< 1 Kings 7 >

1 Bvt Salomon was building his owne house thirteene yeeres, and finished all his house.
Salomo atongaki lisusu ndako na ye ya bokonzi; asalaki mibu zomi na misato mpo na kosilisa kotonga yango.
2 He built also an house called the forest of Lebanon, an hundreth cubites long, and fiftie cubites broad, and thirtie cubites hie, vpon foure rowes of cedar pillars, and cedar beames were layed vpon the pillars.
Atongaki mpe ndako oyo bazalaki kobenga « Ndako ya Zamba ya Libani. » Ezalaki na bametele pene tuku mitano na molayi, bametele pene tuku mibale na mitano na mokuse mpe bametele pene zomi na mitano na bosanda. Ezalaki na milongo minei ya makonzi ya banzete ya sedele; mpe na likolo ya makonzi yango, ezalaki na mabaya minene ya sedele mpo na kosimba motondo.
3 And it was couered aboue with cedar vpon the beames, that lay on the fourtie and fiue pillars, fifteene in a rowe.
Bongo, na likolo ya mabaya ya sedele yango oyo esimbaki motondo, ezalaki na milongo misato ya mabaya mosusu ya sedele na likolo ya makonzi: molongo moko na moko ezalaki na mabaya ya sedele zomi na mitano. Na kosangisa, mabaya yango ezalaki tuku minei na mitano.
4 And the windowes were in three rowes, and windowe was against windowe in three rankes.
Maninisa na yango ezalaki na mipanzi nyonso ya ndako mpe ezalaki etalana yango na yango, na ba-etaje nyonso misato.
5 And all the doores, and the side postes with the windowes were foure square, and windowe was ouer against windowe in three rankes.
Bikuke na yango nyonso ezalaki ndenge moko na molayi mpe na mokuse, mpe ezalaki etalana na ba-etaje nyonso misato.
6 And he made a porche of pillars fiftie cubites long, and thirtie cubites broade, and the porch was before them, euen before them were thirtie pillars.
Salomo atongaki lisusu na makonzi, ndako moke ya kokotela ya bametele pene tuku mibale na mitano na molayi mpe bametele pene zomi na mitano na mokuse, mpe ezalaki na motondo likolo ya makonzi.
7 Then he made a porch for the throne, where he iudged, euen a porch of iudgement, and it was sieled with cedar from pauement to pauement.
Atongaki lisusu ndako ya kiti ya bokonzi epai wapi azalaki kosambisa bato. Alatisaki yango mabaya ya sedele, kobanda na se kino na likolo.
8 And in his house, where he dwelt, was an other hall more inwarde then the porche which was of the same worke. Also Salomon made an house for Pharaohs daughter (whom he had taken to wife) like vnto this porche.
Ndako na ye ya kovanda ezalaki kati na lopango mosusu, na sima ya ndako moke ya kokotela; mpe batongaki yango ndenge moko kaka na ndako ya kiti ya bokonzi. Salomo abalaki mwana mwasi ya Faraon, mokonzi ya Ejipito, mpe atongiselaki ye ndako oyo ekokana na ndako ya kiti ya bokonzi.
9 All these were of costly stones, hewed by measure, and sawed with sawes within and without, from the foundation vnto the stones of an hand breadth, and on the outside to the great court.
Batongaki bandako oyo nyonso na mabanga bakata kitoko mpe babongisa na si na bangambo nyonso mibale. Basalelaki yango kobanda na miboko kino na mitondo, mpe na libanda, mpo na bamir ya lopango ya monene.
10 And the foundation was of costly stones, and great stones, euen of stones of ten cubites, and stones of eight cubites.
Basalelaki mabanga minene ya talo mpo na kotonga miboko oyo ezalaki na molayi ya bametele pene minei to mitano.
11 Aboue also were costly stones, squared by rule, and boardes of cedar.
Na likolo ya miboko yango, batiaki mabanga oyo bakata mpe mabaya minene ya sedele mpo na kosimba motondo.
