< 1 Kings 7 >

1 Bvt Salomon was building his owne house thirteene yeeres, and finished all his house.
Ilimchukua Solomoni miaka kumi na mitatu kukamilisha ujenzi wa Jumba lake la kifalme.
2 He built also an house called the forest of Lebanon, an hundreth cubites long, and fiftie cubites broad, and thirtie cubites hie, vpon foure rowes of cedar pillars, and cedar beames were layed vpon the pillars.
Alijenga Jumba la Kifalme la Msitu wa Lebanoni, urefu wake ulikuwa dhiraa 100, upana wake dhiraa hamsini na kimo chake dhiraa thelathini, likiwa na safu nne za nguzo za mierezi zikishikilia boriti za mierezi zilizorembwa.
3 And it was couered aboue with cedar vpon the beames, that lay on the fourtie and fiue pillars, fifteene in a rowe.
Ilipauliwa kwa mierezi juu ya boriti zile zilizolala juu ya nguzo arobaini na tano, kumi na tano kwa kila safu.
4 And the windowes were in three rowes, and windowe was against windowe in three rankes.
Madirisha yake yaliwekwa juu kwa safu tatu, yakielekeana.
5 And all the doores, and the side postes with the windowes were foure square, and windowe was ouer against windowe in three rankes.
Milango yote ilikuwa na miimo ya mstatili, ilikuwa upande wa mbele katika safu tatu, ikielekeana.
6 And he made a porche of pillars fiftie cubites long, and thirtie cubites broade, and the porch was before them, euen before them were thirtie pillars.
Akajenga ukumbi wa nguzo, ambao urefu wake ulikuwa dhiraa hamsini na upana wake dhiraa thelathini. Mbele ya jengo hilo kulikuwepo baraza. Mbele ya baraza kulikuwepo na nguzo na paa lililoningʼinia.
7 Then he made a porch for the throne, where he iudged, euen a porch of iudgement, and it was sieled with cedar from pauement to pauement.
Akajenga ukumbi wa kiti cha enzi, Ukumbi wa Hukumu, mahali ambapo angelitolea hukumu, akaufunika kwa mierezi kutoka sakafuni hadi darini.
8 And in his house, where he dwelt, was an other hall more inwarde then the porche which was of the same worke. Also Salomon made an house for Pharaohs daughter (whom he had taken to wife) like vnto this porche.
Kwenye jumba la kifalme ambamo angeliishi, aliiweka nyuma zaidi, ikiwa na mjengo wa aina moja na hiyo nyingine. Pia Solomoni akajenga jumba la kifalme linalofanana na huo ukumbi mkubwa kwa ajili ya binti Farao, aliyekuwa amemwoa.
9 All these were of costly stones, hewed by measure, and sawed with sawes within and without, from the foundation vnto the stones of an hand breadth, and on the outside to the great court.
Ujenzi huu wote, kuanzia nje mpaka kwenye ua mkuu na kuanzia kwenye msingi hadi upenuni, ulifanywa kwa mawe ya ubora wa hali ya juu yaliyokuwa yamechongwa kwa vipimo na kusawazishwa kwa msumeno nyuso zake za ndani na za nje.
10 And the foundation was of costly stones, and great stones, euen of stones of ten cubites, and stones of eight cubites.
Misingi iliwekwa kwa mawe makubwa yaliyo bora, yenye urefu wa dhiraa kumi na mengine yenye urefu wa dhiraa nane
11 Aboue also were costly stones, squared by rule, and boardes of cedar.
Sehemu za juu kulikuwepo na mawe yenye ubora wa hali ya juu, yaliyokatwa kwa vipimo na boriti za mierezi.
12 And the great court round about was with three rowes of hewed stones, and a rowe of cedar beames: so was it to ye inner court of the house of the Lord, and to the porche of the house.
Ule ua mkuu ulizungukwa na ukuta wa safu tatu za mawe yaliyochongwa na safu moja ya boriti za mierezi zilizorembwa, kama ulivyokuwa ua wa ndani wa Hekalu la Bwana na baraza yake.
13 Then King Salomon sent, and set one Hiram out of Tyrus.
Mfalme Solomoni akatuma watu Tiro kumleta Hiramu,
14 He was a widowes sonne of the tribe of Naphtali, his father being a man of Tyrus, and wrought in brasse: he was full of wisedome, and vnderstanding, and knowledge to worke all maner of worke in brasse: who came to King Salomon, and wrought all his worke.
ambaye mama yake alikuwa mjane kutoka kabila la Naftali na baba yake alikuwa mtu wa Tiro tena fundi wa shaba. Hiramu alikuwa na ustadi wa hali ya juu na mzoefu katika aina zote za kazi ya shaba. Alikuja kwa Mfalme Solomoni na kufanya kazi zake zote alizopangiwa.
