< Isaiah 10 >

1 Woe vnto them that decree wicked decrees, and write grieuous things,
Vane nhamo vanodzika mitemo isina kururama, neavo vanopa mitemo inodzvinyirira,
2 To keepe backe ye poore from iudgement, and to take away the iudgement of the poore of my people, that widowes may be their pray, and that they may spoyle the fatherlesse.
kuti vadzivise varombo kodzero dzavo uye vadzivise kururamisirwa kwavakadzvinyirirwa vavanhu vangu, vachipamba chirikadzi uye vachibira nherera.
3 What will ye doe nowe in the day of visitation, and of destruction, which shall come from farre? to whom will ye flee for helpe? and where will ye leaue your glorie?
Muchaita sei pazuva rokutongwa, njodzi painouya ichibva kure? Muchatizira kuna aniko kuti mubatsirwe? Upfumi hwenyu muchahusiyepiko?
4 Without me euery one shall fall among them that are bound, and they shall fall downe among the slayne: yet for all this his wrath is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.
Hapana chichasara asi kungokotama pakati penhapwa, kana kuwira pakati pavakaurayiwa. Kunyange zvakadaro, kutsamwa kwake hakuna kudzorwa, ruoko rwake ruchakangosimudzwa.
5 O Asshur, the rodde of my wrath: and the staffe in their hands is mine indignation.
“Une nhamo iwe Asiria, shamhu yokutsamwa kwangu, iye akabata tsvimbo yehasha dzangu mumaoko ake!
6 I will sende him to a dissembling nation, and I will giue him a charge against the people of my wrath to take the spoyle and to take the pray, and to treade them vnder feete like the mire in the streete.
Ndiri kumutuma kurudzi rusina Mwari, ndinomutuma kuvanhu vanonditsamwisa, kundokomba nokutora nokubvuta zvakapambwa, nokuvatsikirira pasi sedope riri mumigwagwa.
7 But he thinketh not so, neither doeth his heart esteeme it so: but he imagineth to destroy and to cut off not a fewe nations.
Asi izvi handizvo zvaanoda, izvi handizvo zvaanga achifunga; vavariro yake ndeyokuparadza, kupedza chose marudzi mazhinji.
8 For he sayeth, Are not my princes altogether Kings?
Anoti, ‘Ko, machinda angu haazi madzimambo ose here?
9 Is not Calno as Carchemish? Is not Hamath like Arpad? Is not Samaria as Damascus?
Karino harina kuita sezvakaita Karikemishi here? Ko, Hamati harina kufanana neAripadhi, uye Samaria harina kufanana neDhamasiko here?
10 Like as mine hand hath founde the kingdomes of the idoles, seeing their idoles were aboue Ierusalem, and aboue Samaria:
Ruoko rwangu sezvarwakatora umambo hwezvifananidzo, umambo hune zvifananidzo zvakakunda zveJerusarema neSamaria,
11 Shall not I, as I haue done to Samaria, and to the idoles thereof, so doe to Ierusalem and to the idoles thereof?
ko, handichaitiri Jerusarema nezvifananidzo zvaro sezvandakaitira Samaria nezvifananidzo zvayo here?’”
12 But when the Lord hath accomplished all his worke vpon mount Zion and Ierusalem, I will visite the fruite of the proude heart of the King of Asshur, and his glorious and proud lookes,
Kana Ishe achinge apedza basa rake rose pamusoro peGomo reZioni neJerusarema, achazoti, “Ndicharanga mambo weAsiria nokuda kwokuzvikudza kwomwoyo wake namanyawi emeso ake.
13 Because he said, By ye power of mine owne hand haue I done it, and by my wisdome, because I am wise: therefore I haue remooued the borders of the people, and haue spoyled their treasures, and haue pulled downe the inhabitants like a valiant man.
Nokuti iye anoti, “‘Nesimba ramaoko angu ndakaita izvi, uye nouchenjeri hwangu, nokuti ndinonzwisisa. Ndakabvisa miganhu yendudzi, ndikapamba pfuma yavo; semhare ndakakunda madzimambo avo.
14 And mine hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people, and as one gathereth egges that are left, so haue I gathered all the earth: and there was none to mooue the wing or to open the mouth, or to whisper.
Sezvinoita munhu anosvasvavira mudendere, saizvozvo ruoko rwangu rwakananavira pfuma yamarudzi; savarume vanounganidza mazai akasiyiwa, saizvozvo ndakaunganidza nyika dzose; hakuna yakapfakanyisa bapiro, kana kushamisa muromo wayo kuti irire.’”
15 Shall the axe boast it selfe against him that heweth therewith? or shall the sawe exalt it selfe against him that moueth it? as if the rod shoulde lift vp it selfe against him that taketh it vp, or the staffe should exalt it selfe, as it were no wood.
Ko, demo ringazvirumbidza kupfuura iye anoritemesa here? Kana jeko ringazvirumbidza pamusoro pounorishandisa here? Zvinozoita sokunge tsvimbo inosimudza uyo anoitakura, kana mudonzvo kusimudza uyo asati ari huni!
16 Therefore shall the Lord God of hostes send amog his fat men, leannes, and vnder his glorie he shall kindle a burning, like the burning of fire.
