< Isaiah 24 >

1 Behold, YHWH is emptying the earth, And is making it desolate, And has overturned [it on] its face, And has scattered its inhabitants.
Hina Gode da liligi huluane mugululi, osobo bagade da gugunufinisi dagoi ba: mu. E da soge bagade wadela: mu amola fifi asi gala dunu huluane afafane, sefasimu.
2 And it has been—as a people so a priest, As the servant so his master, As the maidservant so her mistress, As the buyer so the seller, As the lender so the borrower, As the usurer so he who is lifting [it] on himself.
Dunu huluane, amo gobele salasu dunu, dunudafa, udigili hawa: hamosu dunu, ilia ouligisu dunu, bidiga lama: ne dunu, fa: no dabema: ne muni iasu dunu, bu ima: ne muni lasu dunu, bagade gagui dunu amola hame gagui dunu, amo huluane da defele se lamu.
3 The earth is utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled, For YHWH has spoken this word:
Osobo bagade da goudane, wadela: lesi dagoi ba: mu. Hina Gode da amane sia: i dagoi, amola Ea sia: i liligi da hamoi dagoi ba: mu.
4 The earth has mourned, faded, The world has languished, faded, They have languished—the high place of the people of the earth.
Osobo da hafoga: sa, amola gisi amola ifa da biosa. Osobo bagade huluane da gasa hame agoane ba: sa. Osobo bagade amola mu da dasasa.
5 And the earth has been defiled under its inhabitants, Because they have transgressed laws, They have changed a statute, They have made void a perpetual covenant.
Osobo bagade fifi asi gala da osobo bagade ledo hamone wadela: lesi dagoi. Bai ilia Gode Ea Sema fi dagoi amola gousa: su amo Gode da eso huluane dialoma: ne hamoi, ilia da wadela: lesi dagoi.
6 Therefore a curse has consumed the earth, And the inhabitants in it become desolate, Therefore inhabitants of the earth have been consumed, And few men have been left.
Amaiba: le, Gode da osobo bagade amoma gagabusu aligi dagoi. Osobo bagade dunu, ilia wadela: i hamobeba: le, wali dabe laha. Wali bagahame esalebe ba: sa. Aya bagahamedafa esalebe ba: mu.
7 The new wine has mourned, the vine languished, All the joyful of heart have sighed.
Waini efe da biolala amola waini hano fonobahadi fawane gala. Dunu da musa: hahawane esalu da wali da: i dioiwane esalebe ba: sa.
8 The joy of tambourines has ceased, The noise of exulting ones has ceased, The joy of a harp has ceased.
Ilia ‘sani baidama’ amola ilibu dusu da ouiya: i dagoi.
9 They do not drink wine with a song, Strong drink is bitter to those drinking it.
Waini hano nabeba: le, dunu ilia musa: hahawane gesami hame hea: su. Be wali waini hano da ilima hedai hame ba: sa.
10 It was broken down—a city of emptiness, Every house has been shut from [its] entrance.
Moilai amo ganodini, bidi hamosu fawane gala. Dunu da beda: iba: le, ilia diasu ganodini golili sa: ili, logo ga: sili, gagili sala.
11 In out-places [is] a cry over the wine, All joy has been darkened, The joy of the land has been removed.
Waini hano da ebeleiba: le, dunu da logoga bagade halasa. Hahawane hou da fisi dagoi. Fedege agoane, hahawane hou da gadili sefasi dagoi.
12 Desolation [is] left in the city, And the gate is struck [with] ruin.
Moilai bai bagade da mugului dagoi amola ea logo ga: su da wadela: lesi dagoi.
13 When thus it is in the heart of the land, In the midst of the peoples, As the surrounding of the olive, As gleanings when harvest has been finished,
Amo hou da osobo bagade fifi asi gala huluanedafa amo ganodini ba: mu. Amo eso da ha: i manu gamisu eso da dagoi agoane ba: mu. Olife fage da olife ifa amoga fai dagoi amola waini fage amo waini efe amoga fai agoaiwane ba: mu.
