< Leviticus 26 >

1 “Don't make yourselves idols anywhere in your land and bow down to worship them, whether they are images or sacred pillars or stone sculptures. For I am the Lord your God.
Nemojte graditi sebi idola ni likova rezanijeh, niti stupova podižite, ni kamenja sa slikama meæite u svojoj zemlji da mu se klanjate; jer sam ja Gospod Bog vaš.
2 Keep my Sabbaths and show respect for my sanctuary. I am the Lord.
Držite subote moje, i svetinju moju poštujte; ja sam Gospod.
3 If you follow my rules and keep my regulations,
Ako uživite po mojim uredbama, i zapovijesti moje uzdržite i ušèinite,
4 I will make sure it rains at the right time so that the ground will grow good crops and the fruit trees will be productive.
Davaæu vam dažd na vrijeme, i zemlja æe raðati rod svoj, i drveta æe u polju raðati rod svoj;
5 Your time of threshing will last right up to the grape harvest, and the grape harvest until the time you have to sow again. You will have more than enough to eat and you will live in safety in your land.
I vršidba æe vam stizati berbu vinogradsku, a berba æe vinogradska stizati sijanje, i ješæete hljeb svoj do sitosti, i živjeæete bez straha u zemlji svojoj.
6 I will make sure your land is at peace. You will be able to sleep without being afraid of anything. I will get rid of dangerous animals from the land, and you will not suffer from any violent enemy attacks.
Jer æu dati mir zemlji, te æete spavati a neæe biti nikoga da vas plaši; uèiniæu, te æe nestati zle zvijeri iz zemlje, i maè neæe prolaziti preko vaše zemlje.
7 You will chase your enemies, and kill them with the sword.
Nego æete tjerati neprijatelje svoje, i padaæe pred vama od maèa.
8 Five of you will kill one hundred, and one hundred of you will kill ten thousand. You will destroy your enemies.
Vas æe petorica tjerati stotinu, a vas stotina tjeraæe deset tisuæa, i padaæe neprijatelji vaši pred vama od maèa.
9 I will come to help you, so you will reproduce and increase in numbers, and I will confirm my agreement with you.
I obratiæu se k vama, i uèiniæu vam da rastete, i umnožiæu vas, i utvrdiæu zavjet svoj s vama.
10 You'll still be eating your old stock of grain when you need to get rid of it so you can store the new grain.
I ješæete žito staro, od mnogo godina, i izasipaæete staro kad doðe novo.
11 I will come and live with you—I certainly won't reject you.
I namjestiæu stan svoj meðu vama, i duša moja neæe mrziti na vas.
12 I shall always be right there with you. I will be your God, and you will be my people.
I hodiæu meðu vama, i biæu vam Bog, i vi æete biti moj narod.
13 I am the Lord your God, who led you out of Egypt so you wouldn't have to be slaves to the Egyptians any longer. I smashed the yoke that kept you bent down and helped you to stand up straight.
Ja sam Gospod Bog vaš, koji vas izvedoh iz zemlje Misirske da im ne robujete, i polomih palice jarma vašega, i ispravih vas da hodite pravo.
14 But if you don't pay attention to me and do what I tell you;
Ako li me ne uzaslušate, i ne ušèinite sve ove zapovijesti,
15 if you reject my laws, hate my regulations, and refuse to follow my commandments, and consequently break my agreement,
Ako povrgnete uredbe moje i duši vašoj omrznu zakoni moji da ne tvorite sve zapovijesti moje, i raskinete zavjet moj,
16 then this is what I am going to do to you: I will make you panic, and suffer from diseases like tuberculosis and fever that make you blind and drain your life away. It will be pointless for you to sow seed in your fields because your enemies will eat the harvest.
I ja æu vama uèiniti ovo: pustiæu na vas strah, suhu bolest i vruæicu, koje æe vam oèi iskvariti i dušu ucvijeliti; i zaludu æete sijati sjeme svoje, jer æe ga jesti neprijatelji vaši.
