< Job 30 >

1 But now people much younger than me laugh at me; people whose fathers I would not put to work with my sheepdogs.
nunc autem derident me iuniores tempore quorum non dignabar patres ponere cum canibus gregis mei
2 They are too weak to be any use to me; they're all worn-out.
quorum virtus manuum erat mihi pro nihilo et vita ipsa putabantur indigni
3 Thin through hunger and want, they try to eat the dry ground in the dark, desolate wilderness.
egestate et fame steriles qui rodebant in solitudine squalentes calamitate et miseria
4 There they pick desert herbs and the leaves of bushes, and eat the roots of broom trees.
et mandebant herbas et arborum cortices et radix iuniperorum erat cibus eorum
5 They were driven out of the community.
qui de convallibus ista rapientes cum singula repperissent ad ea cum clamore currebant
6 People shouted after them as if they were thieves. They have to live in dangerous ravines, in caves and among the rocks.
in desertis habitabant torrentium et in cavernis terrae vel super glaream
7 They shout out like animals among the bushes; they huddle together in the weeds for shelter.
qui inter huiuscemodi laetabantur et esse sub sentibus delicias conputabant
8 They are foolish, nameless people that have been driven from the land.
filii stultorum et ignobilium et in terra penitus non parentes
9 Yet now they mock me in their songs; I have become a joke to them!
nunc in eorum canticum versus sum et factus sum eis proverbium
10 They despise and shun me; they don't hesitate to spit in my face.
abominantur me et longe fugiunt a me et faciem meam conspuere non verentur
11 God has made my bowstring loose and humbled me.
faretram enim suam aperuit et adflixit me et frenum posuit in os meum
12 The rabble rise up against me, they send me running; like a city under siege they devise ways to destroy me.
ad dexteram orientis calamitatis meae ilico surrexerunt pedes meos subverterunt et oppresserunt quasi fluctibus semitis suis
13 They cut off my way of escape; they bring about my downfall and do this without anyone's help.
dissipaverunt itinera mea insidiati sunt mihi et praevaluerunt et non fuit qui ferret auxilium
14 They come in through a wide breach; they rush in as the wall comes tumbling down.
quasi rupto muro et aperta ianua inruerunt super me et ad meas miserias devoluti sunt
15 Terrors overcome me; my honor is blown away by the wind; my salvation vanishes like a cloud.
redactus sum in nihili abstulisti quasi ventus desiderium meum et velut nubes pertransiit salus mea
16 And now my life is ebbing away; every day despair grips me.
nunc autem in memet ipso marcescit anima mea et possident me dies adflictionis
17 At night my bones are in agony; the pain gnaws at me and never stops.
nocte os meum perforatur doloribus et qui me comedunt non dormiunt
18 God grabs me roughly by my clothes; he pulls me by the collar of my shirt.
in multitudine eorum consumitur vestimentum meum et quasi capitio tunicae sic cinxerunt me
19 He has thrown me in the mud; he has humbled me like dust and ashes.
conparatus sum luto et adsimilatus favillae et cineri
20 God, I cry to you but you don't answer; I stand before you, but you don't even notice me.
clamo ad te et non exaudis me sto et non respicis me
21 You have turned cruel to me; you use your power to make me suffer.
mutatus es mihi in crudelem et in duritia manus tuae adversaris mihi
22 You pick me up and blow me along in the wind; tossing me about in the whirlwind.
elevasti me et quasi super ventum ponens elisisti me valide
23 I know you're taking me to my death, to the place where all the living go.
scio quia morti tradas me ubi constituta domus est omni viventi
24 Who would want to kick a man when he is down, when they cry for help in their time of trouble?
verumtamen non ad consumptionem eorum emittis manum tuam et si corruerint ipse salvabis
25 Didn't I weep for those having hard times? Didn't I grieve at what the poor suffered?
flebam quondam super eum qui adflictus erat et conpatiebatur anima mea pauperi
26 But when I looked for good, only evil came, and when I waited for the light, all that came was darkness.
expectabam bona et venerunt mihi mala praestolabar lucem et eruperunt tenebrae
27 Inside I am in turmoil, it never stops; I face days of despair.
interiora mea efferbuerunt absque ulla requie praevenerunt me dies adflictionis
28 I am so depressed; seeing the sun doesn't help. I stand up in the assembly and cry for help.
maerens incedebam sine furore consurgens in turba clamavi
29 I am like a brother to the jackals, a companion to owls.
frater fui draconum et socius strutionum
30 My skin turns black on me; and my bones burn within me.
cutis mea denigrata est super me et ossa mea aruerunt prae caumate
31 My lyre only plays sad songs, and my pipe is the voice of those who weep.
versa est in luctum cithara mea et organum meum in vocem flentium

< Job 30 >