aaron abotire a ɛwɔ sika abɔnimu kronkron sɛdeɛ Awurade hyɛɛ no sɛ ɔnyɛ no ara pɛ.
10 He also took up the oil of anointing, with which he anointed the tabernacle, along with all of its articles.
Afei, Mose faa ɔsra ngo no de bi petee Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no ankasa ne biribiara a ɛwɔ mu ho de tee ne nyinaa ho.
11 And when he had sprinkled the altar seven times to sanctify it, he anointed it and all its vessels. And the washtub with its base he sanctified with the oil.
Ɔduruu afɔrebukyia no so no, ɔpetee so mprɛnson. Afei, ɔpetee nkukuo a ɛwɔ afɔrebukyia no so no ne atam ne ne ntaamu ho de tee ho.
12 And pouring the oil over Aaron’s head, he anointed and consecrated him.
Afei, ɔhwiee ɔsra ngo no guu Aaron tirim de tee ne ho sɛ ɔnhyɛ nʼadwuma ase.
13 Likewise, after he had offered his sons, he vested them with linen tunics, and wrapped them with wide belts, and placed headdresses on them, just as the Lord had ordered.
Deɛ ɛdi hɔ ne sɛ, Mose de mmatakari no hyehyɛɛ Aaron mmammarima a abɔwomu ne ɛkyɛ ka ho sɛdeɛ Awurade hyɛɛ no sɛ ɔnyɛ no.
14 He also offered the calf for sin. And when Aaron and his sons had placed their hands upon its head,
Afei, ɔfaa nantwinini ba sɛ ɔde no rekɔbɔ bɔne ho afɔdeɛ. Aaron ne ne mmammarima de wɔn nsa guu aboa no apampam,
15 he immolated it. And drawing the blood, and dipping his finger in it, he touched the horns of the altar all around. And when it was expiated and sanctified, he poured out the remainder of the blood at its base.
ma Mose kumm no. Ɔde ne nsateaa baako bɔɔ ne mogya mu de yɛɛ afɔrebukyia mmɛn nan no ho ne afɔrebukyia no ankasa ho de tee ho, ɛnna ɔhwiee mogya no nkaeɛ no guu afɔrebukyia no ase de tee ho sɛ mpatadeɛ.
16 Yet truly, the fat which was on the vital organs, and the mesh of the liver, and the two little kidneys with their fat, he burned upon the altar.
Ɔfaa nʼayamdeɛ ho sradeɛ ne ne berɛboɔ ho sradeɛ ne ne sawa mmienu no ne ɛho sradeɛ hyee ne nyinaa wɔ afɔrebukyia no so.
17 And the calf with the skin, and the flesh, and the dung, he burned beyond the camp, just as the Lord had instructed.
Wɔhyee nantwinini ba no ne ne nhoma ne nʼagyanan wɔ sraban no akyi sɛdeɛ Awurade hyɛɛ Mose no.
18 He also offered a ram as a holocaust. And when Aaron and his sons had imposed their hands upon its head,
Afei, ɔde odwennini maa Awurade sɛ ɔhyeɛ afɔdeɛ. Aaron ne ne mmammarima de wɔn nsa guu aboa no apampam
19 he immolated it, and he poured out its blood around the altar.
na Mose kumm no de ne mogya no bi petee afɔrebukyia no ho nyinaa.
20 And cutting the ram into pieces, he burned its head, and the limbs, and the fat in the fire,
Afei, ɔbobɔɔ odwennini no nam na ɔhyee asinasini no a ne ti ne ne sradeɛ ka ho.
21 having first washed the intestines and the feet. And then he burned the whole of the ram upon the altar, because it was a holocaust of most sweet odor to the Lord, just as he had instructed him.
Na ɔde nsuo hohoroo nʼayamdeɛ ne ne nan no ho hyee no wɔ afɔrebukyia no so maa ne nyinaa hyee pasaa wɔ Awurade anim. Ɛyɛ ɔhyeɛ afɔdeɛ a ɛsɔɔ Awurade ani yie, ɛfiri sɛ, Mose dii Awurade akwankyerɛ no nyinaa so pɛpɛɛpɛ.
22 He also offered the second ram, as a consecration of priests. And Aaron and his sons placed their hands upon its head.
Afei, Mose de odwennini baako a ɔyɛ ahoteɛ dwennini baeɛ. Aaron ne ne mmammarima de wɔn nsa guu nʼapampam.
23 And when Moses had immolated it, taking up some of its blood, he touched the tip of Aaron’s right ear, and the thumb of his right hand, and similarly also his foot.
Mose kumm no na ɔde mogya no bi kaa Aaron aso nifa ase ne ne nsa nifa kokurobetie ne ne nan nifa kokurobetie.
