< Jeremias 43 >

1 IN THE FOURTH YEAR OF JOAKIM son of Josias king of Juda, the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
Yeremya bütün xalqa özlərinin Allahı Rəbbin sözlərini, Onun Yeremya vasitəsilə onlara nazil etdiyi hər şeyi söyləməyi qurtaranda
2 Take you a roll of a book, and write upon it all the words which I spoke to you against Jerusalem, and against Juda, and against all the nations, from the day when I spoke to you, from the days of Josias king of Juda, even to this day.
Xoşaya oğlu Azarya, Qareah oğlu Yoxanan və bütün dikbaş adamlar Yeremyaya dedi: «Sən yalan söyləyirsən. “Gedib Misirdə sakin olmayın” demək üçün Allahımız Rəbb səni bizim yanımıza göndərmədi.
3 Perhaps the house of Juda will hear all the evils which I purpose to do to them; that they may turn from their evil way; and [so] I will be merciful to their iniquities and their sins.
Ancaq Neriya oğlu Baruk səni bizə qarşı təhrik edir ki, Xaldeylilər bizi öldürsün yaxud da Babilə sürgün etsin».
4 So Jeremias called Baruch the son of Nerias: and he wrote from the mouth of Jeremias all the words of the Lord, which he had spoken to him, on a roll of a book.
Qareah oğlu Yoxanan, bütün qoşun başçıları və xalq Rəbbin Yəhuda torpağında qalmaq əmrinə qulaq asmadı.
5 And Jeremias commanded Baruch, saying, I am in prison; I can’t enter into the house of the Lord:
Əksinə, Qareah oğlu Yoxanan və bütün qoşun başçıları sürgün olunduqları millətlərin arasından Yəhuda torpağında sakin olmaq üçün qayıdan Yəhudalıların qalanını –
6 so you shall read in this roll in the ears of the people in the house of the Lord, on the fast day; and in the ears of all Juda that come out of their cities, you shall read to them.
kişiləri, qadınları, uşaqları, padşahın qızlarını, keşikçilər rəisi Nevuzaradanın Şafan oğlu Axiqam oğlu Gedalyanın yanında qoyduğu hər kəsi, Yeremya peyğəmbəri və Neriya oğlu Baruku götürüb getdilər.
7 Peradventure their supplication will come before the Lord, and they will turn from their evil way: for great is the wrath and the anger of the Lord, which he has pronounced against this people.
Onlar Rəbbin sözünə qulaq asmayıb Misir torpağına getdi və Taxpanxesə çatdı.
8 And Baruch did according to all that Jeremias commanded him—reading in the book the words of the Lord in the Lord's house.
Taxpanxesdə Yeremyaya Rəbbin bu sözü nazil oldu:
9 And it came to pass in the eighth year of king Joakim, in the ninth month, all the people in Jerusalem, and the house of Juda, proclaimed a fast before the Lord.
«Əlinə böyük daşlar al və onları Yəhuda kişilərinin gözü önündə Taxpanxesə firon sarayına girilən yerdə olan kərpic döşəmənin palçığında gizlət.
10 And Baruch read in the book the words of Jeremias in the house of the Lord, in the house of Gamarias son of Saphan the scribe, in the upper court, in the entrance of the new gate of the house of the Lord, and in the ears of all the people.
Sonra onlara söylə ki, İsrailin Allahı olan Ordular Rəbbi belə deyir: “Bax Mən xəbər göndərib qulum Babil padşahı Navuxodonosoru gətirdəcəyəm və gizlətdiyim bu daşların üstündə onun taxtını quracağam. Padşah öz çadırını onların üstündə açacaq.
11 And Michaeas the son of Gamarias the son of Saphan heard all the words of the Lord, out of the book.
O gəlib Misir ölkəsini məğlub edəcək. Ölüm üçün ayrılanlar ölümə, sürgün üçün ayrılanlar sürgünə, qılınc üçün ayrılanlar qılınca təslim ediləcək.
12 And he went down to the king's house, into the house of the scribe: and, behold, there were sitting there all the princes, Elisama the scribe, and Dalaeas the son of Selemias, and Jonathan the son of Acchobor, and Gamarias the son of Saphan, and Sedekias the son of Ananias, and all the princes.
Misir allahlarının məbədlərində od qalayacağam. Babil padşahı onları yandıracaq, bütləri alıb aparacaq. Bir çoban paltarını necə bitdən təmizləyirsə, o da Misir ölkəsini eləcə təmizləyəcək. Sonra oradan sağ-salamat çıxacaq.
13 And Michaeas reported to them all the words which he had heard Baruch reading in the ears of the people.
O, Misir torpağında Günəş allahının məbədinin dik daşlarını dağıdacaq, Misir allahlarının məbədlərini yandıracaq”».
14 And all the princes sent to Baruch son of Nerias Judin the son of Nathanias, the son of Selemias, the son of Chusi, saying, Take in your hand the roll in which you read in the ears of the people, and come. So Baruch took the roll, and went down to them.
15 And they said to him, Read [it] again in our ears. And Baruch read [it].
16 And it came to pass, when they [had] heard all the words, [that] they took counsel each with his neighbor, and said, Let us by all means tell the king all these words.
17 And they asked Baruch, saying, Where did you write all these words?
18 And Baruch said, Jeremias told me from his [own] mouth all these words, and I wrote them in a book.
19 And they said to Baruch, Go, and hide, you and Jeremias; let no man know where you [are].
20 And they went in to the king into the court, and gave the roll [to one] to keep in the house of Elisama; and they told the king all these words.
21 And the king sent Judin to fetch the roll: and he took it out of the house of Elisama: and Judin read in the ears of the king, and in the ears of all the princes who stood round the king.
22 Now the king was sitting in the winter house: and [there was] a fire on the hearth before him.
23 And it came to pass when Judin had read three or four leaves, he cut them off with a penknife, and cast [them] into the fire that was on the hearth, until the whole roll was consumed in the fire that was on the hearth.
24 And the king and his servants that heard all these words sought not [the Lord], and tore not their garments.
25 But Elnathan and Godolias suggested to the king that he should burn the roll.
26 And the king commanded Jeremeel the king's son, and Saraeas the son of Esriel, to take Baruch and Jeremias: but they were hidden.
27 Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremias, after the king had burnt the roll, [even] all the words which Baruch wrote from the mouth of Jeremias, saying,
28 Again take you another roll, and write all the words that were on the roll, which king Joakim has burnt.
29 And you shall say, Thus says the Lord; You have burnt this roll, saying, Why have you written therein, saying, The king of Babylon shall certainly come in, and destroy this land, and man and cattle shall fail from off it?
30 Therefore thus says the Lord concerning Joakim king of Juda; He shall not have [a man] to sit on the throne of David: and his carcass shall be cast forth in the heat by day, and in the frost by night.
31 And I will visit him, and his family, and his servants: and I will bring upon him, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and upon the land of Juda, all the evils which I spoke of to them; and they listened not.
32 And Baruch took another roll, and wrote upon it from the mouth of Jeremias all the words of the book which Joakim had burnt: and there were yet more words added to it like the former.

< Jeremias 43 >