< 1 Kings 18 >

1 And it came to pass, after many days, that, the word of Yahweh, came unto Elijah, in the third year, saying, —Go, shew thyself unto Ahab, that I may send rain upon the face of the ground.
Bayan dogon lokaci, a cikin shekara ta uku, maganar Ubangiji ta zo wa Iliya, ta ce, “Tafi, ka gabatar da kanka ga Ahab, zan kuwa aika da ruwan sama a ƙasar.”
2 And Elijah went, to show himself unto Ahab. Now, the famine, was severe in Samaria.
Saboda haka Iliya ya tafi ya gabatar da kansa ga Ahab. Yanzu dai yunwa ta tsananta a Samariya,
3 And Ahab had called for Obadiah, who was over his house. Now, Obadiah, was one who revered Yahweh, exceedingly.
Ahab kuma ya aika a kawo Obadiya, sarkin fadansa (Obadiya dai cikakken mai gaskata da Ubangiji ne.
4 And so it came to pass, when Jezebel was cutting off the prophets of Yahweh, that Obadiah took a hundred prophets, and hid them by fifties in caves, and sustained them, with bread and water.
Yayinda Yezebel tana kisan annabawan Ubangiji, Obadiya ya ɗauki annabawa ɗari ya ɓoye a kogwanni biyu, hamsin a kowanne, ya kuma tanada musu abinci da kuma ruwa.)
5 So then Ahab said unto Obadiah, Go, and let us pass throughout the land, unto all the fountains of water, and unto all the ravines, peradventure we may find grass, and save alive horse and mule, and not have more of the beasts cut off.
Ahab ya ce wa Obadiya, “Ka ratsa ƙasar zuwa dukan maɓulɓulai da fadamu. Mai yiwuwa ka sami ciyawa mu ba dawakai da alfadarai don su rayu, don kada mu kashe dabbobinmu.”
6 So they divided to them the land, to pass through it, —Ahab, went one way, by himself, and, Obadiah, went another way, by himself.
Saboda haka suka raba ƙasar da za su ratsa, Ahab zai tafi gefe ɗaya, Obadiya kuma yă bi gefe ɗaya.
7 And so it was, as Obadiah was on the road, that lo! Elijah, met him, —and he recognised him, and fell upon his face, and said—Now art, thou, my lord Elijah?
Yayinda Obadiya yana tafiya, sai Iliya ya sadu da shi. Obadiya ya gane shi, ya rusuna har ƙasa, ya ce, “Kai ne, shugabana, Iliya?”
8 And he said to him—I, am! Go, say to thy lord: Here, is, Elijah!
Iliya ya amsa, ya ce, “I, je ka faɗa wa maigidanka cewa, ‘Iliya yana a nan.’”
9 And he said—How have I sinned, —that, thou, art delivering thy servant into the hand of Ahab, to put me to death?
Obadiya ya yi tambaya, “Me na yi da ba daidai ba, da kake miƙa bawanka ga Ahab don yă kashe?
10 By the life of Yahweh thy God, there is no nation or kingdom, whither my lord hath not sent to seek thee, and, when they have said—Nay! he hath taken an oath of the kingdom or the nation, that no one could find thee;
Na rantse da Ubangiji Allahnka, babu al’umma ko masarauta da mai girma sarki bai aika a nemo ka ba. In suka ce ba ka can, sai yă sa mulkin ko al’ummar su rantse, cewa ai, ba su same ka ba.
11 and, now, thou, art saying, —Go say to thy lord, Here, is, Elijah;
Amma yanzu kana faɗa mini in tafi wurin mai girma in ce, ‘Iliya yana a nan.’
12 so shall it come to pass, as soon as, I, go from thee, that, the spirit of Yahweh, shall carry thee away—whither I know not, and so, when I go in to tell Ahab, and he cannot find thee, then will he slay me, —and yet, thy servant, hath revered Yahweh, from my youth.
Ban san inda Ruhun Ubangiji zai kai ka sa’ad da na bar ka ba. In na tafi na faɗa wa Ahab bai kuma same ka a nan ba, zai sa a kashe ni. Tuna fa, ni bawanka, na yi wa Ubangiji sujada tun ina saurayi.
