< Joshua 1 >

1 After the death of Moses, the servant of the Lord, the Lord spoke to Joshua, the son of Nun, who had been Moses' assistant. He told him,
A po smrti Mojsija sluge Gospodnjega reèe Gospod Isusu sinu Navinu, sluzi Mojsijevu, govoreæi:
2 “My servant Moses has died. So go and cross the Jordan, you and all the people, and enter the country I am giving to the Israelites.
Mojsije sluga moj umrije; zato sada ustani, prijeði preko toga Jordana ti i sav taj narod u zemlju koju ja dajem sinovima Izrailjevijem.
3 As I promised Moses, everywhere you set foot will be land I am giving to you,
Svako mjesto na koje stupite stopama svojim dao sam vam, kao što rekoh Mojsiju.
4 from the desert to Lebanon, and on up to the River Euphrates; all the land of the Hittites, and to the shore of the Mediterranean Sea to the west. This will be your territory.
Od pustinje i od ovoga Livana do rijeke velike, rijeke Efrata, sva zemlja Hetejska do velikoga mora na zapadu, biæe meða vaša.
5 No one will be able to stand against you while you live. Just as I was with Moses, I will be with you. I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.
Niko se neæe održati pred tobom svega vijeka tvojega; s tobom æu biti kao što sam bio s Mojsijem, neæu otstupiti od tebe niti æu te ostaviti.
6 Be strong! Be brave! You will be the people's leader as they occupy the land I promised their ancestors that I would give them.
Budi slobodan i hrabar, jer æeš ti predati tome narodu u našljedstvo zemlju za koju sam se zakleo ocima njihovijem da æu im je dati.
7 Just be strong and very brave, and be sure to obey all the law that my servant Moses instructed you to follow. Don't turn aside from it, either to the right or to the left, so that you may be successful in everything you do.
Samo budi slobodan i hrabar da držiš i tvoriš sve po zakonu koji ti je zapovjedio Mojsije sluga moj, ne otstupaj od njega ni nadesno ni nalijevo, da bi napredovao kuda god poðeš.
8 Keep on reminding the people about the law. Meditate on it day and night, so you can be sure to do what it requires. Then you will be successful and prosper in what you do.
Neka se ne rastavlja od usta tvojih knjiga ovoga zakona, nego razmišljaj o njemu dan i noæ, da držiš i tvoriš sve kako je u njemu napisano; jer æeš tada biti sreæan na putovima svojim i tada æeš napredovati.
9 Don't forget what I told you: Be strong! Be brave! Don't be afraid! Don't get discouraged! For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Nijesam li ti zapovjedio: budi slobodan i hrabar? ne boj se i ne plaši se; jer je s tobom Gospod Bog tvoj kuda god ideš.
10 Then Joshua gave an order to those in charge of the people:
Tada zapovjedi Isus upraviteljima narodnijem govoreæi:
11 “Go through the whole camp and tell the people, ‘Get everything ready, because in three days time we will cross the Jordan, to go and take the land God is giving to you to possess.’”
Proðite kroz oko i zapovjedite narodu govoreæi: spremite sebi brašnjenice; jer æete do tri dana prijeæi preko Jordana da uðete i uzmete zemlju koju vam Gospod Bog vaš daje u našljedstvo.
12 But to the tribes of Reuben and Gad, and half of the tribe of Manasseh, Joshua said,
A plemenu Ruvimovu i Gadovu i polovini plemena Manasijina reèe Isus govoreæi:
13 “Remember what Moses, the servant of the Lord, ordered you to do: ‘The Lord your God is giving you rest, and will give you this land.’
Opomenite se šta vam je zapovjedio Mojsije sluga Gospodnji rekav: Gospod Bog vaš smiri vas i dade vam ovu zemlju.
14 Your wives and children, and your livestock will remain here in the land that Moses allotted you on the east side of the Jordan. But all your armed men, ready for battle, will cross over ahead of your brothers to help them,
Žene vaše, djeca vaša i stoka vaša neka ostanu u zemlji koju vam dade Mojsije s ovu stranu Jordana; vi pak prijeðite pod oružjem pred braæom svojom, koji ste god za vojsku, i pomozite im,
15 until the Lord lets them rest, as he has let you rest, and they too have taken possession of the land that the Lord is giving to you. Then you can return and occupy your own land which Moses allotted to you on the east side of the Jordan.”
Dokle ne smiri Gospod i braæu vašu kao vas, i naslijede i oni zemlju koju im daje Gospod Bog vaš; pa se onda vratite na našljedstvo svoje, koje vam je dao Mojsije sluga Gospodnji s ovu stranu Jordana k istoku, i držite ga.
16 They said to Joshua, “We will do everything you have ordered us to do, and we will go wherever you send us.
A oni odgovoriše Isusu govoreæi: što si nam god zapovjedio èiniæemo, i kuda nas god pošlješ iæi æemo.
17 We will obey you just as we obeyed Moses in everything. May the Lord God be with you as he was with Moses.
Slušaæemo te kako smo slušali Mojsija; samo neka Gospod Bog tvoj bude s tobom kao što je bio s Mojsijem.
18 Anyone who rebels against what you say and doesn't follow your orders, who doesn't obey everything you command, will be put to death. So be strong! Be brave!”
Ko bi se protivio tvojoj zapovijesti i ne bi slušao rijeèi tvojih u svemu što mu zapovjediš, neka se pogubi; samo budi slobodan i hrabar.

< Joshua 1 >