12 And the great court round about was with three rowes of hewed stones, and a rowe of cedar beames: so was it to ye inner court of the house of the Lord, and to the porche of the house.
Salomo azingelaki lopango monene na mir ya milongo misato ya mabanga bakata mpe na molongo moko ya mabaya minene ya sedele, ndenge ezalaki mpo na lopango ya kati ya Tempelo ya Yawe mpe mpo na ndako moke ya kokotela.
13 Then King Salomon sent, and set one Hiram out of Tyrus.
Mokonzi Salomo atindaki bato na mboka Tiri kobenga mosali moko na kombo Irami
14 He was a widowes sonne of the tribe of Naphtali, his father being a man of Tyrus, and wrought in brasse: he was full of wisedome, and vnderstanding, and knowledge to worke all maner of worke in brasse: who came to King Salomon, and wrought all his worke.
oyo tata na ye azalaki moto ya Tiri; mpe mama na ye, moto ya libota ya Nefitali, azalaki mwasi akufisa mobali. Irami ayebaki kosalela bronze. Bongo lokola azalaki na bwanya, mayele mpe boyebi mingi, azalaki kosala lolenge nyonso ya biloko ya bronze. Boye, ayaki epai ya mokonzi Salomo mpe asalelaki ye misala nyonso oyo asengaki ye.
15 For he cast two pillars of brasse: ye height of a pillar was eighteene cubites, and a threede of twelue cubites did compasse either of ye pillars.
Irami asalaki makonzi nyonso mibale ya bronze: likonzi moko na moko ezalaki na bametele pene libwa na molayi, mpe bametele pene motoba na monene.
16 And he made two chapiters of molten brasse to set on the tops of the pillars: the height of one of the chapiters was fiue cubites, and the height of the other chapiter was fiue cubites.
Asalaki lisusu na bronze banyangwisa na moto mito ya makonzi mpo na kotia yango na songe: moto moko na moko ya likonzi ezalaki na bametele mibale na basantimetele tuku mitano na bosanda.
17 He made grates like networke, and wrethen worke like chaynes for the chapiters that were on the top of the pillars, euen seuen for the one chapiter, and seuen for the other chapiter.
Batiaki na mito ya makonzi yango bililingi ya basinga oyo basala lokola monyama mpe ya basinga elingama-lingama lokola basheni. Na moto ya likonzi moko na moko, ezalaki na bililingi sambo.
18 So he made the pillars and two rowes of pomegranates round about in the one grate to couer the chapiters that were vpon the top. And thus did he for the other chapiter.
Irami atiaki milongo mibale ya bililingi ya bambuma ya grenade zingazinga ya basinga oyo basala lokola monyama mpo na kokomisa mito ya makonzi yango kitoko.
19 And the chapiters that were on the toppe of the pillars were after lilye worke in ye porch, foure cubites.
Mito ya makonzi ya ndako moke ya kokotela ezalaki ya bametele pene mibale na bosanda, mpe batiaki na likolo na yango bililingi ya fololo ya lisi.
20 And the chapiters vpon the two pillars had also aboue, ouer against the belly within the networke pomegranates: for two hudreth pomegranates were in the two rankes about vpon either of the chapiters.
Bazingelaki moto ya likonzi moko na moko na bililingi ya bambuma ya grenade nkama mibale oyo ezalaki likolo ya bililingi ya basinga oyo basala lokola ya monyama.
21 And he set vp the pillars in the porche of the Temple. And when hee had set vp the right pillar, he called the name thereof Iachin: and when he had set vp the left pillar, he called the name thereof Boaz.
Irami atongaki makonzi nyonso mibale liboso ya ndako moke ya kokotela na Tempelo; abengaki likonzi oyo ezalaki na ngambo ya loboko ya mobali Yakini, mpe oyo ezalaki na ngambo ya loboko ya mwasi, Boazi.
