< Ezra 4 >

1 The enemies of Judah and Benjamin heard that the exiles were building a Temple to the Lord, the God of Israel.
A kad èuše neprijatelji Judini i Venijaminovi da oni koji se vratiše iz ropstva zidaju crkvu Gospodu Bogu Izrailjevu,
2 They came to Zerubbabel and the family leaders and said, “Please let us help you with the building work, for we worship your God like you do. In fact we have been sacrificing to him since the time of Esarhaddon king of Assyria, who brought us here.”
Doðoše k Zorovavelju i ka glavarima domova otaèkih, i rekoše im: da i mi zidamo s vama, jer æemo kao i vi tražiti Boga vašega, i njemu prinosimo žrtve od vremena Esaradona cara Asirskoga, koji nas je doveo ovamo.
3 But Zerubbabel, Jeshua, and the family leaders of Israel replied, “You can't share with us in building a Temple for our God. Only we can build it for the Lord, the God of Israel. This is what Cyrus the king of Persia has ordered us to do.”
A Zorovavelj i Isus i ostali glavari domova otaèkih u Izrailju rekoše im: ne možete vi s nama zidati doma Bogu našemu, nego æemo mi sami zidati Gospodu Bogu Izrailjevu, kako nam je zapovjedio Kir car Persijski.
4 Then the local people set out to intimidate the people of Judah and make them too scared to go on building.
Tada narod zemaljski dosaðivaše narodu Judinu i smetaše ih u zidanju;
5 They bribed officials to oppose them and to obstruct their plans. This continued during the whole reign of Cyrus king of Persia up until the reign of Darius king of Persia.
I naimahu savjetnike suprot njima da rasipaju namjeru njihovu svega vremena Kira cara Persijskoga do vlade Darija cara Persijskoga.
6 When Ahasuerus became king the local people sent him a written accusation against the people of Judah and Jerusalem.
A kad se zacari Asvir, u poèetku njegova carovanja napisaše tužbu na stanovnike Judejske i Jerusalimske.
7 During the time of Artaxerxes, king of Persia, Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabeel, and their fellow officers wrote a letter to Artaxerxes. The letter was written in Aramaic and translated from Aramaic.
I za vremena Artakserksova pisa Vislam, Mitredat, Taveilo i ostali drugovi njegovi Artakserksu caru Persijskom; a knjiga bješe pisana Sirskim pismom i Sirskim jezikom.
8 Rehum the officer in command and Shimshai the scribe wrote a letter to King Artaxerxes condemning Jerusalem stating,
Reum starješina u vijeæu i Simsaj pisar napisaše jednu knjigu protiv Jerusalima caru Artakserksu ovako:
9 This comes from Rehum the officer in command, Shimshai the scribe, and fellow officers: the judges and officials and those in charge of Persia, Erech and Babylon, the Elamites of Susa,
Reum starješina u vijeæu i Simsaj pisar i ostali drugovi njihovi, Dinjani, Afarsašani, Tarfaljani, Afaršani, Arhevljani, Vavilonjani, Susanašani, Deavljani, Elamljani,
10 and the rest of the people whom the great and noble Ashurbanipal deported and resettled in the towns of Samaria and other places west of the Euphrates.
I ostali narodi koje preseli veliki i slavni Asenafar i naseli po gradovima Samarijskim, i ostali s ove strane rijeke, tada i tada.
11 The following is a copy of the letter they sent to him. To King Artaxerxes, from your servants, men beyond the River Euphrates:
Ovo je prijepis od knjige koju mu poslaše: Caru Artakserksu. Sluge tvoje, ljudi s ove strane rijeke, tada i tada.
12 Your Majesty should be informed that the Jews who came from you to us have returned to Jerusalem. They are rebuilding that rebellious and wicked city, completing repairs to the walls, and mending its foundations.
Da je na znanje caru da Judejci koji poðoše od tebe k nama, doðoše u Jerusalim, i grad odmetnièki i opaki zidaju, zidove opravljaju i iz temelja podižu.
13 Your Majesty should realize that if this city is rebuilt and its walls repaired, they will not pay tax, tribute, or fees, and the king's revenue will suffer.
Nego da je na znanje caru: ako se ovaj grad sazida i zidovi oprave, oni neæe davati danka ni poreze ni carine, te æe biti šteta riznici carskoj.
14 Now because we are in the king's service and it is not right for us to see Your Majesty disrespected, we are sending this letter so that you can be informed,
Što dakle platu od dvora primamo, te nam ne prilièi da gledamo štetu carevu, toga radi šaljemo i javljamo caru,
15 and order a search of the royal archives. You will discover in these records that this is a rebellious city, damaging to kings and countries, having often risen up in revolt in the past. That is what led to this city being destroyed.
Da se potraži u knjizi dnevnika otaca tvojih, pa æeš naæi u knjizi dnevnika i doznati da je ovaj grad odmetnièki i da je na štetu carevima i zemljama i da su se u njemu dizale bune od davnina, te zato bi raskopan ovaj grad.
16 We wish to inform Your Majesty that if this city is rebuilt and the walls completed, you will lose this province west of the Euphrates.
Dajemo na znanje caru: ako se ovaj grad sazida i zidovi se njegovi oprave, onda ovaj dio preko rijeke neæe više biti tvoj.
17 The king replied as follows: “To Rehum the commander, Shimshai the scribe, and fellow officers living in Samaria and in other areas west of the Euphrates: Greetings.
Tada car posla odgovor Reumu starješini u vijeæu i Simsaju pisaru i ostalijem drugovima njihovijem koji seðahu u Samariji i ostalijem s onu stranu rijeke: Pozdravlje, tada i tada.
18 The letter you sent to us has been translated and read to me.
Knjiga koju nam poslaste razgovijetno bi proèitana preda mnom.
19 I ordered a search to be conducted. It was discovered that this city has often risen up in revolt against kings in the past, frequently promoting insurrection and rebellion.
I zapovjedih te potražiše i naðoše da je taj grad od davnina ustajao na careve i da su u njemu bivali odmeti i bune,
20 Powerful kings have ruled over Jerusalem and throughout the whole area west of the Euphrates, and they received tax, tribute, and fees.
I da su silni carevi bivali u Jerusalimu, koji vladahu svijem što je preko rijeke, i davahu im se danci i poreze i carine.
21 Issue an immediate order for these men to stop work. This city is not to be rebuilt until I authorize it.
Zato naredite da se zabrani onijem ljudima da se onaj grad ne zida dokle ja ne zapovjedim.
22 See that you do not neglect this matter. Why should this problem be allowed to grow and damage royal interests?”
I pazite da ne pogriješite u tom. Jer zašto bi zlo raslo na štetu carevima?
23 As soon as this letter from King Artaxerxes was read to Rehum, Shimshai the scribe, and their fellow officers, they rushed to the Jews in Jerusalem and used their power to forcibly make them stop work.
A kad se prijepis od knjige cara Artakserksa proèita pred Reumom i Simsajem pisarem i pred drugovima njihovijem, oni brže otidoše u Jerusalim k Judejcima, te im zabraniše oružanom silom.
24 Consequently work on God's Temple in Jerusalem came to a halt. The stoppage continued until the second year of the reign of King Darius of Persia.
Tada stade posao oko doma Božijega u Jerusalimu, i staja do druge godine carovanja Darija cara Persijskoga.

< Ezra 4 >