15 For he cast two pillars of brasse: ye height of a pillar was eighteene cubites, and a threede of twelue cubites did compasse either of ye pillars.
Hiramu akasubu nguzo mbili za shaba, kila moja ikiwa na urefu wa dhiraa kumi na nane, kila nguzo ikiwa na mzingo wa dhiraa kumi na mbili kwa mstari.
16 And he made two chapiters of molten brasse to set on the tops of the pillars: the height of one of the chapiters was fiue cubites, and the height of the other chapiter was fiue cubites.
Pia alitengeneza mataji mawili ya shaba ya kusubu ili kuyaweka juu ya hizo nguzo; kila taji lilikuwa na kimo cha dhiraa tano kwenda juu.
17 He made grates like networke, and wrethen worke like chaynes for the chapiters that were on the top of the pillars, euen seuen for the one chapiter, and seuen for the other chapiter.
Wavu wa mikufu iliyosokotewa kwenye zile taji juu ya zile nguzo, saba kwa kila taji.
18 So he made the pillars and two rowes of pomegranates round about in the one grate to couer the chapiters that were vpon the top. And thus did he for the other chapiter.
Akatengeneza makomamanga katika safu mbili kuzunguka kila wavu kuremba mataji yaliyo juu ya nguzo. Alifanya hivyo kwa kila nguzo.
19 And the chapiters that were on the toppe of the pillars were after lilye worke in ye porch, foure cubites.
Mataji yaliyokuwa juu ya nguzo kwenye baraza, yalikuwa katika umbo la yungiyungi, kimo chake ni dhiraa nne
20 And the chapiters vpon the two pillars had also aboue, ouer against the belly within the networke pomegranates: for two hudreth pomegranates were in the two rankes about vpon either of the chapiters.
Juu ya mataji ya zile nguzo mbili, juu ya ile sehemu yenye umbo kama bakuli, karibu na ule wavu, kulikuwa na yale makomamanga 200 katika safu kuzunguka pande zote.
21 And he set vp the pillars in the porche of the Temple. And when hee had set vp the right pillar, he called the name thereof Iachin: and when he had set vp the left pillar, he called the name thereof Boaz.
Hiramu akasimamisha nguzo kwenye baraza ya Hekalu. Nguzo ya upande wa kusini akaiita Yakini, na ile ya upande wa kaskazini Boazi.
22 And vpon the top of the pillars was worke of lilyes: so was the workemanship of the pillars finished.
Mataji yaliyokuwa juu yalikuwa na umbo la yungiyungi. Hivyo kazi ya nguzo ikakamilika.
23 And he made a molten sea ten cubites wide from brim to brim, rounde in compasse, and fiue cubites hie, and a line of thirtie cubites did compasse it about.
Hiramu akasubu Bahari ya chuma, yenye umbo la mviringo, ya dhiraa kumi kutoka ukingo hadi ukingo na kimo cha dhiraa tano. Mzunguko wake ulikuwa dhiraa thelathini.
24 And vnder the brimme of it were knoppes like wilde cucumers compassing it round about, ten in one cubite, compassing the sea round about: and the two rowes of knoppes were cast, when it was molten.
Chini ya ukingo, ilizungukwa na maboga, kumi kwenye kila dhiraa moja. Maboga yalikuwa yamesubiwa katika safu mbili ili kuwa kitu kimoja na hiyo bahari.
25 It stoode on twelue bulles, three looking towarde the North, and three toward the West, and three toward the South, and three towarde the East: and the sea stoode aboue vpon them, and all their hinder partes were inward.
Bahari iliwekwa juu ya mafahali kumi na wawili, watatu wakielekea kaskazini, watatu wakielekea magharibi, watatu wakielekea kusini na watatu wakielekea mashariki. Bahari iliwekwa juu yao na sehemu zao za nyuma zilielekeana.
26 It was an hand bredth thicke, and the brim thereof was like the worke of the brim of a cup with floures of lilyes: it contained two thousad Baths.
Ilikuwa na unene wa nyanda nne na ukingo wake ulifanana na ukingo wa kikombe, kama ua la yungiyungi iliyochanua. Iliweza kuchukua bathi 2,000.
