< Hosea 9 >

1 Rejoice not, O Israel for ioy as other people: for thou hast gone a whoring from thy God: thou hast loued a rewarde vpon euery corne floore.
Kik umor, yaye Israel; bende kik ubed gi ilo kaka ogendini mamoko. Nimar ok usebedo jo-adiera ne Nyasachu; usehero chudo mar ochot michulougo, e kuonde dino cham.
2 The floore, and the wine presse shall not feede them, and the newe wine shall faile in her.
Kuonde ma idinoe cham kod kuonde mibiyoe divai ok nopidh ji; kendo divai manyien ok nokonygi.
3 They wil not dwel in the Lordes lande, but Ephraim will returne to Egypt, and they will eate vncleane things in Asshur.
Ok ginidongʼ e piny Jehova Nyasaye; Efraim nodog Misri, kendo ginicham chiemo ma ok opwodhi e piny Asuria.
4 They shall not offer wine to the Lord, neither shall their sacrifices be pleasant vnto him: but they shall be vnto them as the bread of mourners: al that eate thereof, shalbe polluted: for their bread for their soules shall not come into the house of the Lord.
Ok gini olne Jehova Nyasaye misango mar divai, bende misengini ma gichiwo ok nomor Jehova Nyasaye ngangʼ. Misengini machalo kamano nochal negi mana kaka chiemb joma ywak; kendo jogo mochamogi nobed mogak. Chiemoni nobed margi giwegi; omiyo ok nokele e hekalu mar Jehova Nyasaye.
5 What wil ye do then in the solemne day, and in the day of the feast of the Lord?
Unutim angʼo e odiechiengu mowal mar nyasi, kata ka odiechienge nyasi mar Jehova Nyasaye ochopo?
6 For loe, they are gone from destruction: but Egypt shall gather them vp, and Memphis shall burie them: the nettle shall possesse the pleasant places of their siluer, and the thorne shall be in their tabernacles.
Kata ka gitony e kethruok, Misri nochokgi, kendo Memfis noikgi. Mwandu mag fedha noum gi pedo kendo kuthe noum hembegi.
7 The daies of visitation are come: the daies of recompence are come: Israel shall knowe it: the Prophet is a foole: the spiritual man is mad, for the multitude of thine iniquitie: therefore the hatred is great.
Kinde mag kum biro kendo kinde mag ngʼado bura osechopo. Omiyo jo-Israel nyaka ngʼe wachni. Nikech richou ngʼeny kendo kinyou lich miwuoro, janabi ikwano ka ngʼama ofuwo, to ngʼat matiyo gi much Nyasaye ka janeko.
8 The watchman of Ephraim shoulde bee with my God: but the Prophet is the snare of a fouler in all his waies, and hatred in the House of his God.
Janabi, kaachiel gi Nyasacha e jarit mar Efraim, kata kamano obadho rite e yorene duto, kendo akweda bende rite e od Nyasache.
9 They are deepely set: they are corrupt as in the daies of Gibeah: therefore he will remember their iniquitie, he will visite their sinnes.
Gisedonjo matut e timbe mag miganga mana ka ndalo mag Gibea. Nyasaye nopar timbegi mamono kendo enokumgi e richogi.
10 I found Israel like grapes in the wildernes: I saw your fathers as the first ripe in the figge tree at her first time: but they went to Baal-Peor, and separated themselues vnto that shame, and their abominations were according to their louers.
“Kane ayudo Israel ne ochalo mana kayudo olemb mzabibu e piny motwo, kane aneno kwereu, ne chalo mana ka gima aneno olemo monyak mokwongo mar ngʼowu. To kane gibiro Baal Peor, negichiwore lamo nyiseche manono makwodo wich, kendo negibedo modwanyore mana ka gima ne giherono.
11 Ephraim their glorie shall flee away like a birde: from the birth and from the wombe, and from the conception.
Duongʼ mar Efraim noweye mana ka winyo ma huyo mi lal nono, omiyo ok ginichak ginywol nyithindo, mondegi ok nobed ma yach kendo onge nyathi manomak ichne.
12 Though they bring vp their children, yet I will depriue them from being men: yea, woe to them, when I depart from them.
Kata ka gipidho nyithindo, to namigi gibed gi kuyo kuom moro ka moro. Okwongʼ-gi, ka alokora mi ajwangʼogi!
13 Ephraim, as I sawe, is as a tree in Tyrus planted in a cottage: but Ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murtherer.
Aseneno Efraim, mana kaka ne aneno Turo, ka opidhi kama omiyo, to Efraim nokel nyithinde ni janek.”
14 O Lord, giue them: what wilt thou giue them? giue them a baren wombe and drie breasts.
Chiwnegi, yaye Jehova Nyasaye, en angʼo ma dimigi? Migi mana iye magore piny kendo thunde motwo.
15 All their wickednesse is in Gilgal: for there doe I hate them: for the wickednesse of their inuentions, I will cast them out of mine House: I will loue them no more: all their princes are rebels.
“Nikech timbegi mag anjawo e Gilgal, ne ok aherogi kanyo. Nikech timbegi mag richo, abiro riembgi oko e oda. Ok anachak ahergi; jotendgi duto gin joma timbegi richo.
16 Ephraim is smitten, their roote is dried vp: they can bring no fruite: yea, though they bring foorth, yet will I slaie euen the dearest of their bodie.
Midekre osemako Efraim, kendo tiendene ner, ok ginyag olemo. Kata ka ginywolo nyithindo, to ananeg nyithindgi ma gihero ahinyago.”
17 My God will cast them away, because they did not obey him: and they shall wander among the nations.
Nyasacha nokwedgi nikech ok gisewinje, ginibedi joma tangni e dier ogendini.

< Hosea 9 >