< Genesis 24 >

1 Abraham by now was old, really old, and the Lord had blessed him in every possible way.
A Avram bješe star i vremenit, i Gospod bješe blagoslovio Avrama u svemu;
2 At that time Abraham told his oldest servant who was in charge of his whole household, “Put your hand under my thigh,
I reèe Avram sluzi svojemu najstarijemu u kuæi svojoj, koji bješe nad svijem dobrom njegovijem: metni ruku svoju pod stegno moje,
3 and swear an oath by the Lord, the God of heaven and the God of earth, that you won't arrange for my son to marry any daughter of the these Canaanite people that I'm living among.
Da te zakunem Gospodom Bogom nebeskim i Bogom zemaljskim da neæeš dovesti žene sinu mojemu izmeðu kæeri ovijeh Hananeja, meðu kojima živim;
4 Instead, go to my homeland where my relatives live, and find a wife there for my son Isaac.”
Nego da æeš otiæi u zemlju moju i u rod moj i dovesti ženu sinu mojemu Isaku.
5 “What if the woman refuses to come back with me to this country?” the servant asked. “Should I take your son back to the country you came from?”
A sluga mu reèe: i ako djevojka ne htjedbude poæi sa mnom u ovu zemlju; hoæu li odvesti sina tvojega u zemlju iz koje si se iselio?
6 “No, you mustn't take my son back there,” Abraham replied.
A Avram mu reèe: pazi da ne odvedeš sina mojega onamo.
7 “The Lord, the God of heaven, took me from my family home and my own country. He spoke to me and swore an oath to me in which he promised, ‘I will give this land to your descendants.’ He is the one who will send his angel ahead of you so that you can find a wife there for my son.
Gospod Bog nebeski, koji me je uzeo iz doma oca mojega i iz zemlje roda mojega, i koji mi je rekao i zakleo mi se govoreæi: sjemenu æu tvojemu dati zemlju ovu, on æe poslati anðela svojega pred tobom da dovedeš ženu sinu mojemu odande.
8 However, if the woman refuses to return here with you, then you are released from this oath. But make sure you don't take my son back there.”
Ako li djevojka ne htjedbude poæi s tobom, onda da ti je prosta zakletva moja; samo sina mojega nemoj odvesti onamo.
9 The servant put his hand under the thigh of his master Abraham and swore an oath to do as he had been told.
I metnu sluga ruku svoju pod stegno Avramu gospodaru svojemu, i zakle mu se za ovo.
10 Then the servant arranged for ten of his master's camels to carry all kinds of valuable gifts from Abraham and left for the town of Nahor in Aram-naharaim.
Tada sluga uze deset kamila izmeðu kamila gospodara svojega da ide, jer sve blago gospodara njegova bješe pod njegovom rukom; i otišav doðe u Mesopotamiju do grada Nahorova.
11 Arriving in the evening, he had the camels kneel down by the spring that was outside the town. This was the time when women went out to fetch water.
I pusti kamile da poliježu iza grada kod studenca pred veèe kad izlaze graðanke da zahvataju vode;
12 He prayed, “Lord, the God of my master Abraham, please let me be successful today, and please show your faithfulness to my master Abraham.
I reèe: Gospode Bože gospodara mojega Avrama, daj mi sreæu danas i uèini milost gospodaru mojemu Avramu.
13 Look, I'm standing here beside this spring, and the young women of the town are coming to get water.
Evo, ja æu stajati kod ovoga studenca, a graðanke æe doæi da zahvataju vode.
14 May it happen like this. The young woman that I ask, ‘Please hold your water jar so I can have a drink,’ and she replies, ‘Please drink, and I'll give your camels water too’ —may she be the one you've chosen as a wife for your servant Isaac. This way I'll know that you've shown your faithfulness to my master.”
Kojoj djevojci reèem: nagni krèag svoj da se napijem, a ona reèe: na pij, i kamile æu ti napojiti; daj to da bude ona koju si namijenio sluzi svojemu Isaku; i po tome da poznam da si uèinio milost gospodaru mojemu.
15 He hadn't even finished praying when he saw Rebekah coming to get water, carrying her water jar on her shoulder. She was the daughter of Bethuel, son of Milkah. Milkah was the wife of Abraham's brother Nahor.
I on još ne izgovori, a to Reveka, kæi Vatuila sina Melhe žene Nahora brata Avramova, doðe s krèagom na ramenu.