27 And he made tenne bases of brasse, one base was foure cubites long, and foure cubites broad, and three cubites hie.
Pia akatengeneza vitako kumi vya shaba vinavyoweza kuhamishika, kila kimoja kilikuwa na urefu wa dhiraa nne, upana dhiraa nne na kimo chake dhiraa tatu
28 And the worke of the bases was on this maner, They had borders, and the borders were betweene the ledges:
Hivi ndivyo vile vitako vilivyotengenezwa: Vilikuwa na mbao za pembeni zilizoshikamanishwa na mihimili.
29 And on the borders that were betweene the ledges, were lyons, bulles and Cherubims: and vpon the ledges there was a base aboue: and beneath the lyons and bulles, were addicions made of thinne worke.
Juu ya mbao kati ya hiyo mihimili kulikuwa na simba, mafahali na makerubi, pia kwenye mihimili yake. Juu na chini ya simba na mafahali kulikuwa kumesokotewa taji za kufuliwa.
30 And euery base had foure brasen wheeles, and plates of brasse: and the foure corners had vndersetters: vnder the caldron were vndersetters molten at the side of euery addicion.
Kila kitako kilikuwa na magurudumu manne ya shaba, na vyuma vya katikati vya kuyazungusha hayo magurudumu na kila kimoja kilikuwa na sinia kwenye vishikizo vinne vya taji iliyosubiwa kila upande.
31 And the mouth of it was within the chapiter and aboue to measure by the cubite: for the mouth thereof was round made like a base, and it was a cubite and halfe a cubite: and also vpon the mouth thereof were grauen workes, whose borders were foure square, and not round.
Ndani ya kitako kulikuwa na nafasi ya wazi iliyokuwa na umbile la mviringo lenye kina cha dhiraa moja. Nafasi hii ya wazi ilikuwa ya mviringo, pamoja na kitako chake ilikuwa dhiraa moja na nusu. Kuzunguka huo mdomo wake kulitiwa nakshi. Papi za vitako zilikuwa mraba na si za mviringo.
32 And vnder the borders were foure wheeles, and the axeltrees of the wheeles ioyned to the base: and the height of a wheele was a cubite and halfe a cubite.
Magurudumu manne yalikuwa chini ya papi, na vyuma vya katikati vya kuzungushia magurudumu hayo vilikuwa vimeunganishwa kwenye kitako. Kipenyo cha kila gurudumu kilikuwa dhiraa moja na nusu.
33 And the facion of the wheeles was like the facion of a charet wheele, their axeltrees, and their naues and their felloes, and their spokes were all molten.
Magurudumu yalitengenezwa kama ya magari ya vita ya kukokotwa, vyuma vya katikati vya magurudumu, duara zake, matindi yake na vikombe vyake vyote vilikuwa vya kusubu.
34 And foure vndersetters were vpon the foure corners of one base: and the vndersetters thereof were of the base it selfe.
Kila kitako kilikuwa na mikono minne, moja kwenye kila pembe, ukitokeza kutoka kwenye kitako.
35 And in the toppe of the base was a rounde compasse of halfe a cubite hie round about: and vpon the toppe of the base the ledges thereof and the borders thereof were of the same.
Juu ya kitako kulikuwepo na utepe wa mviringo wenye kina cha nusu dhiraa. Vishikio na papi vilishikamana upande wa juu wa kitako.
36 And vpon the tables of the ledges thereof, and on the borders thereof he did graue Cherubims, lions and palmetrees, on the side of euery one, and addicions round about.
Alitia nakshi za makerubi, simba na miti ya mitende juu ya uso wa vishikio na juu ya papi, katika kila nafasi iliyopatikana, pamoja na mataji yaliyosokotwa kuzunguka pande zote.
37 Thus made he the tenne bases, They had all one casting, one measure, and one syse.
Hivi ndivyo Hiramu alivyotengeneza vile vitako kumi. Vyote vilikuwa vya kusubu kwenye kalibu za kufanana kwa vipimo na kwa umbo.
38 Then made he ten caldrons of brasse, one caldron conteyned fourty Baths: and euery caldron was foure cubites, one caldron was vpon one base throughout the ten bases.
Kisha akatengeneza masinia kumi ya shaba, kila moja likiwa na ujazo wa bathi arobaini, yakiwa na kipenyo cha dhiraa nne kila sinia moja kwa kila kimoja ya vile vitako kumi.