17 I will turn against you, and you'll be defeated by your enemies. People who hate you will rule over you, and you'll run away even when there's no one chasing you!
I okrenuæu lice svoje nasuprot vama, i sjeæi æe vas neprijatelji vaši, i koji mrze na vas biæe vam gospodari, i bježaæete kad vas niko ne tjera.
18 If after all this you still refuse to obey me, I will move to punishing you seven times over for your sins.
Ako me ni tada ne stanete slušati, karaæu vas još sedam puta više za grijehe vaše.
19 I will break your self-reliant strength you're so proud of, and make your sky hard as iron and your land hard as bronze.
Potræu ponos sile vaše, i uèiniæu da nebo nad vama bude kao gvožðe a zemlja vaša kao mjed.
20 Your strength will be completely wasted because your land won't produce crops, and your trees won't produce fruit.
Snaga æe se vaša trošiti uzalud, jer zemlja vaša neæe raðati roda svojega, i drveta po zemlji neæe raðati roda svojega.
21 If you go on opposing me and refusing to do what I tell you, I will make your punishments seven times worse, based on your sins.
Ako mi uzidete nasuprot i ne htjedbudete slušati me, dodaæu vam sedam puta više muka prema grijesima vašim.
22 I will send wild animals to kill your children, wipe out your livestock, and make you so few in number that there won't be anyone on your roads.
Pustiæu na vas zvijeri poljske, koje æe vam djecu izjesti i stoku potrti i vas umaliti, i opustjeæe putovi vaši.
23 However, if in spite of all this correction you still don't change but go on opposing me,
Ako se ni od toga ne popravite, nego mi jošte uzidete nasuprot,
24 then I will take action against you. I will punish you seven times over for your sins.
I ja æu vama iæi nasuprot, i biæu vas još sedam puta više za grijehe vaše.
25 I will send enemies with swords to attack you in retaliation for breaking the agreement. Even though you retreat into your towns for defense, I will plague you with disease, and you will be handed over to your enemies.
Pustiæu na vas maè, koji æe osvetiti moj zavjet; a kad se sležete u gradove svoje, tada æu pustiti pomor meðu vas, i biæete predani u ruke neprijatelju.
26 I will send a famine so bread is in short supply. One oven will serve the needs of ten women baking bread. It will be distributed by weight so that you'll eat but won't have enough.
I kad vam slomim potporu u hljebu, deset æe žena peæi hljeb vaš u jednoj peæi, i davaæe vam hljeb vaš na mjeru, i ješæete a neæete se nasititi.
27 However, if in spite of all this you don't obey me, but go on opposing me,
Ako me ni tako ne stanete slušati, nego mi uzidete nasuprot,
28 then I will take action against you in a rage of fury, and I will punish you myself seven times over for your sins.
I ja æu vama s gnjevom iæi nasuprot, i sedam puta veæma karaæu vas za grijehe vaše.
29 You will eat the bodies of your own sons and daughters.
I ješæete meso od sinova svojih, i meso od kæeri svojih ješæete.
30 I will destroy your high places of worship, smash your altars of incense, and pile up your dead bodies on what remains of your idols, which also have no life at all. I will really despise you.
Razvaliæu visine vaše, i oboriæu idole vaše, i metnuæu trupove vaše na trupove gadnih bogova vaših, i mrziæe duša moja na vas.
31 I will demolish your towns and destroy your pagan sanctuaries, and I will refuse to accept your sacrifices.
I obratiæu gradove vaše u pustoš, i razoriæu svetinje vaše, i neæu više mirisati mirisa vašega.
32 I will devastate your land myself, so that your enemies who come and live in it will be horrified at what has happened.
I opustiæu zemlju da æe joj se èuditi neprijatelji vaši, koji æe živjeti u njoj.
33 I'm going to scatter you among the nations. You will be chased out by armies with swords as your land is ruined and your towns are destroyed.
A vas æu rasijati po narodima, i uèiniæu da vas gone s golijem maèem; i zemlja æe vaša biti pusta i gradovi vaši raskopani.
