< Job 1 >

1 Once there was a man called Job who lived in the land of Uz. He was a man of integrity who did what was right. He respected God and avoided evil.
Bijaše èovjek u zemlji Uzu po imenu Jov; i taj èovjek bijaše dobar i pravedan, i bojaše se Boga, i uklanjaše se oda zla.
2 He had seven sons and three daughters.
I rodi mu se sedam sinova i tri kæeri.
3 He owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred teams of oxen, and five hundred female donkeys, as well as many servants. He was more wealthy than anyone else in the East.
I imaše stoke sedam tisuæa ovaca i tri tisuæe kamila i pet stotina jarmova volova i pet stotina magarica, i èeljadi veoma mnogo; i bijaše taj èovjek najveæi od svijeh ljudi na istoku.
4 Job's sons used to take turns holding feasts in their homes on their specific day, also inviting their sisters to come and eat and drink with them.
I sinovi njegovi sastajahu se i davahu gozbe kod kuæe, svaki svoga dana, i slahu te pozivahu tri sestre svoje da jedu i piju s njima.
5 When the days of feasting were over, Job would send for them and purify them by getting up early in the morning to offer a burnt offering for each of them. He was concerned, thinking to himself, “Maybe my children have sinned in some way and have unintentionally offended God.” This is what Job always did.
I kad bi se obredili gozbom, pošiljaše Jov i osveæivaše ih, i ustajuæi rano prinošaše žrtve paljenice prema broju svijeh njih; jer govoraše Jov: može biti da su se ogriješili sinovi moji i pohulili na Boga u srcu svom. Tako èinjaše Jov svaki put.
6 One day the angels came to present themselves to the Lord, and Satan came with them.
A jedan dan doðoše sinovi Božji da stanu pred Gospodom, a meðu njih doðe i Sotona.
7 The Lord asked Satan, “What have you been doing?” “Traveling around on earth, going here and there,” Satan replied.
I Gospod reèe Sotoni: otkuda ideš? A Sotona odgovori Gospodu i reèe: prohodih zemlju i obilazih.
8 “Have you paid attention to Job, my servant?” asked the Lord. “There's no one like him on earth, a man of integrity who does what is right, who respects God and avoids evil.”
I reèe Gospod Sotoni: jesi li vidio slugu mojega Jova? nema onakoga èovjeka na zemlji, dobra i pravedna, koji se boji Boga i uklanja se oda zla.
9 “Is it for nothing that Job respects God?” Satan answered. “You've placed a protective fence around him and his family—in fact around everything he has.
A Sotona odgovori Gospodu i reèe: eda li se uzalud Jov boji Boga?
10 You have blessed everything he does. His flocks and herds have increased so much they fill the whole land!
Nijesi li ga ti ogradio i kuæu njegovu i sve što ima svuda unaokolo? djelo ruku njegovijeh blagoslovio si, i stoka se njegova umnožila na zemlji.
11 But if you reach out and take everything he has, he will definitely curse you to your face.”
Ali pruži ruku svoju i dotakni se svega što ima, psovaæe te u oèi.
12 The Lord told Satan, “Very well, you have the power to do whatever you want to everything he has, but don't hurt him physically.” Then Satan left the Lord's presence.
A Gospod reèe Sotoni: evo, sve što ima neka je u tvojoj ruci; samo na njega ne diži ruke svoje. I otide Sotona od Gospoda.
13 The day came when while Job's sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house,
A jedan dan kad sinovi njegovi i kæeri njegove jeðahu i pijahu vino u kuæi brata svojega najstarijega,
14 a messenger came to Job and told him, “As the oxen were plowing and female donkeys were grazing nearby,
Doðe glasnik Jovu i reèe: volovi orahu i magarice pasijahu pokraj njih,
15 the Sabeans attacked and took them, killing the herdsmen. Only I escaped to bring you this news.”
A Saveji udariše i oteše ih, i pobiše momke oštrijem maèem; i samo ja jedan utekoh da ti javim.
16 While he was still speaking another messenger arrived and said, “The fire of God fell from heaven and set the sheep and shepherds on fire and burned them up. Only I escaped to bring you this news.”
Dok ovaj još govoraše, doðe drugi i reèe: oganj Božji spade s neba i spali ovce i momke, i proždrije ih; i samo ja jedan utekoh da ti javim.
17 While he was still speaking another messenger arrived and said, “Three armed companies of Chaldeans attacked the camels and took them, killing the herdsmen. Only I escaped to bring you this news.”
Dokle ovaj još govoraše, doðe drugi i reèe: Haldejci u tri èete udariše na kamile i oteše ih, i pobiše momke oštrijem maèem; i samo ja jedan utekoh da ti javim.
18 While he was still speaking another messenger arrived and said, “Your sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in the house of their eldest brother
Dokle ovaj još govoraše, doðe drugi i reèe: sinovi tvoji i kæeri tvoje jeðahu i pijahu vino u kuæi brata svojega najstarijega;
19 when all of a sudden a tremendous wind came in from the desert. It hit the house on all four sides so that it collapsed on them and they died. Only I escaped to bring you this news.”
A to vjetar velik doðe ispreko pustinje i udari u èetiri ugla od kuæe, te pade na djecu i pogiboše; i samo ja jedan utekoh da ti javim.
20 Then Job stood up and tore his robe. Then cut off his hair and fell to the ground in worship.
Tada usta Jov i razdrije plašt svoj, i ostriže glavu, i pade na zemlju i pokloni se,
21 “I was naked when I came out of my mother's womb, and I shall be naked when I leave,” he said. “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away. May the Lord's name be honored.”
I reèe: go sam izašao iz utrobe matere svoje, go æu se i vratiti onamo. Gospod dade, Gospod uze, da je blagosloveno ime Gospodnje.
22 In all of this Job did not sin, nor blame God.
Uza sve to ne sagriješi Jov, niti reèe bezumlja za Boga.

< Job 1 >