24 He also offered the sons of Aaron. And when, from the blood of the ram which was immolated, he had touched the tip of the right ear of each one, and the thumbs of their right hands, as well as their feet, he poured out the remainder upon the altar all around.
Ɔde mogya no bi yɛɛ Aaron mmammarima no nso aso nifa ase ne wɔn nsa nifa kokurobetie ne wɔn nan nifa kokurobetie. Ɔde mogya no nkaeɛ petee afɔrebukyia no ho nyinaa.
25 Yet truly, the fat, and the rump, and all the fat that covers the intestines, and the mesh of the liver, and the two kidneys with their fat, and the right shoulder, he separated.
Afei, ɔfaa sradeɛ no, ne dua, ne ne mu sradeɛ, ne berɛboɔ kotokuo, ne sawa mmienu no ne ɛho sradeɛ ne nʼabati nifa
26 Then, taking bread without leaven from the basket of unleavened bread, which was before the Lord, and a cake sprinkled with oil, and a wafer, he placed them upon the fat and the right shoulder,
ɛnna ɔde saa burodo ntrawa a mmɔreka nni mu no baako nso ne burodo ntrawa no baako a wɔde ngo agu so ne burodo ntrawa baako a wɔfaa ne nyinaa firii kɛntɛn a wɔde bɛsii hɔ wɔ Awurade anim no mu guguu yeinom nyinaa so.
27 delivering all these to Aaron and his sons. And when they had lifted them up in the sight of the Lord,
Wɔde yeinom nyinaa hyɛɛ Aaron ne ne mmammarima nsa sɛ wɔnhim no afɔrebukyia no anim sɛ ɔhim afɔrebɔ mma Awurade.
28 he received them again from their hands, and he burned them upon the altar of holocaust, because it was an oblation of consecration, as a sweet odor of sacrifice to the Lord.
Mose gyee ne nyinaa firii wɔn nsam hyee no wɔ afɔrebukyia no so de maa Awurade; na afɔrebɔ no sɔɔ Awurade ani.
29 And he took his portion from the ram of consecration, and he lifted up its breast in the sight of the Lord, just as the Lord had instructed him.
Afei Mose faa ne yan no hinhim no Awurade anim; yei ne Mose kyɛfa wɔ ahoteɛ odwennini no mu sɛdeɛ Awurade ka kyerɛɛ no sɛ ɔnyɛ no.
30 And taking up the ointment, and the blood that was on the altar, he sprinkled it over Aaron and his vestments, and over his sons and their vestments.
Afei ɔfaa ɔsra ngo no ne mogya a ɔde apete afɔrebukyia no so no bi de petee Aaron ne ne mmammarima ntadeɛ mu de tee Aaron ne ne mmammarima ne wɔn ntadeɛ ho maa Awurade dwumadie.
31 And when he had sanctified them with their vestments, he instructed them, saying: “Cook the flesh before the entrance of the tabernacle, and eat it there. Likewise, eat the loaves of consecration, which have been placed in the basket, just as the Lord instructed me, saying: ‘Aaron and his sons shall eat them.’
Mose ka kyerɛɛ Aaron ne ne mmammarima no sɛ, “Monnoa ɛnam no wɔ Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no kwan ano na momfa nni burodo a ɛwɔ kɛntɛn a asɔfohyɛ afɔrebɔdeɛ wɔ mu no sɛdeɛ meka kyerɛɛ mo no.
32 Then whatever will remain of the flesh and the loaves shall be consumed with fire.
Ɛnam ne burodo biara a ɛbɛka no, monhye.
33 Also, you shall not exit from the door of the tabernacle for seven days, until the day on which the time of your consecration shall be completed. For in seven days the consecration is finished,
Bio, ɔka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ wɔntena Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no ano nnanson, mfa nwie asɔfohyɛ dwumadie no.
34 even as it has begun at this present time, so that the rite of the sacrifice might be accomplished.
Mose kaa bio sɛ, deɛ ɔyɛɛ no ɛda no nyinaa no, Awurade na ɔhyɛɛ no sɛ ɔnyɛ mfa nyɛ mpata mma wɔn.
35 Day and night you shall remain in the tabernacle, observing the watches of the Lord, otherwise you shall die. For so it has been commanded to me.”
Ɔsane hyɛɛ Aaron ne ne mmammarima no sɛ wɔntena Ahyiaeɛ Ntomadan no ano anadwo ne awia nnanson. Ɔka kyerɛɛ wɔn sɛ, ‘Sɛ mofiri hɔ a, mobɛwuwu. Yei ne asɛm a Awurade aka.’”
36 And Aaron and his sons did everything that the Lord spoke by the hand of Moses.
Enti, Aaron ne ne mmammarima dii nsɛm a Awurade nam Mose so hyɛɛ wɔn sɛ wɔnyɛ no nyinaa so.

< Leviticus 8 >