39 And he set the bases, fiue on the right side of the house, and fiue on the left side of the house. And he set the sea on the right side of the house Eastward toward the South.
Aliweka vitako vitano upande wa kusini wa Hekalu na vingine vitano upande wa kaskazini. Akaweka ile bahari upande wa kusini, katika pembe ya kusini ya Hekalu.
40 And Hiram made caldrons, and besomes, and basens, and Hiram finished all the worke that he made to King Salomon for the house of ye Lord:
Pia akatengeneza masinia, masepetu na mabakuli ya kunyunyizia. Kwa hiyo Huramu akakamilisha kazi zote katika Hekalu la Bwana kama vile Mfalme Solomoni alikuwa amemwagiza, yaani:
41 To wit, two pillars and two bowles of the chapiters that were on the toppe of the two pillars, and two grates to couer the two bowles of the chapiters which were vpon the toppe of the pillars,
nguzo mbili; mataji mawili yenye umbo la bakuli juu ya hizo nguzo; nyavu mbili za kupamba hayo mataji mawili yenye umbo la bakuli juu ya hizo nguzo;
42 And foure hundreth pomegranates for the two grates, euen two rowes of pomegranates for euery grate to couer the two bowles of the chapiters, that were vpon the pillars,
makomamanga 400 kwa ajili ya hizo nyavu mbili (safu mbili za makomamanga kwa kila wavu, yakipamba hayo mataji mawili yenye umbo la bakuli juu ya hizo nguzo);
43 And the ten bases, and ten caldrons vpon the bases,
vitako kumi pamoja na masinia yake kumi;
44 And the sea, and twelue bulles vnder that sea,
ile Bahari ya chuma na yale mafahali kumi na wawili chini yake;
45 And pottes, and besomes and basens: and all these vessels, which Hiram made to King Salomon for the house of the Lord, were of shining brasse.
masufuria, masepetu na mabakuli ya kunyunyizia. Vyombo hivi vyote ambavyo Huramu alimtengenezea Mfalme Solomoni kwa ajili ya Hekalu la Bwana vilikuwa vya shaba iliyongʼarishwa.
46 In the plaine of Iorden did the King cast them in clay betweene Succoth and Zarthan.
Mfalme akaamuru wavisubu katika kalibu ya udongo wa mfinyanzi katika uwanda wa Yordani ulio kati ya Sukothi na Sarethani.
47 And Salomon left to weigh all the vessels because of the exceeding aboundance, neyther could the weight of the brasse be counted.
Solomoni akaviacha vitu hivi vyote bila kupima uzani wake, kwa sababu vilikuwa vingi sana hivi kwamba uzito wa shaba haungekadirika.
48 So Salomon made all the vessels that perteyned vnto the house of the Lord, the golden altar, and the golden table, whereon the shewbread was,
Solomoni pia akatengeneza samani zote zilizokuwa ndani ya Hekalu la Bwana: madhabahu ya dhahabu; meza ya dhahabu za kuweka mikate ya Wonyesho;
49 And the candlestickes, fiue at the right side, and fiue at the left, before the oracle of pure gold, and the flowres, and the lampes, and the snuffers of golde,
vinara vya taa vya dhahabu safi (vitano upande wa kuume na vitano upande wa kushoto, mbele ya Patakatifu pa Patakatifu); kazi ya maua ya dhahabu na taa na makoleo;
50 And the bowles, and the hookes, and the basens, and the spoones, and the ashpannes of pure golde, and the hinges of golde for the doores of the house within, euen for the most holy place, and for the doores of the house, to wit, of the Temple.
masinia ya dhahabu safi, mikasi ya kusawazishia tambi, mabakuli ya kunyunyizia, vyano na vyetezo; na bawaba za dhahabu kwa ajili ya milango ya chumba cha ndani sana, yaani Patakatifu pa Patakatifu, na pia kwa ajili ya milango ya ukumbi mkuu wa Hekalu.
51 So was finished all the worke that King Salomon made for the house of the Lord, and Salomon brought in the things which Dauid his father had dedicated: the siluer and the golde and the vessels, and layed them among the treasures of the house of the Lord.
Hivyo Mfalme Solomoni alipomaliza kazi ya Hekalu la Bwana, akaviingiza ndani vile vitu ambavyo Daudi baba yake alikuwa ameviweka wakfu: yaani fedha, dhahabu na samani; kisha akaviweka katika hazina za Hekalu la Bwana.

< 1 Kings 7 >