13 Was it not told my lord, what I did when Jezebel was slaying the prophets of Yahweh, —how I hid, of the prophets of Yahweh, a hundred men—by fifties—in caves, and sustained them with bread and water?
Ranka yă daɗe, ashe, ba a faɗa maka abin da na yi lokacin da Yezebel ta karkashe annabawan Ubangiji ba? Yadda na ɓoye annabawa ɗari, na sa su hamsin-hamsin a kogwanni biyu, na yi ta ba su abinci da ruwa.
14 and yet, now, thou, art saying, Go, tell thy lord—Here, is, Elijah; and so he will slay me!
Yanzu fa, kana ce in tafi wurin mai girma sarki, in ce, ‘Iliya yana a nan.’ Ai, zai kashe ni!”
15 Then said Elijah—By the life of Yahweh of hosts, before whom I stand, to-day, will I show myself unto him.
Iliya ya ce, “Na rantse da Ubangiji Maɗaukaki, wanda nake bauta wa, tabbatacce zan gabatar da kaina ga Ahab a yau.”
16 So Obadiah went to meet Ahab, and told him, —and, Ahab, went to meet, Elijah.
Saboda haka sai Obadiya ya tafi wurin Ahab ya faɗa masa, Ahab kuwa ya tafi wurin Iliya.
17 And it came to pass, when Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said unto him, Now, art, thou, troubling Israel?
Sa’ad da Ahab ya ga Iliya, sai ya ce masa, “Kai ne wannan, kai mai tā-da-na-zaune-tsaye a Isra’ila?”
18 And he said—I have not troubled Israel, but, thou and the house of thy father, —in that ye have forsaken the commandments of Yahweh, and followed Baal.
Iliya ya amsa, ya ce, “Ban tā-da-na-zaune-tsaye a Isra’ila ba. Amma kai da iyalin mahaifinka, ku kuka tā-da-na-zaune-tsaye. Ka ƙyale umarnai Ubangiji, ka bi Ba’al.
19 Now, therefore, send, gather unto me all Israel, unto Mount Carmel, —and the prophets of Baal, four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the Sacred Stem, four hundred, who do eat at the table of Jezebel.
Yanzu ka tara mutane daga dukan Isra’ila su sadu da ni a kan Dutsen Karmel. Ka kuma kawo annabawa ɗari huɗu da hamsin na Ba’al, da kuma annabawa ɗari huɗu na Ashera, waɗanda suke ci a teburin Yezebel.”
20 So Ahab sent among all the sons of Israel, —and gathered the prophets unto Mount Carmel.
Sai Ahab ya aika a duk fāɗin Isra’ila, ya kuma tattara annabawan a kan Dutsen Karmel.
21 And Elijah drew near unto all the people, and said—How long are ye limping on the two divided opinions? If, Yahweh, be GOD, follow, him, but, if, Baal, follow, him. But the people answered him, not a word.
Iliya ya je gaban mutane ya ce, “Har yaushe za ku yi ta yawo tsakanin ra’ayoyi biyu? In Ubangiji ne Allah, ku bi shi; amma in Ba’al Allah ne, ku bi shi.” Mutane dai ba su ce uffam ba.
22 Then said Elijah unto the people—I, am left, Yahweh’s, only, prophet, —but, the prophets of Baal, are four hundred and fifty men.
Sai Iliya ya ce musu, “Ni ne kaɗai annabin Ubangiji da ya rage, amma Ba’al yana da annabawa ɗari huɗu da hamsin.
23 Let there be given us, therefore, two bullocks, and let them choose for themselves one bullock, and cut it in pieces, and lay it upon the wood, but, fire, shall they not put, —then, I, will make ready the other bullock, and place upon the wood, but, fire, will I not put.
Ku samo mana bijimai biyu. Bari su zaɓa ɗaya wa kansu, bari kuma su yanka shi kucu-kucu su sa a itace, sai dai, kada su sa wuta a kansa. Ni kuwa zan shirya ɗaya bijimin in sa a kan itace, ni ma, ba zan sa wuta a kansa ba.
24 Then shall ye call on the name of your god, and, I, will call on the name of Yahweh, and it shall be, the God that respondeth by fire, he, is GOD. And all the people responded—Well spoken!
Sa’an nan ku kira bisa sunan allahnku, ni kuwa zan kira bisa sunan Ubangiji. Duk allahn da ya amsa ta wurin wuta, shi ne Allah.” Sai dukan jama’a suka ce, “Abin nan da faɗa yana da kyau.”
