< Psalms 143 >

1 [A Psalm by David.] Hear my prayer, Jehovah. Listen to my petitions. In your faithfulness and righteousness, relieve me.
E HOOLOHE mai oe i ka'u pule, o Iehova, E haliu mai hoi i ko'u nonoi ana; A ma koa oiaio, a ma kou pono, e ae mai ia'u.
2 Do not enter into judgment with your servant, for in your sight no man living is righteous.
Mai hookolokolo mai oe i kau kauwa, No ka mea, aole o aponoia kekahi mea ola imua ou.
3 For the enemy pursues my soul. He has struck my life down to the ground. He has made me live in dark places, as those who have been long dead.
Ua hoomaau mai ka enemi i ko'u uhane; Ua ulupa oia i ko'u ola ilalo i ka honua; Ua hoonoho mai oia ia'u ma ka pouli, E like me ka poe i loihi ka make ana.
4 Therefore my spirit is overwhelmed within me. My heart within me is desolate.
Ua maule no ko'u ea iloko o'u; Ua neoneo hoi ko'u naau maloko ia'u.
5 I remember the days of old. I meditate on all your doings. I contemplate the work of your hands.
Ua hoomanao no wau i na la o ka wa kahiko; Ua noonoo no wau ma kau mau hana a pau; Ma ka hana o kou lima ua noonoo nui wau.
6 I spread forth my hands to you. My soul thirsts for you, like a parched land. (Selah)
Hohola aku au i ko'u mau lima ia oe; Me he aina maloo la, ko'u uhane, i ka iini ia oe. (Sila)
7 Hurry to answer me, Jehovah. My spirit fails. Do not hide your face from me, so that I do not become like those who go down into the pit.
E hoolohe koke mai oe ia'u e Iehova, Ua maule ko'u uhane; Mai huna oe i kou maka ia'u, O like auanei au me ka poe iho ilalo i ka lua.
8 Cause me to hear your loving kindness in the morning, for I trust in you. Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to you.
E haawi mai oe ia'u i ka hoolohe i kou lokomaikai i ke kakahiaka, No ka mea, ke hilinai aku nei au ia oe: E hoike mai oe ia'u i ke ala au e hele ai, No ka mea, ke hapai aku nei au i ko'u uhane ia oe.
9 Deliver me, Jehovah, from my enemies. I run to you for refuge.
E hoopakele mai oe ia'u i ko'u poe enemi, e Iehova; Ia oe no wau e holo ai, e huna mai oe ia'u.
10 Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.
E ao mai oe ia'u e hana i kou makemake, No ka mea, o oe no ko'u Akua, ua maikai no kou uhane; E alakai oe ia'u a iloko o ka aina pololei.
11 Revive me, Jehovah, for your name's sake. In your righteousness, bring my soul out of trouble.
E hooikaika mai oe ia'u, e Iehova, no kou inoa; No kou pono hoi e hoopuka aku oe i ko'u uhane mawaho o ka pilikia.
12 In your loving kindness, cut off my enemies, and destroy all those who afflict my soul, For I am your servant.
Ma kou lokomaikai, e hooki ae oe i ko'u poe enemi, A e anai mai hoi i ka poe a pau i hoomaau mai ia'u; No ka mea, owau no kau kauwa.

< Psalms 143 >