< Psalms 56 >

1 For the music director. According to “Dove on Distant Oaks.” A psalm (miktam) of David concerning the time the Philistines captured him in Gath. God, please be gracious to me, for people are persecuting me; my attackers fight against me all day long.
Smiluj se na me, Bože, jer èovjek hoæe da me proguta, neprijatelj me svaki dan pritješnjuje.
2 My enemies chase me down all the time—there are many of them, attacking me in their arrogance.
Neprijatelji moji svaki dan traže da me progutaju; jer mnogi napadaju na me oholo.
3 But when I'm afraid, I trust in you.
Kad me je strah, ja se u tebe uzdam.
4 I thank God for his promises. I trust in God, so why should I be fearful? What can mere human beings do to me?
Bogom se hvalim za rijeè njegovu; u Boga se uzdam, ne bojim se; šta æe mi uèiniti tijelo?
5 They constantly twist my words against me; they spend all their time thinking of evil things to do to me.
Svaki dan izvræu rijeèi moje; što god misle, sve meni o zlu.
6 They gather together in their hiding places to keep watch on me, hoping to kill me.
Skupljaju se, prikrivaju se, paze za petama mojima; jer traže dušu moju.
7 Will they escape when they do so much evil? God, in anger bring these people down!
Kod ovake zloæe izbavi od njih, u gnjevu obori narode, Bože.
8 You've kept track of all my wanderings. You've collected all my tears in your bottle. You've kept a record of each one.
U tebe je izbrojeno moje potucanje, suze se moje èuvaju u sudu kod tebe, one su u knjizi tvojoj.
9 Then those who hate me will run away when I call for your help. For I know this: God is for me!
Neprijatelji moji ustupaju natrag, kad tebe prizivljem; po tom znam da je Bog sa mnom.
10 I thank God for his promises. I thank the Lord for his promises.
Bogom se hvalim za rijeè njegovu, Gospodom se hvalim za rijeè njegovu.
11 I trust in God, so why should I be fearful? What can mere human beings do to me?
U Boga se uzdam, ne bojim se; šta æe mi uèiniti èovjek?
12 God, I will keep my promises to you. I will give thank offerings to you,
Tebi sam se, Bože, zavjetovao; tebe æu hvaliti;
13 for you have saved me from death and kept me from falling. Now I walk in the presence of God, in the light that gives life.
Jer si izbavio dušu moju od smrti, noge moje od spoticanja, da bih hodio pred licem Božjim, u svjetlosti živijeh.

< Psalms 56 >