< Proverbs 24 >

1 Be not thou enuious against euill men, neither desire to be with them.
Ne zavidi opakim ljudima niti želi da budeš s njima.
2 For their heart imagineth destruction, and their lippes speake mischiefe.
Jer im srce smišlja nasilje i usne govore o nedjelu.
3 Through wisdome is an house builded, and with vnderstanding it is established.
Mudrošću se zida kuća i razborom utvrđuje,
4 And by knowledge shall the chambers bee filled with all precious, and pleasant riches.
i po znanju se pune klijeti svakim blagom dragocjenim i ljupkim.
5 A wise man is strong: for a man of vnderstanding encreaseth his strength.
Bolji je mudar od jakoga i čovjek razuman od silne ljudine.
6 For with counsel thou shalt enterprise thy warre, and in the multitude of them that can giue counsell, is health.
Jer s promišljanjem se ide u boj i pobjeda je u mnoštvu savjetnika.
7 Wisdome is hie to a foole: therefore he can not open his mouth in the gate.
Previsoka je bezumnomu mudrost: zato na sudu ne otvara usta svojih!
8 Hee that imagineth to doe euill, men shall call him an autour of wickednes.
Tko smišlja zlo zove se učitelj podmukli.
9 The wicked thought of a foole is sinne, and the scorner is an abomination vnto men.
Ludost samo grijeh snuje, i podrugljivac je mrzak ljudima.
10 If thou bee faint in the day of aduersitie, thy strength is small.
Kloneš li u dan bijede, bijedna je tvoja snaga.
11 Deliuer them that are drawen to death: wilt thou not preserue them that are led to be slaine?
Izbavi one koje vode u smrt; i spasavaj one koji posrćući idu na stratište.
12 If thou say, Beholde, we knew not of it: he that pondereth the heartes, doeth not hee vnderstand it? and hee that keepeth thy soule, knoweth he it not? will not he also recompense euery man according to his workes?
Ako kažeš: “Nismo za to znali”, ne razumije li onaj koji ispituje srca? I ne znade li onaj koji ti čuva dušu? I ne plaća li on svakomu po njegovim djelima?
13 My sonne, eate hony, for it is good, and the hony combe, for it is sweete vnto thy mouth.
Jedi med, sine moj, jer je dobar, i saće je slatko nepcu tvome.
14 So shall the knowledge of wisdome be vnto thy soule, if thou finde it, and there shall be an ende, and thine hope shall not be cut off.
Takva je, znaj, i mudrost tvojoj duši: ako je nađeš, našao si budućnost i nada tvoja neće propasti.
15 Laye no waite, O wicked man, against the house of the righteous, and spoyle not his resting place.
Ne postavljaj, opaki, zasjede stanu pravednikovu, ne čini nasilja boravištu njegovu;
16 For a iust man falleth seuen times, and riseth againe: but the wicked fall into mischiefe.
jer padne li pravednik i sedam puta, on ustaje, a opaki propadaju u nesreći.
17 Bee thou not glad when thine enemie falleth, and let not thine heart reioyce when hee stumbleth,
Ne veseli se kad padne neprijatelj tvoj i ne kliči srcem kada on posrće,
18 Least the Lord see it, and it displease him, and he turne his wrath from him.
da ne bi vidio Jahve i za zlo uzeo i obratio srdžbu svoju od njega.
19 Fret not thy selfe because of the malicious, neither be enuious at the wicked.
Nemoj se srditi zbog zločinaca, nemoj zavidjeti opakima,
20 For there shall bee none ende of plagues to the euill man: the light of the wicked shall bee put out.
jer zao čovjek nema budućnosti, svjetiljka opakih gasi se.
21 My sonne feare the Lord, and the King, and meddle not with them that are sedicious.
Boj se Jahve, sine moj, i kralja: i ne buni se ni protiv jednoga ni protiv drugoga.
22 For their destruction shall rise suddenly, and who knoweth the ruine of them both?
Jer iznenada provaljuje nesreća njihova i tko zna kad će doći propast njihova.
23 ALSO THESE THINGS PERTEINE TO THE WISE, It is not good to haue respect of any person in iudgement.
I ovo je od mudraca: Ne valja biti pristran na sudu.
24 He that saith to the wicked, Thou art righteous, him shall the people curse, and the multitude shall abhorre him.
Tko opakomu veli: “Pravedan si”, proklinju ga narodi i kunu puci;
25 But to them that rebuke him, shall be pleasure, and vpon them shall come the blessing of goodnesse.
a oni koji ga ukore nalaze zadovoljstvo, i na njih dolazi blagoslov sreće.
26 They shall kisse the lippes of him that answereth vpright wordes.
U usta ljubi tko odgovara pošteno.
27 Prepare thy worke without, and make readie thy thinges in the fielde, and after, builde thine house.
Svrši svoj posao vani i uredi svoje polje, potom i kuću svoju zidaj.
28 Be not a witnes against thy neighbour without cause: for wilt thou deceiue with thy lippes?
Ne svjedoči lažno na bližnjega svoga: zar ćeš varati usnama svojim?
29 Say not, I wil doe to him, as he hath done to mee, I will recompence euery man according to his worke.
Ne reci: “Kako je on meni učinio, tako ću i ja njemu; platit ću tom čovjeku po djelu njegovu!”
30 I passed by the fielde of the slouthfull, and by the vineyarde of the man destitute of vnderstanding.
Prolazio sam mimo polje nekog lijenčine i mimo vinograd nekog luđaka,
31 And lo, it was al growen ouer with thornes, and nettles had couered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken downe.
i gle, sve bijaše zaraslo u koprive, i sve pokrio čkalj, i kamena ograda porušena.
32 Then I behelde, and I considered it well: I looked vpon it, and receiued instruction.
Vidjeh to i pohranih u srcu, promotrih i uzeh pouku:
33 Yet a litle sleepe, a litle slumber, a litle folding of the handes to sleepe.
“Još malo odspavaj, još malo odrijemaj, još malo podvij ruke za počinak,
34 So thy pouertie commeth as one that traueileth by the way, and thy necessitie like an armed man.
i doći će tvoje siromaštvo kao skitač i oskudica kao oružanik!”

< Proverbs 24 >