34 At least then the land will be able to enjoy its Sabbaths all the time it's abandoned while you are in exile in the land of your enemies. The land will finally be able to rest and enjoy its Sabbaths.
Tada æe zemlji biti mile subote njezine za sve vrijeme dokle bude pusta; i kad budete u zemlji svojih neprijatelja, zemlja æe poèivati, i biæe joj mile subote njezine.
35 The whole time it's abandoned the land will observe the Sabbaths of rest that it wasn't able to do while you were living there.
Za sve vrijeme dokle bude pusta poèivaæe, jer nije poèivala u vaše subote, kad ste u njoj živjeli.
36 I will make those of you who survive so discouraged that as you live in the lands of your enemies even the sound of a leaf blowing in the wind will scare you into running away! You'll run away like you're being chased by someone with a sword, and fall down even though no one is after you.
A koji vas ostanu, metnuæu strah u srca njihova u zemljama neprijatelja njihovijeh, te æe ih goniti list kad šušne zaljuljavši se, i oni æe bježati kao ispred maèa, i padaæe a niko ih neæe tjerati.
37 You'll trip over each other as you run away from the attack, then though no one's there. You'll have no power to resist your enemies.
I padaæe jedan preko drugoga kao od maèa, a niko ih neæe tjerati; i neæete se moæi držati pred neprijateljima svojim.
38 You'll die in exile and you'll be buried in a foreign country.
Nego æete izginuti meðu narodima, i proždrijeæe vas zemlja neprijatelja vaših.
39 Those of you who do manage to survive in the countries of your enemies will wither away because of their guilt, decaying as they share the sins of their fathers.
A koji vas ostanu, èiljeæe za bezakonje svoje u zemlji neprijatelja svojih, i za bezakonje otaca svojih èiljeæe.
40 They need to confess their sins and those of their fathers, acting in such an unfaithful way towards me, opposing me.
Ali ako priznadu bezakonje svoje i bezakonje otaca svojih po grijesima, kojima mi griješiše i kojima mi idoše nasuprot,
41 Because of this I took action against them and exiled them in the countries of their enemies. However, if they humbly give up their stubborn attitude and accept their punishment for their sins,
Te i ja njima idoh nasuprot i odvedoh ih u zemlju neprijatelja njihovijeh; ako se tada ponizi srce njihovo neobrezano, i bude im pravo što su pokarani za bezakonje svoje,
42 then I will fulfill the agreement I made with Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham, and I will not forget my promise about the land.
Tada æu se opomenuti zavjeta svojega s Jakovom, i zavjeta svojega s Isakom, i zavjeta svojega s Avramom opomenuæu se, i zemlje æu se opomenuti.
43 For the land will be left empty by them, and it will enjoy its Sabbaths being abandoned. They will pay for their sins, because they rejected my rules and regulations.
Kad se zemlja oprosti njih i budu joj mile subote njezine kad opusti s njih, i njima bude pravo što su pokarani za bezakonje svoje, jer sudove moje povrgoše i duši njihovoj omrzoše uredbe moje.
44 But despite all this, even while they are living in land of their enemies, I will not reject or hate them so much as to destroy them and break my agreement with them, because I am the Lord their God.
A zato ni onda kad budu u zemlji neprijatelja svojih neæu ih povræi niti æu tako omrznuti na njih da ih potrem i raskinem zavjet svoj s njima; jer sam ja Gospod Bog njihov.
45 Because of them I will renew the agreement I made with their fathers, those I led out of Egypt as the other nations watched, in order that I might be their God. I am the Lord.”
Nego æu se njih radi opomenuti zavjeta sa starima njihovijem, koje izvedoh iz zemlje Misirske narodima na vidiku da im budem Bog, ja Gospod.
46 These are the rules, regulations, and laws that the Lord set up between himself and the Israelites through Moses on Mount Sinai.
Ovo su uredbe i sudovi i zakoni, koje postavi Gospod izmeðu sebe i sinova Izrailjevih na gori Sinajskoj preko Mojsija.

< Leviticus 26 >