16 She was very beautiful, a virgin—no one had slept with her. She went down to the spring, filled her jar, and came back up.
I bješe vrlo lijepa, još djevojka, još je èovjek ne bješe poznao. Ona siðe na izvor, i natoèi krèag, i poðe;
17 The servant ran over to meet her and asked, “Please let me drink a few sips of water from your jar.”
A sluga iskoèi pred nju i reèe: daj mi da se napijem malo vode iz krèaga tvojega.
18 “Please drink, my lord,” she replied. She quickly lifted the jar down from her shoulder and held it for him to drink.
A ona reèe: na pij, gospodaru. I brže spusti krèag na ruku svoju, i napoji ga.
19 After she finished giving him a drink, she said, “Let me get water for your camels too until they've had enough.”
I kad ga napoji, reèe: i kamilama æu tvojim naliti neka se napiju.
20 She quickly emptied her jar into the trough and ran back to the spring to get more water. She brought enough for all his camels.
I brže izruèi krèag svoj u pojilo, pa opet otrèa na studenac da nalije, i nali svijem kamilama njegovijem.
21 The man observed her in silence to see if the Lord had made his journey successful or not.
A èovjek joj se divljaše, i æutaše, neæe li poznati je li Gospod dao sreæu putu njegovu ili nije.
22 Once the camels had finished drinking, he gave her a gold nose-ring and two heavy gold bracelets for her wrists.
A kad se kamile napiše, izvadi èovjek zlatnu grivnu od po sikla i metnu joj oko èela, i dvije narukvice metnu joj na ruke od deset sikala zlata.
23 Then he asked her, “Whose daughter are you? Also could you tell me, is there room in your father's house for us to spend the night?”
I reèe: èija si kæi? kaži mi. Ima li u kuæi oca tvojega mjesta za nas da prenoæimo?
24 She replied, “I'm the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah and Nahor.” Then she added, “We have plenty of straw and food for the camels,
A ona mu reèe: ja sam kæi Vatuila sina Melšina, kojega rodi Nahoru.
25 and yes, we have room for you to spend the night.”
Još reèe: ima u nas mnogo slame i piæe i mjesta za noæište.
26 The man kneeled down and bowed in worship to the Lord.
Tada èovjek savivši se pokloni se Gospodu,
27 “Thank you Lord, the God of my master Abraham,” he prayed. “You have not forgotten your commitment and faithfulness to my master. And Lord, you have led me directly to the home of my master's relatives!”
I reèe: blagosloven da je Gospod Bog gospodara mojega Avrama, što ne ostavi milosti svoje i vjere svoje prema gospodaru mojem, i putem dovede me Gospod u dom rodbine gospodara mojega.
28 She ran to her mother's house and told her family what had happened.
A djevojka otrèa i sve ovo kaza u domu matere svoje.
29 Rebekah had a brother named Laban, and he ran out to meet the man who had remained at the spring.
A Reveka imaše brata, kojemu ime bješe Lavan; i istrèa Lavan k èovjeku na studenac,
30 He'd noticed the nose-ring and the bracelets she was wearing, and he'd heard his sister Rebekah explaining, “This is what the man told me.” When he arrived the man was still there, standing with his camels beside the spring.
Kako vidje grivnu i narukvice na rukama sestre svoje i èu gdje Reveka sestra mu reèe: tako mi kaza èovjek; doðe k èovjeku; a on stajaše kod kamila na studencu.
31 “Please come home with me, you who are blessed by the Lord,” said Laban. “What are you standing out here for? I've got a room at home ready for you, and a place for the camels to stay.”
I reèe: hodi, koji si blagosloven od Gospoda; što bi stajao napolju? spremio sam kuæu, ima mjesta i za kamile.
32 So the man went home with him. Laban unloaded the camels and gave them straw and food to eat. He also provided water for the man to wash his feet, as well as for the men who were with him.
I dovede èovjeka u kuæu, i rastovari kamile; i dadoše slame i piæe kamilama, i donesoše vode za noge njemu i ljudima što bijahu s njim;
33 Then Laban had food brought in. But the man told him, “I'm not going to eat until I've explained why I'm here.” “Please explain,” Laban replied.
I postaviše mu da jede; ali on reèe: neæu jesti dokle ne kažem stvar svoju. A Lavan mu reèe: govori.
34 “I'm Abraham's servant,” the man began.
