< Jeremiah 47 >

1 This is the message from the Lord that came to Jeremiah the prophet about the Philistines before Pharaoh attacked Gaza.
Rijeè Gospodnja koja doðe Jeremiji proroku za Filisteje prije nego Faraon osvoji Gazu.
2 This is what the Lord says: Look at the waters rising from the north! They will become an overflowing river that sweeps across the country and everything in it, flooding the towns and everyone's homes. The people will cry out for help; everyone who lives in the country will weep,
Ovako veli Gospod: evo, voda dolazi sa sjevera, i biæe kao potok koji se razljeva, i potopiæe zemlju i što je u njoj, grad i one koji žive u njemu; i ljudi æe vikati, i ridaæe svi stanovnici zemaljski.
3 as they hear the sound of stallions charging, the rattling of chariots and the rumble of their wheels. Fathers won't go back to help their sons—they have no strength because they're terrified.
Od topota kopita jakih konja njegovijeh, od tutnjave kola njegovijeh, i praske toèkova njegovijeh, neæe se obazreti ocevi na sinove, jer æe im ruke klonuti,
4 The day has arrived when all the Philistines will be destroyed, when Tyre and Sidon will have no more allies to help them. The Lord is going to destroy the Philistines, those who are left from the island of Crete.
Od onoga dana koji æe doæi da istrijebi sve Filisteje i da zatre Tir i Sidon i sve ostale pomoænike, jer æe Gospod istrijebiti Filisteje, ostatak ostrva Kaftora.
5 The people of Gaza will shave their heads; the town of Ashkelon lies in ruins. You who are left on the coastal plain, how long will you go on cutting yourself?
Oæelaviæe Gaza, propašæe Askalon i ostatak doline njihove; dokle æeš se rezati?
6 Oh sword of the Lord, when are you going to stop killing? Go back in your sheath. Stop killing and stay there!
Jaoh, maèu Gospodnji, kad æeš se smiriti? vrati se u korice svoje, stani i smiri se.
7 But how can the sword stop killing when the Lord has given it orders to attack Ashkelon and its coastlands?
Ali kako bi se smirio? jer mu Gospod dade zapovijest na Askalon i na primorje; onamo ga odredi.

< Jeremiah 47 >