22 And vpon the top of the pillars was worke of lilyes: so was the workemanship of the pillars finished.
Likolo ya likonzi moko na moko, atiaki bililingi ya fololo ya lisi. Ezalaki ndenge wana nde asilisaki mosala ya kotelemisa makonzi.
23 And he made a molten sea ten cubites wide from brim to brim, rounde in compasse, and fiue cubites hie, and a line of thirtie cubites did compasse it about.
Irami asalaki nzungu ya monene ya bronze oyo ezalaki na lolenge ya libungutulu: monene na yango ezalaki na bametele pene mitano, mpe bosanda na yango, bametele mibale na basantimetele tuku mitano; mpe zingazinga na yango, bametele pene zomi na mitano.
24 And vnder the brimme of it were knoppes like wilde cucumers compassing it round about, ten in one cubite, compassing the sea round about: and the two rowes of knoppes were cast, when it was molten.
Na se ya monoko ya nzungu yango ya monene, na pembeni na yango nyonso, ezalaki na milongo mibale ya bililingi ya bakolokente oyo banyangwisaki mpe babambaki na nzungu ya monene mpo ete esala eloko kaka moko; ezalaki bililingi zomi mpo na molayi ya kati-kati ya metele moko.
25 It stoode on twelue bulles, three looking towarde the North, and three toward the West, and three toward the South, and three towarde the East: and the sea stoode aboue vpon them, and all their hinder partes were inward.
Nzungu yango evandisamaki na likolo ya bikeko ya bangombe zomi na mibale: misato etalaki na ngambo ya nor; misato, na ngambo ya weste; misato, na ngambo ya sude, mpe misato, na ngambo ya este. Bongo sima na bangombe yango nyonso etalaki na ngambo ya kati.
26 It was an hand bredth thicke, and the brim thereof was like the worke of the brim of a cup with floures of lilyes: it contained two thousad Baths.
Mbinga ya nzungu yango ezalaki na basantimetele pene mwambe. Babongisaki pembeni ya monoko na yango lokola pembeni ya kopo oyo batia bililingi ya fololo ya lisi. Ezalaki kotonda na balitele ya mayi pene nkoto tuku minei.
27 And he made tenne bases of brasse, one base was foure cubites long, and foure cubites broad, and three cubites hie.
Irami asalaki lisusu bivandelo zomi ya bronze: evandelo moko na moko ezalaki na bametele pene mibale na molayi, bametele pene mibale na mokuse, metele moko na basantimetele tuku mitano na bosanda.
28 And the worke of the bases was on this maner, They had borders, and the borders were betweene the ledges:
Tala ndenge basalaki bivandelo yango: bakangisaki bitando ya bronze mpe balekisaki bibende mosusu ya bronze mpo na kosimba yango.
29 And on the borders that were betweene the ledges, were lyons, bulles and Cherubims: and vpon the ledges there was a base aboue: and beneath the lyons and bulles, were addicions made of thinne worke.
Irami asalaki bililingi ya nkosi, ya bangombe mpe ya basheribe, mpe abambaki yango likolo ya bitando mpe likolo ya bibende mosusu ya bronze. Ezalaki na bililingi ya singa ya bafololo na se mpe na likolo ya bangombe mpe ya bankosi.
30 And euery base had foure brasen wheeles, and plates of brasse: and the foure corners had vndersetters: vnder the caldron were vndersetters molten at the side of euery addicion.
Shario moko na moko ezalaki na bapine minei ya bronze mpe na bibende ya bronze mpo na kosimba bapine.
31 And the mouth of it was within the chapiter and aboue to measure by the cubite: for the mouth thereof was round made like a base, and it was a cubite and halfe a cubite: and also vpon the mouth thereof were grauen workes, whose borders were foure square, and not round.
