< Mark 8 >

1 In those dayes, when there was a very great multitude, and had nothing to eate, Iesus called his disciples to him, and said vnto them,
εν εκειναις ταις ημεραις παμπολλου οχλου οντος και μη εχοντων τι φαγωσιν προσκαλεσαμενος ο ιησους τους μαθητας αυτου λεγει αυτοις
2 I haue compassion on the multitude, because they haue nowe continued with mee three dayes, and haue nothing to eate.
σπλαγχνιζομαι επι τον οχλον οτι ηδη ημερας τρεις προσμενουσιν μοι και ουκ εχουσιν τι φαγωσιν
3 And if I sende them away fasting to their owne houses, they woulde faint by the way: for some of them came from farre.
και εαν απολυσω αυτους νηστεις εις οικον αυτων εκλυθησονται εν τη οδω τινες γαρ αυτων μακροθεν ηκουσιν
4 Then his disciples answered him, Whence can a man satisfie these with bread here in the wildernes?
και απεκριθησαν αυτω οι μαθηται αυτου ποθεν τουτους δυνησεται τις ωδε χορτασαι αρτων επ ερημιας
5 And hee asked them, Howe many loaues haue ye? And they said, Seuen.
και επηρωτα αυτους ποσους εχετε αρτους οι δε ειπον επτα
6 Then he commanded the multitude to sit downe on the grounde: and hee tooke the seuen loaues, and gaue thankes, brake them, and gaue to his disciples to set before them, and they did set them before the people.
και παρηγγειλεν τω οχλω αναπεσειν επι της γης και λαβων τους επτα αρτους ευχαριστησας εκλασεν και εδιδου τοις μαθηταις αυτου ινα παραθωσιν και παρεθηκαν τω οχλω
7 They had also a few small fishes: and when he had giuen thankes, he commanded them also to be set before them.
και ειχον ιχθυδια ολιγα και ευλογησας ειπεν παραθειναι και αυτα
8 So they did eate, and were sufficed, and they tooke vp of the broken meate that was left, seuen baskets full.
εφαγον δε και εχορτασθησαν και ηραν περισσευματα κλασματων επτα σπυριδας
9 (And they that had eaten, were about foure thousand) so he sent them away.
ησαν δε οι φαγοντες ως τετρακισχιλιοι και απελυσεν αυτους
10 And anon he entred into a ship with his disciples, and came into the parts of Dalmanutha.
και ευθεως εμβας εις το πλοιον μετα των μαθητων αυτου ηλθεν εις τα μερη δαλμανουθα
11 And the Pharises came foorth, and began to dispute with him, seeking of him a signe from heauen, and tempting him.
και εξηλθον οι φαρισαιοι και ηρξαντο συζητειν αυτω ζητουντες παρ αυτου σημειον απο του ουρανου πειραζοντες αυτον
12 Then hee sighed deepely in his spirit, and saide, Why doeth this generation seeke a signe? Verely I say vnto you, a signe shall not be giuen vnto this generation.
και αναστεναξας τω πνευματι αυτου λεγει τι η γενεα αυτη σημειον επιζητει αμην λεγω υμιν ει δοθησεται τη γενεα ταυτη σημειον
13 So he left them, and went into the ship againe, and departed to the other side.
και αφεις αυτους εμβας παλιν εις το πλοιον απηλθεν εις το περαν
14 And they had forgotten to take bread, neither had they in the shippe with them, but one loafe.
και επελαθοντο λαβειν αρτους και ει μη ενα αρτον ουκ ειχον μεθ εαυτων εν τω πλοιω
15 And he charged them, saying, Take heede, and beware of the leauen of the Pharises, and of the leauen of Herod.
και διεστελλετο αυτοις λεγων ορατε βλεπετε απο της ζυμης των φαρισαιων και της ζυμης ηρωδου
16 And they reasoned among themselues, saying, It is, because we haue no bread.
και διελογιζοντο προς αλληλους λεγοντες οτι αρτους ουκ εχομεν
17 And when Iesus knew it, he said vnto them, Why reason you thus, because ye haue no bread? perceiue ye not yet, neither vnderstande? haue ye your hearts yet hardened?
και γνους ο ιησους λεγει αυτοις τι διαλογιζεσθε οτι αρτους ουκ εχετε ουπω νοειτε ουδε συνιετε ετι πεπωρωμενην εχετε την καρδιαν υμων
18 Haue yee eyes, and see not? and haue yee eares, and heare not? and doe ye not remember?
οφθαλμους εχοντες ου βλεπετε και ωτα εχοντες ουκ ακουετε και ου μνημονευετε
19 When I brake the fiue loaues among fiue thousand, how many baskets full of broken meate tooke ye vp? They said vnto him, Twelue.
οτε τους πεντε αρτους εκλασα εις τους πεντακισχιλιους ποσους κοφινους πληρεις κλασματων ηρατε λεγουσιν αυτω δωδεκα
20 And when I brake seuen among foure thousande, howe many baskets of the leauings of broken meate tooke ye vp? And they said, Seuen.