25 Then said Elijah to the prophets of Baal—Choose for yourselves one bullock, and make ye ready, first, for, ye, are many, —and call ye on the name of your god, but, fire, shall ye not put.
Iliya ya ce wa annabawan Ba’al, “Ku ku fara zaɓi bijimi ɗaya, ku shirya, da yake kuna da yawa. Ku kira a bisa sunan allahnku, amma kada ku ƙuna wuta.”
26 So they took the bullock which was given them, and made ready, and called on the name of Baal—from the morning even until the noon, saying—O Baal! answer us. But them was no voice, nor any that answered. And they leaped about by the altar which had been made.
Sai suka ɗauki bijimin da aka ba su suka shirya shi. Sa’an nan suka kira bisa sunan Ba’al daga safe har tsakar rana. Suna ihu, “Ya Ba’al, ka amsa mana!” Amma babu wata amsa, babu wani da ya amsa. Suka yi ta rawa kewaye da bagaden da suka yi.
27 And it came to pass, at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said—Cry with a loud voice, for, a god, he is, either he hath, a meditation, or an occasion to retire, or he hath, a journey, —peradventure, he, sleepeth, and must be awaked.
Da tsakar rana, Iliya ya fara yin musu ba’a. Ya ce, “Ku yi ihu da ƙarfi, tabbatacce shi allah ne! Mai yiwuwa yana cikin zurfin tunani, ko dai aiki ya yi masa yawa, ko ya yi tafiya. Mai yiwuwa yana barci ne, dole a tashe shi.”
28 And they cried, with a loud voice, and cut themselves, after their custom, with swords, and with lances, —until the blood gushed out upon them.
Sai suka yi ta ihu da ƙarfi suna tsattsaga kansu da takuba da māsu, yadda al’adarsu take, sai da jininsu ya yi ta zuba.
29 And so it was, when noon was passed, that although they prophesied until the offering up of the evening gift, yet was there no voice nor any that answered, nor any that hearkened.
Tsakar rana ta wuce, suka ci gaba da ƙoƙari, suna annabci har lokacin miƙa hadayar yamma ya yi. Amma babu wani da ya tanƙa, babu wani da ya amsa, babu wanda ya kula.
30 Then said Elijah unto all the people: Draw near unto, me. And all the people drew near unto, him. Then repaired he the broken-down altar of Yahweh; yea Elijah took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Jacob, —
Sa’an nan Iliya ya ce wa dukan mutane, “Ku zo nan wurina.” Suka zo wurinsa, ya kuma shirya bagaden Ubangiji, da ya riga ya zama kufai.
31 unto whom the word of Yahweh came, saying—Israel, shall be thy name;
Iliya ya ɗauki duwatsu goma sha biyu, ɗaya don kowace kabila zuriyar Yaƙub, wanda maganar Ubangiji ta zo masa, cewa, “Sunanka zai zama Isra’ila.”
32 and built, with the stones, an altar, in the name of Yahweh, —and he made a trench, as large as would contain two measures of seed, round about the altar;
Da waɗannan duwatsun ya gina bagade cikin sunan Ubangiji, ya kuma haƙa wuriya kewaye da shi, isashe da zai ci garwa biyu na irin ƙwayar gyada.
33 and he put in order the wood, —and cut in pieces the bullock, and laid upon the wood. Then said he—Fill four pitchers with water, and pour out upon the ascending-sacrifice, and upon the wood. And they did so.
Ya shirya itace, ya yayyanka bijimin kucu-kucu, ya shimfiɗa shi a itacen. Sa’an nan ya ce musu, “Ku cika manyan tuluna da ruwa, ku zuba a kan hadayar da kuma a kan itacen.” Suka zuba.
34 And he said—Do it the second time. And they did it the second time. And he said—Do it the third time. And they did it the third time.
Ya ce, “Ku sāke yin haka,” sai suka sāke yin haka. Ya umarta, “Ku yi haka sau na uku,” suka kuma yi haka sau na uku.
35 And the water ran round about the altar, —moreover also, the trench, filled he with water.
Ruwan ya gangara kewaye da bagaden har ma ya cika wuriyar.