Na likolo ya evandelo moko na moko, ezalaki na lidusu evimba, na lolenge ya libungutulu; bongo eteni na yango oyo ezalaki ya kovimba ezalaki na basantimetele pene tuku mitano na bosanda mpe basantimetele pene tuku sambo na mitano na monene; mpe nzungu ya monene evandaki na lidusu yango. Irami abambaki bililingi na lidusu yango. Molayi mpe mokuse ya evandelo yango ezalaki ndenge moko, ezalaki na lolenge ya libungutulu te.
32 And vnder the borders were foure wheeles, and the axeltrees of the wheeles ioyned to the base: and the height of a wheele was a cubite and halfe a cubite.
Bapine nyonso minei ezalaki na se ya evandelo, mpe bakangisaki bibende oyo esimbaki bapine yango na mipanzi. Pine moko na moko ezalaki na basantimetele pene tuku sambo na mitano na monene.
33 And the facion of the wheeles was like the facion of a charet wheele, their axeltrees, and their naues and their felloes, and their spokes were all molten.
Basalaki bapine yango lokola bapine ya shareti: bibende oyo esimbaki bapine, bajante, mabende ya mike oyo ezalaka na kati ya pine mpe oyo esungaka pine mpo na kobaluka, nyonso ezalaki ya bronze banyangwisa na moto.
34 And foure vndersetters were vpon the foure corners of one base: and the vndersetters thereof were of the base it selfe.
Mabende nyonso minei oyo ezalaki lokola makolo ezalaki na basonge nyonso minei mpe ekanganaki na evandelo.
35 And in the toppe of the base was a rounde compasse of halfe a cubite hie round about: and vpon the toppe of the base the ledges thereof and the borders thereof were of the same.
Na likolo ya evandelo moko na moko, ezalaki na elilingi ya motole ya basantimetele pene tuku mibale na mitano na monene; mpe elilingi yango ezalaki zingazinga ya lidusu, na eteni oyo ezalaki ya kovimba. Na likolo ya evandelo, bibende oyo balekisaki na bangambo ekanganaki na evandelo mpo na kolendisa evandelo yango.
36 And vpon the tables of the ledges thereof, and on the borders thereof he did graue Cherubims, lions and palmetrees, on the side of euery one, and addicions round about.
Na likolo ya bibende yango, babambaki bililingi ya basheribe, ya bankosi mpe ya mandalala; mpe bazingelaki yango na bililingi ya basinga elingama-lingama lokola basheni.
37 Thus made he the tenne bases, They had all one casting, one measure, and one syse.
Asalaki ndenge moko mpo na bivandelo nyonso zomi: asalaki nyonso na bronze banyangwisa na moto, mpe ezalaki lolenge moko.
38 Then made he ten caldrons of brasse, one caldron conteyned fourty Baths: and euery caldron was foure cubites, one caldron was vpon one base throughout the ten bases.
Irami asalaki lisusu basani zomi ya minene ya bronze; moko na moko ezalaki na bametele pene mibale na monene mpe ezalaki likolo ya evandelo moko kati na bivandelo zomi. Mpe bakokaki kotia balitele pene nkoto moko kati sani moko na moko.
39 And he set the bases, fiue on the right side of the house, and fiue on the left side of the house. And he set the sea on the right side of the house Eastward toward the South.
Atiaki bivandelo mitano elongo na basani na yango na ngambo ya loboko ya mobali ya Tempelo, mpe mitano mosusu na ngambo ya loboko ya mwasi. Nzungu ya monene ya bronze etiamaki na ngambo ya loboko ya mobali ya Tempelo, pene na songe ya sude-este.
