< 1 Chronicles 16 >

1 So they brought in the Arke of God, and set it in the middes of the Tabernacle that Dauid had pitched for it, and they offred burnt offrings and peace offrings before God.
Awo ne baleeta essanduuko ya Mukama, ne bagiyingiza mu weema Dawudi gye yali agisimbidde, ne bawaayo ebiweebwayo ebyokebwa n’ebiweebwayo olw’emirembe eri Katonda.
2 And when Dauid had made an ende of offering the burnt offering and the peace offerings, hee blessed the people in the Name of the Lord.
Awo Dawudi bwe yamala okuwaayo ebiweebwayo ebyokebwa n’ebiweebwayo olw’emirembe, n’asabira abantu omukisa mu linnya lya Mukama,
3 And he dealt to euery one of Israel both man and woman, to euery one a cake of breade, and a piece of flesh, and a bottel of wine.
era n’agabira buli Muyisirayiri omusajja n’omukazi, omugaati n’ekitole eky’ezabbibu enkalu, n’ekiyungula ky’ennyama.
4 And he appointed certaine of the Leuites to minister before the Arke of the Lord, and to rehearse and to thanke and prayse the Lord God of Israel:
Yalonda abamu ku Baleevi okuweerezanga mu maaso g’essanduuko ya Mukama, okukoowoola nga basaba, nga beebaza, era nga batendereza Mukama, Katonda wa Isirayiri.
5 Asaph the chiefe, and next to him Zechariah, Ieiel, and Shemiramoth, and Iehiel, and Mattithiah, and Eliab, and Benaiah, and Obed Edom, euen Ieiel with instruments, violes and harpes, and Asaph to make a sound with cymbales,
Asafu ye yali omukulu waabwe, Zekkaliya n’amuddirira, Yeyeeri n’addako, n’oluvannyuma Semiramosi, ne Yekyeri, ne Mattisiya, ne Eriyaabu, ne Benaya, ne Obededomu, ne Yeyeri, abookukuba entongooli n’ennanga, Asafu ye ng’akuba ebitaasa.
6 And Benaiah and Iahaziel Priestes, with trumpets continually before the Arke of the couenant of God.
Benaya ne Yakaziyeeri bakabona be baafuuwanga amakondeere bulijjo mu maaso g’essanduuko ey’endagaano ya Katonda.
7 Then at that time Dauid did appoint at the beginning to giue thankes to the Lord by the hand of Asaph and his brethren.
Awo ku lunaku olwo, Dawudi n’alagira Asafu n’abantu be yakolanga nabo, basooke okwebaza Mukama nga bagamba nti:
8 Praise the Lord and call vpon his Name: declare his workes among the people.
Mwebaze Mukama, mukoowoole erinnya lye, mumanyise ebikolwa bye mu mawanga.
9 Sing vnto him, sing praise vnto him, and talke of all his wonderfull workes.
Mumuyimbire, muyimbe okumutendereza mwogere ku byamagero bye byonna.
10 Reioyce in his holy Name: let the hearts of them that seeke the Lord reioyce.
Erinnya lye ligulumizibwe, n’emitima gy’abo abanoonya Mukama gisanyuke.
11 Seeke the Lord and his strength: seeke his face continually.
Mutunuulire Mukama n’amaanyi ge; munoonye amaaso ge ennaku zonna.
12 Remember his marueilous workes that he hath done, his wonders, and the iudgements of his mouth,
Mujjukire ebyewuunyo by’akoze, n’ebyamagero bye, n’ensala ye ey’emisango gy’alangirira,
13 O seede of Israel his seruant, O the children of Iaakob his chosen.
mmwe abazzukulu ba Isirayiri, abaweereza be, mmwe abaana ba Yakobo, abalonde be.
14 He is the Lord our God: his iudgements are throughout all the earth.
Ye Mukama Katonda waffe; okusalawo kwe okw’emisango kubuna ensi yonna.
15 Remember his couenant for euer, and the worde, which hee commanded to a thousand generations:
Ajjukira endagaano ye emirembe gyonna, n’ekigambo kye yalagira, okutuusa ku mirembe olukumi,
16 Which he made with Abraham, and his othe to Izhak:
gye yakola ne Ibulayimu, era n’agirayiza Isaaka.
17 And hath confirmed it to Iaakob for a Law, and to Israel for an euerlasting couenant,
N’aginyweza ng’etteeka eri Yakobo, n’eri Isirayiri ng’endagaano ey’olubeerera,
18 Saying, To thee will I giue the land of Canaan, the lot of your inheritance.
ng’agamba nti, “Ndikuwa ensi ya Kanani, ng’omugabo, ogw’obusika bwo.”
19 When ye were fewe in number, yea, a very fewe, and strangers therein,
Omuwendo gwabwe bwe gwali omutono, era omutono ddala, nga batambuze mu yo,
20 And walked about from nation to nation, and from one kingdome to another people,
baatambulatambulanga okuva mu nsi emu okudda mu ndala, n’okuva mu bwakabaka obumu okudda mu bantu abalala.
21 He suffered no man to do them wrong, but rebuked Kings for their sakes, saying,
Teyaganya muntu n’omu kubanyigiriza; weewaawo, yanenya bakabaka ku lwabwe:
22 Touch not mine anoynted, and doe my Prophets no harme.
ng’agamba nti, “Temukwatanga ku abo be nnafukako amafuta, so bannabbi bange temubakolanga akabi.”
23 Sing vnto the Lord all the earth: declare his saluation from day to day.
Muyimbire Mukama, mmwe ensi zonna; mulangirire obulokozi bwe buli lunaku.
