< 1 Chronicles 25 >

1 David and the leaders of the Levites chose men from the families of Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun to serve by prophesying accompanied by lyres, harps, and cymbals. Here is the list of those who performed this service:
I odvoji David s vojvodama za službu sinove Asafove i Emanove i Jedutunove, koji æe prorokovati uz gusle i psaltire i kimvale; i biše izmeðu njih izbrojeni ljudi za posao u svojoj službi:
2 From the sons of Asaph: Zaccur, Joseph, Nethaniah, and Asarelah. These sons of Asaph were under the supervision of Asaph, who prophesied under the supervision of the king.
Od sinova Asafovijeh: Zahur i Josif i Netanija i Asarila, sinovi Asafovi, pod rukom Asafa, koji prorokovaše po naredbi carevoj;
3 From the sons of Jeduthun: Gedaliah, Zeri, Jeshaiah, Shimei, Hashabiah, and Mattithiah, six in total, under the supervision of their father Jeduthun, who prophesied accompanied by the harp, giving thanks and praise to the Lord.
Od Jedutuna: šest sinova Jedutunovijeh: Gedalija i Sorije i Jesaija, Asavija i Matatija i Simej pod rukom oca svojega Jedutuna, koji prorokovaše uz gusle hvaleæi i slaveæi Gospoda;
4 From the sons of Heman: Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shebuel, Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti, Romamti-ezer, Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, and Mahazioth.
Od Emana: sinovi Emanovi: Vukija, Matanija, Ozilo, Sevuilo i Jerimot, Ananija i Ananije, Elijata, Gidaltija i Romamti-Ezer, Josvekasa, Malotije, Otir i Maziot.
5 All these sons of Heman, the king's seer, were given to him through the promises of God to honor him, for God gave Heman fourteen sons and three daughters.
Ti svi bijahu sinovi Emana vidioca careva u rijeèima Božijim da se uzvišuje rog; jer Bog dade Emanu èetrnaest sinova i tri kæeri.
6 All of them were under the supervision of their fathers for the music of the house of the LORD with cymbals, harps, and lyres, for the service of the house of God. Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman were under the supervision of the king.
Svi oni bijahu pod rukom oca svojega pjevajuæi u domu Gospodnjem uz kimvale i psaltire i gusle za službu u domu Božijem, kako car nareðivaše Asafu i Jedutunu i Emanu.
7 Along with their relatives, all of them trained and skilled in singing to the LORD, they totaled 288.
I bješe ih na broj s braæom njihovom obuèenom pjesmama Gospodnjim, dvjesta i osamdeset i osam, samijeh vještaka.
8 They cast lots for whatever responsibility they had, the least important equal to the most important, the teacher to the student.
I baciše ždrijeb za službu svoju, mali kao veliki, uèitelj kao uèenik;
9 The first lot, which was for Asaph, fell to Joseph, his sons, and his brother, 12 in total. The second fell to Gedaliah, his sons, and his brothers, 12 in total.
I pade prvi ždrijeb za Asafa na Josifa, drugi na Gedaliju s braæom i sinovima njegovijem, njih dvanaest;
10 The third fell to Zaccur, his sons, and his brothers, 12 in total.
Treæi na Zahura, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
11 The fourth fell to Izri, his sons, and his brothers, 12 in total.
Èetvrti na Iserija, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
12 The fifth to Nethaniah, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Peti na Netaniju, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
13 The sixth fell to Bukkiah, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Šesti na Vukiju, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
14 The seventh fell to Jesarelah, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Sedmi na Jesarilu, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
15 The eighth fell to Jeshaiah, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Osmi na Jesaiju, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
16 The ninth fell to Mattaniah, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Deveti na Mataniju, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
17 The tenth fell to Shimei, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Deseti na Simeja, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
18 The eleventh fell to Azarel, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Jedanaesti na Azareila, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
19 The twelfth fell to Hashabiah, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Dvanaesti na Asaviju, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
20 The thirteenth fell to Shubael, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Trinaesti na Savuila, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
21 The fourteenth fell to Mattithiah, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Èetrnaesti na Matatiju, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
22 The fifteenth fell to Jerimoth, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Petnaesti na Jeremota, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
23 The sixteenth fell to Hananiah, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Šesnaesti na Ananiju, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
24 The seventeenth fell to Joshbekashah, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Sedamnaesti na Josvekasu, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
25 The eighteenth fell to Hanani, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Osamnaesti na Ananija, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
26 The nineteenth fell to Mallothi, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Devetnaesti na Malotija, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
27 The twentieth fell to Eliathah, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Dvadeseti na Elijatu, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
28 The twenty-first fell to Hothir, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Dvadeset prvi na Otira, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
29 The twenty-second fell to Giddalti, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Dvadeset drugi na Gidaltiju, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
30 The twenty-third fell to Mahazioth, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Dvadeset treæi na Maziota, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest;
31 The twenty-fourth fell to Romamti-Ezer, his sons and his brothers, 12 in total.
Dvadeset èetvrti na Romamti-Ezera, sinove njegove i braæu njegovu, njih dvanaest.

< 1 Chronicles 25 >