< Isaiah 19 >

1 The burden of Egypt. Beholde, the Lord rideth vpon a swift cloude, and shall come into Egypt, and the idoles of Egypt shall be moued at his presence, and the heart of Egypt shall melt in the middes of her.
Pwofesi konsènan Égypte la. “Gade byen, SENYÈ a monte sou yon nwaj rapid pou L rive Égypte. Zidòl Égypte yo va tranble nan prezans Li; kè Ejipsyen yo va fann anndan yo.
2 And I will set the Egyptians against the Egyptians: so euery one shall fight against his brother, and euery one against his neighbour, citie against citie, and kingdome against kingdome.
Pou sa, Mwen va eksite Ejipsyen vin kont Ejipsyen. Yo chak va goumen kont frè pa yo, e yo chak kont vwazen yo; vil kont vil e wayòm kont wayòm.
3 And the spirite of Egypt shall faile in the middes of her, and I will destroy their counsell, and they shall seeke at the idoles, and at the sorcerers, and at them that haue spirits of diuination, and at the southsayers.
Konsa, lespri a Ejipsyen yo va vin twouble anndan yo, e Mwen va boulvèse tout plan yo. Konsa, yo va vire kote zidòl, fantom a mò yo, sila ki pale ak mò yo ak divinò yo.
4 And I will deliuer the Egyptians into the hand of the cruell Lordes, and a mightie King shall rule ouer them, sayth the Lord God of hostes.
Anplis, Mwen va livre Ejipsyen yo nan men a yon mèt mechan. Yon gran wa pwisan va gouvène sou yo,” deklare Senyè BONDYE dèzame yo.
5 Then the waters of the sea shall faile, and the riuers shall be dryed vp, and wasted.
Dlo lanmè yo va vin sèch e rivyè a va vin sèch san dlo.
6 And the riuers shall goe farre away: the riuers of defence shalbe emptied and dryed vp: the reedes and flagges shall be cut downe.
Kanal yo va lage yon movèz odè. Rivyè Égypte yo va vin sèch e san dlo. Wozo ak zèb dlo yo va rete pouri.
7 The grasse in the riuer, and at the head of the riuers, and all that groweth by the riuer, shall wither, and be driuen away, and be no more.
Gwo wozo a bò Rivyè Nil la, arebò Nil la ak tout chan ki fin plante akote Nil la va vin sèch, pouse ale, e p ap gen la ankò.
8 The fishers also shall mourne, and all they that cast angle into the riuer, shall lament, and they that spread their nette vpon the waters, shall be weakened.
Moun lapèch yo va plenyen; tout sila ki konn voye yon liy nan Nil la va lamante, e sila ki ouvri filè sou dlo yo va santi gwo pèt.
9 Moreouer, they that worke in flaxe of diuers sortes, shall be confounded, and they that weaue nettes.
Anplis, sila k ap pwodwi twal len nan ki fèt ak len swa ak bòs twal blan yo va tris nèt.
10 For their nettes shalbe broken, and all they, that make pondes, shalbe heauie in heart.
Pilye a Égypte yo va kraze nèt; tout anplwaye yo va afilje nan nanm yo.
11 Surely the princes of Zoan are fooles: the counsell of the wise counselers of Pharaoh is become foolish: how say ye vnto Pharaoh, I am the sonne of the wise? I am the sonne of the ancient Kings?
Prens a Tsoan yo pa plis ke moun fou. Konseye a pi saj Farawon yo vin bèt nèt. Kòman nou menm, mesye, nou ka di Farawon: “Mwen se fis a moun saj yo, fis a wa ansyen yo”?
12 Where are nowe thy wise men, that they may tell thee, or may knowe what the Lord of hostes hath determined against Egypt?
Eh byen, kote moun saj ou yo? Souple, kite yo pale ak ou, e kite yo konprann sa ke SENYÈ dèzame yo te planifye pou fè kont Égypte.
13 The princes of Zoan are become fooles: the princes of Noph are deceiued, they haue deceiued Egypt, euen the corners of the tribes thereof.
Prens a Tsoan yo te aji nan foli. Prens a Noph yo te byen tronpe. Sila ki ta ang prensipal a pèp li a fin mennen Égypte nan wout egare.