Naizvozvo, Ishe Jehovha Wamasimba Ose, achatumira denda rinoonza pamusoro pavarwi vakafuta; pasi pokubwinya kwake moto uchatungidzwa kufanana nemirazvo inopfuta.
17 And the light of Israel shalbe as a fire, and the Holy one thereof as a flame, and it shall burne, and deuoure his thornes and his briers in one day:
Chiedza chaIsraeri chichava moto, noMutsvene wavo murazvo womoto; muzuva rimwe chete uchapfuta ugopedza minzwa yake norukato rwake.
18 And shall consume the glory of his forest, and of his fruitfull fieldes both soule and flesh: and he shalbe as ye fainting of a standard bearer.
Kubwinya kwamasango ake neminda yake yakaorera kuchaparadzwa chose, kufanana nomurwere anoramba achipera.
19 And the rest of the trees of his forest shalbe fewe, that a childe may tell them.
Uye miti yakasara yamasango ake ichava mishoma kwazvo, zvokuti mwana angagona kuinyora pasi.
20 And at that day shall the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Iaakob, stay no more vpon him that smote them, but shall stay vpon ye Lord, ye Holy one of Israel in trueth.
Pazuva iro vakasara veIsraeri, vakapunyuka veimba yaJakobho, havachazovimbi naye iye akavarova, asi zvirokwazvo vachavimba naJehovha, Mutsvene waIsraeri.
21 The remnant shall returne, euen the remnant of Iaakob vnto the mightie God.
Vakasara vachadzokera, vakasara vaJakobho, vachadzokera kuna Mwari Ane Simba.
22 For though thy people, O Israel, be as the sand of the sea, yet shall the remnant of them returne. The consumption decreed shall ouerflow with righteousnesse.
Kunyange vanhu vako, iwe Israeri, vakaita sejecha regungwa, vachasara chete ndivo vachadzokera. Kuparadzwa kwakatotemwa, kuzere nokururama.
23 For the Lord God of hostes shall make the consumption, euen determined, in the middes of all the land.
Ishe, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose achapedzisa kuparadzwa kwakatemerwa nyika yose.
24 Therefore thus saith ye Lord God of hostes, O my people, that dwellest in Zion, be not afraid of Asshur: he shall smite thee with a rod, and shall lift vp his staffe against thee after the maner of Egypt:
Naizvozvo zvanzi naIshe, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose: “Haiwa, vanhu vangu vanogara muZioni, musatya vaAsiria, vanokurovai nomudonzvo nokukusimudzirai tsvimbo, sezvakaitwa neIjipiti.
25 But yet a very litle time, and the wrath shall be consumed, and mine anger in their destruction.
Nokuti nenguva duku duku kutsamwa kwangu pamusoro penyu kuchapera, uye hasha dzangu dzichanangana nokuparadzwa kwavo.”
26 And ye Lord of hostes shall raise vp a scourge for him, according to the plague of Midian in the rocke Oreb: and as his staffe was vpon the Sea, so he will lift it vp after the maner of Egypt.
Jehovha Wamasimba Ose achavarova netyava, samarovero aakaita vaMidhia padombo reOrebhi, uye achasimudza tsvimbo yake pamusoro pemvura zhinji, sezvaakaita muIjipiti.
27 And at that day shall his burden be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy necke: and the yoke shalbe destroied because of the anoynting.
Pazuva iro mitoro yavo ichabviswa pamapfudzi enyu, nejoko ravo pamitsipa yenyu; joko richavhuniwa, nokuti manyanya kufuta.
28 He is come to Aiath: he is passed into Migron: at Michmash shall he lay vp his armour.
Vanopinda muAyati; vopfuura nomuMigironi; vochengeta nhumbi paMikimashi.
29 They haue gone ouer the foorde: they lodged in the lodging at Geba: Ramah is afraide: Gibeah of Saul is fled away.
Vanopfuura napamupata, vagoti, “Tichadzika matende paGebha usiku.” Rama rinobvunda; Gibhea raSauro rinotiza.
30 Lift vp thy voyce, O daughter Gallim, cause Laish to heare, O poore Anathoth.
Ridza mhere, iwe mukunda weGarimi! Teerera, iwe Raisha! Newe Anatoti unonzwisa urombo!
31 Madmenah is remoued: the inhabitants of Gebim haue gathered themselues together.
Madhimena riri kutiza; vanhu veGebhimi vanovanda.
32 Yet there is a time that he will stay at Nob: he shall lift vp his hand towarde the mount of the daughter Zion, the hill of Ierusalem.
Zuva ranhasi vachamira paNobhi; vachakunga chibhakera chavo pagomo remwanasikana weZioni, pachikomo cheJerusarema.
33 Beholde, the Lord God of hostes shall cut off the bough with feare, and they of high stature shalbe cut off, and the hie shalbe humbled.
Tarirai, Ishe, Jehovha Wamasimba Ose, achatema matavi nesimba guru. Miti mirefu refu ichawiswa, uye yakareba ichadzikiswa.
34 And he shall cut away the thicke places of the forest with yron, and Lebanon shall haue a mightie fall.
Achatema matenhere esango nedemo; Rebhanoni ichawa pamberi paIye Ane Simba.

< Isaiah 10 >