24 Declare his glory among the nations, and his wonderful workes among all people.
Mubuulire ekitiibwa kye mu mawanga, n’ebikolwa bye ebyamagero mu bantu bonna.
25 For the Lord is great and much to be praised, and hee is to bee feared aboue all gods.
Mukama mukulu era asaanira okutenderezebwa; era atiibwenga okusinga bakatonda abalala bonna.
26 For all the gods of the people are idoles, but the Lord made the heauens.
Bakatonda bonna abamawanga bifaananyi, naye Mukama ye yakola eggulu.
27 Prayse and glory are before him: power and beautie are in his place.
Ekitiibwa n’obukulu biri mu maaso ge, amaanyi n’essanyu biri wamu naye.
28 Giue vnto the Lord, ye families of the people: giue vnto the Lord glory and power.
Mugulumize Mukama, mmwe ebika eby’amawanga byonna, mutende ekitiibwa kya Mukama awamu n’amaanyi ge.
29 Giue vnto the Lord ye glory of his Name: bring an offring and come before him, and worship the Lord in the glorious Sanctuarie.
Muyimusize Mukama ekitiibwa ekigwanira erinnya lye; muleete ekiweebwayo, mujje mu maaso ge; musinze Mukama mu kitiibwa ky’obutukuvu bwe.
30 Tremble ye before him, al the earth: surely the world shalbe stable and not moue.
Mukankane mu maaso ge ensi yonna, weewaawo ensi nywevu, teyinza kusesetulwa.
31 Let the heauens reioyce, and let the earth be glad, and let them say among the nations, The Lord reigneth.
Eggulu lisanyuke, n’ensi ejaguze; boogere mu mawanga nti, “Mukama afuga!”
32 Let the sea roare, and all that therein is: Let the field be ioyfull and all that is in it.
Ennyanja ewuume, n’ebigirimu byonna, n’ennimiro zijaguze, n’okujjula kwazo!
33 Let the trees of the wood then reioyce at the presence of the Lord: for he commeth to iudge the earth.
Awo emiti egy’omu kibira ginaayimba, ginaayimbira Mukama n’essanyu, kubanga akomawo okusalira ensi omusango.
34 Prayse the Lord, for hee is good, for his mercie endureth for euer.
Weebaze Mukama kubanga mulungi; era okwagala kwe kubeerera emirembe gyonna.
35 And say ye, Saue vs, O God, our saluation, and gather vs, and deliuer vs from the heathen, that we may prayse thine holy Name, and glorie in thy praise.
Mwogerere waggulu nti, “Tulokole, Ayi Katonda ow’obulokozi bwaffe; tukuŋŋaanye, otulokole eri amawanga, twebaze erinnya lyo ettukuvu, era tujagulize mu ttendo lyo.”
36 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for euer and euer: and let all people say, So be it, and praise the Lord.
Mukama yeebazibwe, Katonda wa Isirayiri ow’emirembe n’emirembe. Abantu bonna ne baddamu nti, “Amiina, Mukama yeebazibwe.”
37 Then he left there before the Arke of the Lordes couenant Asaph and his brethren to minister continually before the Arke, that which was to be done euery day:
Awo Dawudi n’aleka Asafu n’ababeezi be, okuweereza Mukama mu maaso g’essanduuko ey’endagaano ya Mukama, nga bwe kyagwaniranga buli lunaku.
38 And Obed Edom and his brethren, three score and eight: and Obed Edom the sonne of Ieduthun, and Hosah were porters.
Obededomu n’ababeezi be enkaaga mu omunaana nabo yabaleka baweereze eyo. Obededomu mutabani wa Yedusuni, era ne Kosa be baali abaggazi.
39 And Zadok the Priest and his brethren the Priestes were before the Tabernacle of ye Lord, in the hie place that was at Gibeon,
Dawudi yaleka Zadooki, kabona ne bakabona banne mu maaso g’eweema ya Mukama mu kifo ekigulumivu e Gibyoni
40 To offer burnt offrings vnto the Lord, vpon the burnt offring altar continually, in the morning and in the euening, euen according vnto all that is written in the law of the Lord, which hee commanded Israel.
okuwangayo ebiweebwayo ebyokebwa eri Mukama ku kyoto eky’ebiweebwayo ebyokebwa, buli nkya na buli kawungeezi, nga byonna bwe byawandiikibwa mu mateeka ga Mukama, ge yawa Isirayiri.
41 And with them were Heman, and Ieduthun, and the rest that were chosen (which were appointed by names) to praise the Lord, because his mercie endureth for euer.
Kemani ne Yedusuni n’abalala abaalondebwa ne bayitibwa amannya gaabwe okwebaza Mukama, “kubanga okwagala kwe kubeerera emirembe gyonna,” baali wamu nabo.
42 Euen with them were Heman and Ioduthun, to make a sound with the cornets and with the cymbales, with excellent instruments of musicke: and the sonnes of Ieduthun were at the gate.
Era Kemani ne Yedusuni baavunaanyizibwanga okufuuwa amakondeere, n’okukuba ebitaasa, n’okukubira ebivuga ebirala ku luyimba lwa Katonda. Batabani ba Yedusuni baabeeranga ku wankaaki.
43 And all the people departed, euerie man to his house: and Dauid returned to blesse his house.
Awo abantu bonna ne baddayo ewaabwe, ne Dawudi n’addayo okusabira ennyumba ye omukisa.

< 1 Chronicles 16 >