< Psalms 101 >

1 A Psalm of David. I will sing to you, O Lord, of mercy and judgment; I will sing a psalm,
大卫的诗。 我要歌唱慈爱和公平; 耶和华啊,我要向你歌颂!
2 and I will be wise in a blameless way. When will you come to me? I walked in the innocence of my heart, in the midst of my house.
我要用智慧行完全的道。 你几时到我这里来呢? 我要存完全的心行在我家中。
3 I have not set before mine eyes any unlawful ting; I have hated transgressors.
邪僻的事,我都不摆在我眼前; 悖逆人所做的事,我甚恨恶, 不容沾在我身上。
4 A perverse heart has not cleaved to me; I have not known an evil man, forasmuch as he turns away from me.
弯曲的心思,我必远离; 一切的恶人,我不认识。
5 Him that privily speaks against his neighbor, him have I driven from [me]: he that is proud in look and insatiable in heart, —with him I have not eaten.
在暗中谗谤他邻居的,我必将他灭绝; 眼目高傲、心里骄纵的,我必不容他。
6 Mine eyes [shall be] upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walked in a perfect way, the same ministered to me.
我眼要看国中的诚实人,叫他们与我同住; 行为完全的,他要伺候我。
7 The proud doer lived not in the midst of my house; the unjust speaker prospered not in my sight.
行诡诈的,必不得住在我家里; 说谎话的,必不得立在我眼前。
8 Early did I kill all the sinners of the land, that I might destroy out of the city of the Lord all that work iniquity.
我每日早晨要灭绝国中所有的恶人, 好把一切作孽的从耶和华的城里剪除。

< Psalms 101 >