14 They lift up their voice, They sing of the excellence of YHWH, They have cried aloud from the sea.
Be nowa da mae bogole esalebe ba: sea, da hahawaneba: le gesami hea: mu. Dunu da eso dabe la: idi sogega esalea, da Hina Gode Ea gasa bagade hou olelemu.
15 Therefore honor YHWH in prosperity, In islands of the sea, the Name of YHWH, God of Israel.
Amola dunu da gusudili esalea, da Godema nodomu. Dunu amo da hano wayabo bagade amo ea bega: esala da Isala: ili ilia Hina Gode, Ema nodomu.
16 From the skirt of the earth we heard songs, The desire of the righteous. And I say, “Leanness [is] to me, Leanness [is] to me, woe [is] to me.” Treacherous dealers dealt treacherously, Indeed, treachery, treacherous dealers dealt treacherously.
Osobo bagade ganodini, sedaga esalebe fi da moloidafa hamosu fi amo Isala: ili, ilima nodone sia: mu. Be na dafawane esaloma: beyale dawa: lusu da fisi dagoi. Na da: i da geloga: le, wadela: sa. Hohonosu dunu da hohonana, amola ilia da bu baligili agoane hohonana.
17 Fear, and a snare, and a trap, [Are] on you, O inhabitant of the earth.
Dunu huluane! Na sia: nabima! Beda: ma: ne liligi, amola sani amola sani uli dogoi da dili wadela: musa: dialebe.
18 And it has come to pass, He who is fleeing from the noise of the fear falls into the snare, And he who is coming up from the midst of the snare, Is captured by the trap, For windows have been opened on high, And foundations of the earth are shaken.
Nowa da beda: ma: ne liligi amoga hobeale ahoasea, da sani uli dogoi amoga sa: imu. Amola nowa da ulidogoi amo ganodini hame dasea, da saniga sa: imu. Gibu bagadedafa, hano nawa: li agoane da muagado sa: imu. Osobo bagade ea bai da yagugumu.
19 The earth has been utterly broken down, The earth has been utterly broken, The earth has been utterly moved.
Osobo bagade da fili, goudane gugunufinisimu.
20 The earth staggers greatly as a drunkard, And it has been moved as a lodge, And its transgression has been heavy on it, And it has fallen, and does not add to rise.
Osobo bagade da adini ba: i dunu defele, feloale masunu, amola diasu foga fabeba: le yagugusa, agoane yagugumu. Wadela: i hou da dioi bagadeba: le, osobo bagade banenesisa. Osobo bagade da dafane, bu hamedafa wa: legadomu.
21 And it has come to pass in that day, YHWH lays a charge on the host of the high place in the high place, And on the kings of the earth on the earth.
Eso da misunu, amoga Hina Gode da wadela: i ouligisu a: silibu muagado esala, ilima se imunu. Amola E da osobo bagade ouligisu dunu ilima se imunu.
22 And they have been gathered—A gathering of bound ones in a pit, And they have been shut up in a prison, And after a multitude of days are inspected.
Gode da osobo bagade hina bagade dunu amo guba: le gilisili, ilia da se iasu diasu hamosu dunu uli dogoi ganodini gilisi agoane ba: mu. E da ili se iasu diasu ganodini salimu. Amasea, ilima dabe imunu eso da doaga: sea, E da ilima se imunu.
23 And the moon has been confounded, And the sun has been ashamed, For YHWH of Hosts has reigned In Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, And before His elderly—glory!
Oubi da bu gasi agoane ba: mu, amola eso da hame diga: mu. Bai Hina Gode Bagade da Hinadafa esalumu. E da Yelusaleme amo ganodini, Saione Goumi da: iya Hinadafa esalumu. Amola Ea fi ouligisu dunu da Ea hadigi ba: mu.

< Isaiah 24 >