< Psalms 46 >

1 For the music director by the sons of Korah. According to alamoth, a song. God is our protection and our strength; always ready to help when troubles come.
In finem, filiis Core, pro arcanis. Psalmus. Deus noster refugium et virtus; adjutor in tribulationibus quæ invenerunt nos nimis.
2 So we will not be afraid though the earth shakes, though the mountains fall into the depths of the sea,
Propterea non timebimus dum turbabitur terra, et transferentur montes in cor maris.
3 though the waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble as the waters surge violently! (Selah)
Sonuerunt, et turbatæ sunt aquæ eorum; conturbati sunt montes in fortitudine ejus.
4 A river flows to bring happiness to those in God's city, the holy place where the Most High lives.
Fluminis impetus lætificat civitatem Dei: sanctificavit tabernaculum suum Altissimus.
5 God is in the midst of the city; it will never fall. God protects it as soon as it is light.
Deus in medio ejus, non commovebitur; adjuvabit eam Deus mane diluculo.
6 Nations are in turmoil, kingdoms collapse. God raises his voice and the earth melts.
Conturbatæ sunt gentes, et inclinata sunt regna: dedit vocem suam, mota est terra.
7 The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob protects us. (Selah)
Dominus virtutum nobiscum; susceptor noster Deus Jacob.
8 Come and see what the Lord has achieved! See the amazing things he has done on the earth!
Venite, et videte opera Domini, quæ posuit prodigia super terram,
9 He stops wars all over the world. He smashes the bow; he breaks the spear; he sets shields on fire.
auferens bella usque ad finem terræ. Arcum conteret, et confringet arma, et scuta comburet igni.
10 Stop fighting! Recognize I am God! I am the ruler of the nations; I am the ruler of the earth.
Vacate, et videte quoniam ego sum Deus; exaltabor in gentibus, et exaltabor in terra.
11 The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob protects us. (Selah)
Dominus virtutum nobiscum; susceptor noster Deus Jacob.

< Psalms 46 >