< 2 Thessalonians 3 >

1 In conclusion, friends, pray for us – pray that the Lord’s message may spread rapidly, and be received everywhere with honour, as it was among you;
Hatimaye, ndugu, tuombeeni ili ujumbe wa Bwana uzidi kuenea upesi na kupokelewa kwa heshima kama vile ulivyo kati yenu.
2 and that we may be preserved from wrong-headed and wicked people – for it is not everyone who believes in Christ.
Ombeni pia ili Mungu atuokoe na watu wapotovu na waovu, maana si wote wanaoamini ujumbe huu.
3 But the Lord will not fail you. He will give you strength, and guard you from evil.
Lakini Bwana ni mwaminifu. Yeye atawaimarisheni na kuwalinda salama na yule Mwovu.
4 Yes, and the confidence that our union with the Lord enables us to place in you leads us to believe that you are doing, and will do, what we direct you.
Naye Bwana anatupatia tumaini kubwa juu yenu, na hatuna shaka kwamba mnafanya na mtaendelea kufanya yale tuliyowaambieni.
5 May the Lord bring you to the love of God, and to the patience of the Christ.
Bwana aiongoze mioyo yenu katika upendo wa Mungu na katika uvumilivu tunaopewa na Kristo.
6 We beg you, friends, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to avoid any follower who is living an ill-ordered life, which is not in agreement with the teaching that you received from us.
Ndugu, tunawaamuru kwa jina la Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo, mjiepushe na ndugu wote walio wavivu na ambao hawafuati maagizo tuliyowapa.
7 For you know well that you ought to follow our example. When we were with you, our life was not ill-ordered,
Ninyi wenyewe mnajua kwamba mnapaswa kufuata mfano wetu. Sisi tulipokuwa nanyi hatukuwa wavivu;
8 nor did we eat anyone’s bread without paying for it. Night and day, labouring and toiling, we used to work at our trades, so as not to be a burden on any of you.
hatukula chakula kwa mtu yeyote bila ya kumlipa. Tulifanya kazi kwa bidii na taabu mchana na usiku ili tusiwe mzigo kwa mtu yeyote kati yenu.
9 This was not because we had not a right to receive support, but our object was to give you a pattern for you to copy.
Tulifanya hivyo si kwa kuwa hatuna haki ya kutaka msaada wenu, ila kwa sababu tunataka kuwapeni mfano.
10 Indeed, when we were with you, the rule we laid down was – “Whoever does not choose to work will not get to eat.”
Tulipokuwa pamoja nanyi tulikuwa tukiwaambieni, “Mtu asiyefanya kazi, asile.”
11 We hear that there are among you people who are living ill-ordered lives, and who, instead of attending to their own business, are mere busybodies.
Tunasema mambo hayo kwa sababu tumesikia kwamba wako baadhi yenu ambao ni wavivu na ambao hawafanyi chochote, isipokuwa tu kujiingiza katika mambo ya watu wengine.
12 All such people we beg, and implore, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to attend quietly to their business, and earn their own living.
Kwa jina la Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo tunawaamuru na kuwaonya watu hao wawe na nidhamu na kufanya kazi ili wajipatie maslahi yao wenyewe.
13 You, friends, must not grow weary of doing what is right.
Lakini ninyi ndugu, msichoke kutenda mema.
14 If anyone disregards what we have said in this letter, take note of them and avoid their company, so that they may feel ashamed.
Huenda kwamba huko kuna mtu ambaye hatautii huu ujumbe tunaowapelekeeni katika barua hii. Ikiwa hivyo, basi, mfichueni mtu huyo na msiwe na uhusiano wowote naye kusudi aone aibu.
15 Yet do not think of them as an enemy, but caution them as you would a brother or sister.
Lakini msimtendee mtu huyo kama adui, bali mwonyeni kama ndugu.
16 May the Lord, from whom all peace comes, himself give you his peace at all times and in all ways. May he be with you all.
Bwana mwenyewe ndiye chanzo cha amani, awajalieni amani siku zote kwa kila namna. Bwana awe nanyi nyote.
17 I, Paul, add this greeting in my own handwriting. It is my signature to every letter. This is how I write.
Kwa mkono wangu mwenyewe naandika hivi: Salamu kutoka kwa Paulo! Hivi ndivyo ninavyotia sahihi kila barua; ndivyo ninavyoandika.
18 May the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
Tunawatakieni nyote neema ya Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo.

< 2 Thessalonians 3 >