36 And it came to pass, at the time of the offering of the gift, that Elijah the prophet drew near, and said, O Yahweh, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel! To-day, let it be known—That, thou, art God in Israel, and that, I, am thy servant, —and that, by thy word, have I done all these things.
A lokacin hadaya, sai annabi Iliya ya zo gaba ya yi addu’a, ya ce, “Ya Ubangiji Allah na Ibrahim, na Isra’ila da kuma na Yaƙub, bari a sani a yau cewa kai Allah ne a cikin Isra’ila, a kuma san cewa ni bawanka ne, na kuma yi dukan waɗannan abubuwa bisa umarninka.
37 Answer me, O Yahweh! answer me, That this people may know, that, thou—Yahweh, art GOD, —so shalt, thou thyself, have turned their heart back again.
Ka amsa mini, ya Ubangiji, ka amsa mini, saboda waɗannan mutane su san cewa kai, ya Ubangiji, kai ne Allah, su kuma san cewa kana sāke juye zukatansu zuwa gare ka.”
38 Then fell fire from Yahweh, and consumed the ascending-sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, —even the water that was in the trench, it licked up.
Sai wutar Ubangiji ya fāɗo, ya cinye hadayar, itacen, duwatsun da kuma ƙasar, ya lashe ruwan da yake cikin wuriyar.
39 And, when all the people saw it, they fell upon their faces, —and said, Yahweh, he, is GOD, Yahweh, he, is GOD.
Sa’ad da mutane suka ga wannan, sai suka rusuna, suka sunkuyar da kai suka ce, “Ubangiji, shi ne Allah! Ubangiji, shi ne Allah!”
40 And Elijah said unto them—Seize ye the prophets of Baal—let not, a man, of them escape. So they seized them. And Elijah took them down unto the ravine of Kishon, and slaughtered them there.
Sa’an nan Iliya ya umarce su, ya ce, “Ku kama annabawan Ba’al, kada ku bar waninsu yă tsere!” Suka kama su, Iliya kuwa ya sa aka gangara da su zuwa Kwarin Kishon, aka yayyanka su a can.
41 Then said Elijah unto Ahab, Go up, eat and drink, —for there is a sound of a downpour of rain.
Sai Iliya ya ce wa Ahab, “Ka haura gida, ka ci, ka sha, gama ina jin motsin ruwan sama mai yawa.”
42 So Ahab went up, to eat and to drink, —but, Elijah, went up to the top of Carmel, and bowed himself to the earth, and put his face between his knees.
Sai Ahab ya ruga don yă ci, yă sha, amma Iliya ya hau kan ƙwanƙolin Karmel, ya rusuna ƙasa, ya sa fuska a tsakanin gwiwarsa.
43 Then said he unto his young man—Go up, I pray thee, and look about in the direction of the sea. So he went up, and looked about, and said—There is, nothing whatever. Then said he—Go again, seven times.
Ya ce wa bawansa, “Tafi ka dubi wajen teku.” Sai bawan ya haura ya duba. Ya ce, “Ba kome a can.” Sau bakwai Iliya ya ce, “Koma.”
44 And it came to pass, at the seventh time, that he said, Lo! a little cloud, like a man’s hand coming up from the sea. Then he said—Go up, say unto Ahab—Harness, and get thee down, lest the rain shut thee in.
Sau na bakwai, bawan ya ce, “Wani girgije ƙarami kamar hannun mutum yana tasowa daga teku.” Sai Iliya ya ce, “Je ka faɗa wa Ahab, ‘Shirya keken yaƙinka, ka gangara kafin ruwan sama yă tare ka.’”
45 And it came to pass, meanwhile, that, the heavens, had enshrouded themselves with clouds and wind, and there came a great rain, and Ahab rode, and went to Jezreel;
Ana cikin haka, sarari ya ƙara duhunta da girgije, iska ta taso, sai ruwan sama kamar da bakin kwarya ya sauko, Ahab kuwa ya hau zuwa Yezireyel.
46 but, the hand of Yahweh, came upon Elijah, so he girded his loins, —and ran before Ahab, until thou enterest Jezreel.
Ikon Ubangiji ya sauko a kan Iliya, ya sha ɗamara, ya ruga a guje a gaban Ahab har zuwa Yezireyel.

< 1 Kings 18 >