14 The Lord hath mingled among them the spirite of errours: and they haue caused Egypt to erre in euery worke thereof, as a drunken man erreth in his vomite.
SENYÈ a te mele nan li yon lespri ki fè l toudi; yo mennen Égypte nan wout egare nan tout sa li fè, tankou moun sou k ap glise tonbe nan vomisman li.
15 Neither shall there be any worke in Egypt, which the head may doe, nor the tayle, ye branch nor the rush.
P ap gen travay pou Égypte; ni pou tèt li, ni pou ke li, branch palmis li, oswa sa ke wozo li yo ka fè.
16 In that day shall Egypt be like vnto women: for it shall be afraide and feare because of the moouing of the hand of the Lord of hostes, which he shaketh ouer it.
Nan jou sa a, Ejipsyen yo va vin tankou fanm. Yo va tranble nan gwo laperèz akoz pase men ke SENYÈ a ap fè pase sou yo.
17 And the land of Iudah shall be a feare vnto Egypt: euery one that maketh mention of it, shalbe afraid thereat, because of ye counsell of the Lord of hostes, which he hath determined vpon it.
Peyi Juda va devni yon gwo laperèz pou Égypte. Tout moun ki tande non li va gen gwo lakrent li akoz volonte a SENYÈ dèzame yo, ki poze kont yo.
18 In that day shall fiue cities in the lande of Egypt speake the language of Canaan, and shall sweare by the Lord of hostes. one shall be called the citie of destruction.
Nan jou sa a, senk gwo vil peyi Égypte yo va pale langaj a Kanaraneyen yo, e yo va sèmante alyans ak SENYÈ dèzame yo. Youn nan yo va rele Vil Destriksyon an.
19 In that day shall the altar of the Lord be in the middes of the land of Egypt, and a pillar by the border thereof vnto the Lord.
Nan jou sa a, va gen yon lotèl a SENYÈ a nan mitan peyi Égypte la, e yon pilye a SENYÈ a toupre fwontyè li a.
20 And it shall be for a signe and for a witnes vnto the Lord of hostes in the land of Egypt: for they shall crie vnto the Lord, because of the oppressers, and he shall send them a Sauiour and a great man, and shall deliuer them.
Li va vin fè yon sign ak yon temwen a SENYÈ dèzame yo nan peyi Égypte; paske yo va kriye a SENYÈ a akoz sila k ap oprime moun yo, e Li va voye ba yo yon sovè, yon defansè e Li va delivre yo.
21 And the Lord shall be knowen of the Egyptians, and the Egyptians shall knowe the Lord in that day, and doe sacrifice and oblation, and shall vowe vowes vnto the Lord, and performe them.
Konsa SENYÈ a va fè Égypte konnen Li. Konsa, Ejipsyen yo va konnen SENYÈ a nan jou sa a. Yo va anplis adore Li avèk sakrifis ak ofrann. Yo va fè yon ve a SENYÈ a, epi yo va akonpli li.
22 So ye Lord shall smite Egypt, he shall smite and heale it: for he shall returne vnto ye Lord, and he shall be intreated of them and shall heale them.
SENYÈ a va frape Égypte; frape, men geri li. Yo va retounen kote SENYÈ, epi Li va reponn yo e geri yo.
23 In that day shall there be a path from Egypt to Asshur, and Asshur shall come into Egypt, and Egypt into Asshur: so the Egyptians shall worship with Asshur.
Nan jou sa a, va gen yon gran chemen soti an Égypte pou rive Assyrie. Asiryen yo va antre an Égypte, e Ejipsyen yo an Assyrie. Ejipsyen ak Asiryen yo va adore ansanm.
24 In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and Asshur, euen a blessing in the middes of the land.
Nan jou sa a, Israël va fè yon twazyèm nan, ansanm ak Égypte ak Assyrie, yon gran benediksyon nan mitan mond lan.
25 For the Lord of hostes shall blesse it, saying, Blessed be my people Egypt and Asshur, the worke of mine hands, and Israel mine inheritance.
Paske SENYÈ dèzame yo ap beni yo e di: “Beni se Égypte, pèp Mwen an e Assyrie, zèv men Mwen an, ak Israël, eritaj Mwen an.”

< Isaiah 19 >