οτε δε τους επτα εις τους τετρακισχιλιους ποσων σπυριδων πληρωματα κλασματων ηρατε οι δε ειπον επτα
21 Then he saide vnto them, Howe is it that ye vnderstand not?
και ελεγεν αυτοις πως ου συνιετε
22 And hee came to Bethsaida, and they brought a blinde man vnto him, and desired him to touch him.
και ερχεται εις βηθσαιδαν και φερουσιν αυτω τυφλον και παρακαλουσιν αυτον ινα αυτου αψηται
23 Then he tooke the blinde by the hand, and ledde him out of the towne, and spat in his eyes, and put his handes vpon him, and asked him, if he sawe ought.
και επιλαβομενος της χειρος του τυφλου εξηγαγεν αυτον εξω της κωμης και πτυσας εις τα ομματα αυτου επιθεις τας χειρας αυτω επηρωτα αυτον ει τι βλεπει
24 And he looked vp, and said, I see men: for I see them walking like trees.
και αναβλεψας ελεγεν βλεπω τους ανθρωπους οτι ως δενδρα ορω περιπατουντας
25 After that, he put his hands againe vpon his eyes, and made him looke againe. And hee was restored to his sight, and sawe euery man a farre off clearely.
ειτα παλιν επεθηκεν τας χειρας επι τους οφθαλμους αυτου και εποιησεν αυτον αναβλεψαι και αποκατεσταθη και ενεβλεψεν τηλαυγως απαντας
26 And hee sent him home to his house, saying, Neither goe into the towne, nor tell it to any in the towne.
και απεστειλεν αυτον εις τον οικον αυτου λεγων μηδε εις την κωμην εισελθης μηδε ειπης τινι εν τη κωμη
27 And Iesus went out, and his disciples into the townes of Cesarea Philippi. And by the way hee asked his disciples, saying vnto them, Whome doe men say that I am?
και εξηλθεν ο ιησους και ο μαθηται αυτου εις τας κωμας καισαρειας της φιλιππου και εν τη οδω επηρωτα τους μαθητας αυτου λεγων αυτοις τινα με λεγουσιν οι ανθρωποι ειναι
28 And they answered, Some say, Iohn Baptist: and some, Elias: and some, one of the Prophets.
οι δε απεκριθησαν ιωαννην τον βαπτιστην και αλλοι ηλιαν αλλοι δε ενα των προφητων
29 And he said vnto them, But whome say ye that I am? Then Peter answered, and saide vnto him, Thou art that Christ.
και αυτος λεγει αυτοις υμεις δε τινα με λεγετε ειναι αποκριθεις δε ο πετρος λεγει αυτω συ ει ο χριστος
30 And he sharpely charged them, that concerning him they should tell no man.
και επετιμησεν αυτοις ινα μηδενι λεγωσιν περι αυτου
31 Then hee began to teache them that the Sonne of man must suffer many things, and should be reproued of the Elders, and of the hie Priestes, and of the Scribes, and be slaine, and within three dayes rise againe.
και ηρξατο διδασκειν αυτους οτι δει τον υιον του ανθρωπου πολλα παθειν και αποδοκιμασθηναι απο των πρεσβυτερων και αρχιερεων και γραμματεων και αποκτανθηναι και μετα τρεις ημερας αναστηναι
32 And he spake that thing boldly. Then Peter tooke him aside, and began to rebuke him.
και παρρησια τον λογον ελαλει και προσλαβομενος αυτον ο πετρος ηρξατο επιτιμαν αυτω
33 Then he turned backe, and looked on his disciples, and rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behinde me, Satan: for thou vnderstandest not the things that are of God, but the things that are of men.
ο δε επιστραφεις και ιδων τους μαθητας αυτου επετιμησεν τω πετρω λεγων υπαγε οπισω μου σατανα οτι ου φρονεις τα του θεου αλλα τα των ανθρωπων
34 And hee called the people vnto him with his disciples, and saide vnto them, Whosoeuer will follow me, let him forsake himselfe, and take vp his crosse, and follow me.
και προσκαλεσαμενος τον οχλον συν τοις μαθηταις αυτου ειπεν αυτοις οστις θελει οπισω μου ελθειν απαρνησασθω εαυτον και αρατω τον σταυρον αυτου και ακολουθειτω μοι
35 For whosoeuer will saue his life, shall lose it: but whosoeuer shall lose his life for my sake and the Gospels, he shall saue it.
ος γαρ αν θελη την ψυχην αυτου σωσαι απολεσει αυτην ος δ αν απολεση την ψυχην αυτου ενεκεν εμου και του ευαγγελιου ουτος σωσει αυτην
36 For what shall it profite a man, though he should winne the whole world, if he lose his soule?
τι γαρ ωφελησει ανθρωπον εαν κερδηση τον κοσμον ολον και ζημιωθη την ψυχην αυτου
37 Or what exchange shall a man giue for his soule?
η τι δωσει ανθρωπος ανταλλαγμα της ψυχης αυτου
38 For whosoeuer shall be ashamed of mee, and of my wordes among this adulterous and sinfull generation, of him shall the Sonne of man be ashamed also, when he commeth in the glorie of his Father with the holy Angels.
ος γαρ αν επαισχυνθη με και τους εμους λογους εν τη γενεα ταυτη τη μοιχαλιδι και αμαρτωλω και ο υιος του ανθρωπου επαισχυνθησεται αυτον οταν ελθη εν τη δοξη του πατρος αυτου μετα των αγγελων των αγιων

< Mark 8 >