40 And Hiram made caldrons, and besomes, and basens, and Hiram finished all the worke that he made to King Salomon for the house of ye Lord:
Irami asalaki basani ya kotia putulu, bapawu mpe bakopo mpo na kosopela makila. Irami asilisaki mosala nyonso oyo mokonzi Salomo atindaki ye kosala mpo na Tempelo ya Yawe:
41 To wit, two pillars and two bowles of the chapiters that were on the toppe of the two pillars, and two grates to couer the two bowles of the chapiters which were vpon the toppe of the pillars,
makonzi mibale, mito mibale ya libungutulu na suka ya makonzi nyonso mibale, bililingi mibale ya basinga oyo basala lokola monyama mpo na kozipa mito nyonso mibale ya makonzi yango,
42 And foure hundreth pomegranates for the two grates, euen two rowes of pomegranates for euery grate to couer the two bowles of the chapiters, that were vpon the pillars,
bililingi ya bambuma nkama minei ya grenade ekangana na maboke ya bililingi ya basinga oyo basala lokola monyama: milongo mibale ya bililingi ya grenade mpo na elilingi moko na moko ya basinga oyo basala lokola monyama, mpo na kozipa mito nyonso mibale ya makonzi;
43 And the ten bases, and ten caldrons vpon the bases,
bivandelo zomi mpe basani zomi ya minene oyo batiaki na likolo ya bivandelo,
44 And the sea, and twelue bulles vnder that sea,
nzungu ya monene ya libungutulu, bikeko ya bangombe zomi na mibale oyo ezalaki komema nzungu ya monene,
45 And pottes, and besomes and basens: and all these vessels, which Hiram made to King Salomon for the house of the Lord, were of shining brasse.
basani mpo na kotia putulu, bapawu mpe bakopo mpo na kosopela makila. Irami asalelaki mokonzi Salomo biloko oyo nyonso mpo na Tempelo ya Yawe; asalaki yango na bronze oyo bapetola na moto.
46 In the plaine of Iorden did the King cast them in clay betweene Succoth and Zarthan.
Mokonzi asengaki ete banyangwisa yango kati na mabele, na etando ya Yordani, kati na Sukoti mpe Tsaritani.
47 And Salomon left to weigh all the vessels because of the exceeding aboundance, neyther could the weight of the brasse be counted.
Bongo Salomo atiaki biloko oyo nyonso kati na Tempelo ya Yawe; kasi mpo ete elekaki ebele, bakokaki te koyeba kilo ya bronze oyo basalelaki.
48 So Salomon made all the vessels that perteyned vnto the house of the Lord, the golden altar, and the golden table, whereon the shewbread was,
Salomo asalaki lisusu na wolo biloko nyonso oyo ezalaki kati na Tempelo ya Yawe: etumbelo; mesa oyo, na likolo na yango, bazalaki kotia mapa liboso ya Yawe;
49 And the candlestickes, fiue at the right side, and fiue at the left, before the oracle of pure gold, and the flowres, and the lampes, and the snuffers of golde,
bitelemiselo ya minda elongo na minda na yango, oyo basala na wolo ya peto, mitano na ngambo ya loboko ya mobali, mpe mitano na ngambo ya loboko ya mwasi, liboso ya Esika-Oyo-Eleki-Bule, bafololo na yango mpe biloko ya wolo ya kozwela makala na moto,
50 And the bowles, and the hookes, and the basens, and the spoones, and the ashpannes of pure golde, and the hinges of golde for the doores of the house within, euen for the most holy place, and for the doores of the house, to wit, of the Temple.
basani ya minene, bambeli, bakopo mpo na kosopela makila, bakeni, bambabola ya wolo ya peto, elongo na bikangelo ya wolo mpo na bikuke ya kati ya Tempelo, Esika-Oyo-Eleki-Bule, mpe mpo na bikuke ya esika oyo bato nyonso bavandaka, na ekotelo ya Tempelo.
51 So was finished all the worke that King Salomon made for the house of the Lord, and Salomon brought in the things which Dauid his father had dedicated: the siluer and the golde and the vessels, and layed them among the treasures of the house of the Lord.
Tango Salomo asilisaki misala nyonso ya kotonga Tempelo ya Yawe, amemaki biloko oyo Davidi, tata na ye, abulisaki: palata, wolo mpe bisalelo; atiaki yango kati na bibombelo bomengo ya Tempelo ya Yawe.

< 1 Kings 7 >