Tada reèe: ja sam sluga Avramov.
35 “The Lord has blessed my master so much, and now he is a wealthy and powerful man. The Lord has given him sheep and cattle, silver and gold, male and female servants, and camels and donkeys.
A Gospod je blagoslovio gospodara mojega veoma, te je postao velik, i dao mu je ovaca i goveda, i srebra i zlata, i sluga i sluškinja, i kamila i magaraca.
36 His wife Sarah has had a son for my master even in her old age, and my master has given him everything he owns.
I još Sara žena gospodara mojega rodi sina gospodaru mojemu u starosti njegovoj, i on mu dade sve što ima.
37 My master made me swear an oath, saying, ‘You must not arrange for my son to marry any daughter of the Canaanite people in whose land I'm living.
A mene zakle gospodar moj govoreæi: nemoj dovesti sinu mojemu žene izmeðu kæeri ovijeh Hananeja, meðu kojima živim;
38 Instead, go to my family home where my relatives live, and find a wife there for my son Isaac.’
Nego idi u dom oca mojega i u rod moj, da dovedeš ženu sinu mojemu.
39 I said to my master, ‘What if the woman refuses to come back with me?’
A ja rekoh gospodaru svojemu: može biti da djevojka neæe htjeti poæi sa mnom.
40 He told me, ‘The Lord, in whose presence I have lived my life, will send his angel with you, and he will make your journey successful—you will find a wife for my son from my relatives, from my father's family.
A on mi reèe: Gospod, po èijoj volji svagda življah, poslaæe anðela svojega s tobom, i daæe sreæu tvojemu putu da dovedeš ženu sinu mojemu od roda mojega, iz doma oca mojega.
41 You will be released from the oath you swear to me if, when you go to my family, they refuse to let her return with you.’
Onda æe ti biti prosta zakletva moja, kad otideš u rod moj; ako ti je i ne dadu, opet æe ti biti prosta zakletva moja.
42 Today when I arrived at the spring, I prayed, Lord, God of my master Abraham, please let the journey I have taken be successful.
I kad doðoh danas na studenac, rekoh: Gospode Bože gospodara mojega Avrama, ako si dao sreæu putu mojemu, kojim idem,
43 Look, I'm standing here beside this spring. May it happen like this. If a young woman comes to get water, and I say, ‘Please give me a few sips of water to drink,’
Evo, ja æu stajati kod studenca: koja djevojka doðe da zahvati vode, i ja joj kažem: daj mi da se napijem malo vode iz krèaga tvojega,
44 and she says to me, ‘Please drink, and I'll get water for your camels too’ —may she be the one you've chosen as a wife for your servant Isaac.”
A ona mi odgovori: i ti pij i kamilama æu tvojim naliti; to neka bude žena koju je namijenio Gospod sinu gospodara mojega.
45 “I hadn't even finished praying silently when I saw Rebekah coming to get water, carrying her water jar on her shoulder. She went down to the spring to get water, and I said to her, ‘Please give me a drink.’
Ja još ne izgovorih u srcu svojem, a doðe Reveka s krèagom na ramenu, i sišavši na izvor zahvati; i ja joj rekoh: daj mi da se napijem.
46 She quickly lifted the jar down from her shoulder and she said, ‘Please drink, and I'll get water for your camels too.’ So I drank, and she got water for the camels.
A ona brže spustivši sa sebe krèag reèe: na pij, i kamile æu ti napojiti. I kad se napih, napoji i kamile moje.
47 I asked her, ‘Whose daughter are you?’ She replied, ‘I'm the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah and Nahor.’ So I put the ring in her nose, and the bracelets on her wrists.
I zapitah je govoreæi: èija si kæi? A ona odgovori: ja sam kæi Vatuila sina Nahorova, kojega mu rodi Melha. Tada joj metnuh grivnu oko èela i narukvice na ruke;
48 Then I kneeled down and bowed in worship to the Lord. I thanked the Lord, the God of my master Abraham, for he led me directly to find my master's niece for his son.
I padoh i poklonih se Gospodu, i zahvalih Gospodu Bogu gospodara mojega Avrama, što me dovede pravijem putem da naðem kæer brata gospodara svojega za sina njegova.
49 So please tell me now, will you show commitment and faithfulness to my master? Please tell me yes or no so I can decide what to do next.”
