< Psalms 72 >

1 [By Solomon.] God, give the king your justice; your righteousness to the royal son.
Ta Solomon. Ka tanada sarki da shari’arka ta gaskiya, ya Allah, ɗan sarki da adalcinka.
2 He will judge your people with righteousness, and your poor with justice.
Zai shari’anta mutanenka da adalci, marasa ƙarfinka da shari’ar gaskiya.
3 The mountains shall bring prosperity to the people. The hills bring the fruit of righteousness.
Duwatsu za su kawo wadata ga mutane, tuddai kuma su ba da amfani na adalci.
4 He will judge the poor of the people. He will save the children of the needy, and will break the oppressor in pieces.
Zai kāre marasa ƙarfi a cikin mutane yă kuma cece’ya’yan masu bukata; zai murƙushe masu danniya.
5 They shall fear you while the sun endures; and as long as the moon, throughout all generations.
Zai jimre muddin rana tana nan, muddin akwai wata, har dukan zamanai.
6 He will come down like rain on the mown grass, as showers that water the earth.
Zai zama kamar ruwan sama mai fāɗuwa a filin ciyayin da aka yanka, kamar yayyafi mai ba wa duniya ruwa.
7 In his days, the righteous shall flourish, and abundance of peace, until the moon is no more.
A kwanakinsa adalai za su haɓaka wadata za tă yalwata har sai babu sauran wata.
8 He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, from the River to the farthest parts of the earth.
Zai yi mulki daga teku zuwa teku kuma daga Kogi zuwa iyakar duniya.
9 Those who dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him. His enemies shall lick the dust.
Kabilun hamada za su rusuna a gabansa abokan gābansa kuwa za su lashe ƙura.
10 The kings of Tarshish and of the islands will bring tribute. The kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts.
Sarakunan Tarshish da na bakin kogi masu nisa za su ba da gandu gare shi; sarakunan Sheba da Seba za su ba shi kyautai.
11 Yes, all kings shall fall down before him. All nations shall serve him.
Dukan sarakuna za su rusuna masa kuma dukan al’ummai za su bauta masa.
12 For he will deliver the needy when he cries; the poor, who has no helper.
Gama zai ceci masu bukatan da suka yi kuka, marasa ƙarfin da ba su da mai taimako.
13 He will have pity on the poor and needy. He will save the souls of the needy.
Zai ji tausayin gajiyayyu da masu bukata yă ceci masu bukata daga mutuwa.
14 He will redeem their soul from oppression and violence. Their blood will be precious in his sight.
Zai kuɓutar da su daga danniya da rikici, gama jininsu yake a gabansa.
15 And he shall live, and the gold of Sheba shall be given to him. Men shall pray for him continually. He shall bless him all day long.
Bari yă yi doguwar rayuwa! Bari a ba shi zinariya daga Sheba. Bari mutane su riƙa yin addu’a dominsa su kuma albarkace shi dukan yini.
16 There shall be abundance of grain throughout the land. Its fruit sways like Lebanon. Let it flourish, thriving like the grass of the field.
Bari hatsi yă yalwata a duk fāɗin ƙasar; bari yă cika bisan tuddai. Bari’ya’yan itatuwansa su haɓaka kamar Lebanon; bari yă bazu kamar ciyayi a gona.
17 His name endures forever. His name continues as long as the sun. Men shall be blessed by him. All nations will call him blessed.
Bari sunansa yă dawwama har abada; bari yă ci gaba muddin rana tana nan. Dukan al’ummai za su sami albarka ta wurinsa, za su kuma ce da shi mai albarka.
18 Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, who alone does marvelous deeds.
Yabo ya tabbata ga Ubangiji Allah, Allah na Isra’ila, wanda shi kaɗai ya aikata abubuwa masu banmamaki.
19 Blessed be his glorious name forever. Let the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and amen.
Yabo ya tabbata ga sunansa mai ɗaukaka har abada; bari dukan duniya ta cika da ɗaukakarsa.
20 This ends the prayers by David, the son of Jesse.
Wannan ya kammala addu’o’in Dawuda ɗan Yesse.

< Psalms 72 >