Ako æete dakle uèiniti ljubav i vjeru gospodaru mojemu, kažite mi; ako li neæete, kažite mi, da idem na desno ili na lijevo.
50 Laban and Bethuel replied, “Clearly all this is from the Lord, so we can't argue one way or the other.
A Lavan i Vatuilo odgovarajuæi rekoše: od Gospoda je ovo došlo; mi ti ne možemo kazati ni zlo ni dobro.
51 Rebekah's here, you can take her and leave. She can become the wife of your master's son, as the Lord has decided.”
Eto, Reveka je u tvojoj vlasti, uzmi je pa idi, i neka bude žena sinu tvojega gospodara, kao što kaza Gospod.
52 As soon as Abraham's servant heard their decision, he bowed down in worship to the Lord.
A kad èu sluga Avramov rijeèi njihove, pokloni se Gospodu do zemlje;
53 Then he unpacked silver and gold jewelry and expensive clothes and gave them to Rebekah. He also gave valuable presents to her brother and her mother.
I izvadi sluga zaklade srebrne i zlatne i haljine, i dade Reveci; takoðer i bratu njezinu i materi njezinoj dade darove.
54 He and the men with him ate and drank, and spent the night there. When they got up in the morning, he said, “Let me leave now and go home to my master.”
Potom jedoše i piše on i ljudi koji bijahu s njim, i prenoæiše. A kad ujutru ustaše, reèe sluga: pustite me gospodaru mojemu.
55 But her brother and her mother said, “Let her stay with us for another ten days or so. She can leave after that.”
A brat i mati njezina rekoše: neka ostane djevojka kod nas koji dan, barem deset dana, pa onda neka ide.
56 “Please don't delay me,” he told them. “The Lord has made my journey successful, so let me leave and go back to my master.”
A on im reèe: nemojte me zadržavati, kad je Gospod dao sreæu mojemu putu; pustite me da idem gospodaru svojemu.
57 “Let's call Rebekah and find out what she wants to do,” they suggested.
Tada rekoše: da zovemo djevojku, i upitamo šta ona veli.
58 They called Rebekah in and asked her, “Do you want to go with this man now?” “Yes, I'll go,” she replied.
I dozvaše Reveku i rekoše joj: hoæeš iæi s ovijem èovjekom? A ona odgovori: hoæu.
59 So they let Laban's sister Rebekah leave with Abraham's servant and his men, together with the woman who had nursed her as a child.
I pustiše Reveku sestru svoju i dojkinju njezinu sa slugom Avramovijem i ljudima njegovijem.
60 They asked a blessing on her, saying, “Our dear sister, may you become the mother to thousands and thousands of descendants, and may they conquer their enemies.”
I blagosloviše Reveku i rekoše joj: sestro naša, da se namnožiš na tisuæe tisuæa, i sjeme tvoje da naslijedi vrata svojih neprijatelja!
61 Then Rebekah and her servant girls got on the camels. They followed Abraham's servant and left.
I podiže se Reveka s djevojkama svojim, i posjedaše na kamile, i poðoše s èovjekom; i sluga uzev Reveku otide.
62 Meanwhile Isaac, who was living in the Negev, had just come back from Beer-lahai-roi.
A Isak iðaše vraæajuæi se od studenca živoga koji me vidi jer življaše u južnom kraju
63 He went out into the fields one evening to think things over. He looked into the distance and saw camels coming.
A bješe izašao Isak u polje pred veèe da se pomoli Bogu; i podigav oèi svoje ugleda kamile gdje idu.
64 Rebekah was also keeping a look out. When she saw Isaac, she got down from her camel.
I Reveka podigavši oèi svoje ugleda Isaka, te skoèi s kamile,
65 She asked the servant, “Who is this walking through the fields to meet us?” “He's my master, Isaac,” he replied. So she put on her veil to cover herself.
I reèe sluzi: ko je onaj èovjek što ide preko polja pred nas? A sluga reèe: ono je gospodar moj. I ona uze pokrivalo i pokri lice.
66 The servant told Isaac everything he'd done.
I pripovjedi sluga Isaku sve što je svršio.
67 Isaac took Rebekah into his mother Sarah's tent, and he married her. He loved her, and she brought him comfort after his grief over his mother's death.
I odvede je Isak u šator Sare matere svoje; i uze Reveku, i ona mu posta žena, i omilje mu. I Isak se utješi za materom svojom.

< Genesis 24 >