< Genesis 18 >

1 And Yahweh appeared unto him among the oaks of Mamre, —as, he, was sitting at the opening of the tent in the heat of the day.
Niheo ama’e marine o hatae jabajaba’ i Mamrèo t’Iehovà, ie niambesatse an-dalambein-kiboho’e eo an-kavotrohañ’ andro.
2 And he lifted up his eyes and looked, and lo! three men, standing over against him, —so he looked and ran to meet them from the opening of the tent, and bowed himself to the earth;
Nampiandra fihaino re nahaoniñe ondaty telo nijohañe ey. Ie niisa’e, le nihitrike boak’ an-dala’ i kiboho’ey nifanalaka am’iereo vaho niondrek’an-tane,
3 and said, —O My Lord! if, I pray thee, I have found favour in thine eyes, do not I pray thee pass on from thy servant.
le nanao ty hoe: Naho nanjo fañisohañe am-pihaino’o Iraho henaneo ry Talè, ko rioñe’o ty mpitoro’o.
4 Let there be fetched, I pray thee a little water, and bathe ye your feet, —and rest yourselves under the tree.
Angao hanesean-drano kedekede hanasà’areo fandia, ie mitofà ambane’ o hatae eio,
5 And let me fetch a morsel of bread, and stay ye your heart, Afterwards, ye may pass on, For on this account, have ye passed by, over against your servant. And they said, Thus, shalt thou do as thou hast spoken.
le hanjotsoako mahakama minjilite’e hampanintsiñe ty arofo’o, heneke izay t’ie hañavelo, fa izay ty niaria’ areo mb’ami’ty mpitoro’o toy. Le hoe iereo, Ano i sinaontsi’oy.
6 So Abraham hastened towards the tent unto Sarah, —and said, Hasten thou three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make hearth-cakes.
Aa le nihitrike mb’amy Sarà an-kiboho’e ao: Masikà hoe re, halankaño mona telo fañaranañe: kobao le anoñafo mofo.
7 And unto the herd, ran Abraham, —and took a calf tender and good and gave unto the young man, and he hastened to make it ready.
Nilay mb’an-troke raike mb’eo amy zao t’i Avrahame nijoboñe dronga maleme hena vaho natolo’e ami’ty ajalahy hañalankaña’e masika.
8 And he took butter and milk and the calf that he had made ready, and set before them, —while, he, was standing near them under the tree, they did eat.
Nendese’e amy zao ty venten-kabobo naho ronono naho i dronga nihalankañeñey, vaho nazotso’e am’ iereo, le nijohañe marine’ iereo añ’ alo’ i hatae’ey t’ie nikama.
9 And they said unto him, As to Sarah thy wife… And he said Lo! [she is] in the tent.
Hoe iereo tama’e. Aia ty vali’o Sarà? Le hoe re, Indroañe amo kibohotseo.
10 And he said, I will, surely return, unto thee at the quickening season, —and lo! a son for Sarah thy wife. Now Sarah, was hearkening at the opening of the tent, it, being behind him.
Le hoe re, Toe hibalihako, homb’ etoan-draho ami’ty sa-mañeva vaho Inao! hisamake ana-dahy t’i Sarà tañanjomba’o. Nahajanjiñe izay t’i Sarà an-dala’ i kiboho­tsey, toe amboho’e ao.
11 But Abraham and Sarah, were old, far gone in days, —it had ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.
Nibey t’i Avrahame naho i Sarà henane zay, nigain-kantetse vaho tsy ni-ampela ka t’i Sarà.
12 So then Sarah laughed within herself, saying: After I am past age, hath there come to me pleasure, my lord, also being old?
Aa le nisomobohe’ i Sarà añ’arofo ao ty hoe: Izaho fa bey hao ro mbe hinembanembañe, naho fa bey ka i talèkoy?
13 And Yahweh said unto Abraham, —Wherefore now did Sarah laugh saying. Can it really and truly be that I should bear, seeing that I have become old?
Le hoe t’Iehovà amy Avrahame, Inoñe ty nampitohake i Sarà t’ie nanao ty hoe, Toe hahatoly anake hao, izaho fa bey?
14 Is anything, too wonderful for Yahweh? At the appointed time, I will return unto thee, at the quickening season and Sarah, shall have a son.
Eo hao ty tsy lefe’ Iehovà? Hibalike mb’ama’o Iraho amy andro nifantañañey, an-tsa mañeva vaho hitendreke ana-dahy amy Sarà.
15 And Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not, For she was afraid. And he said—Nay! but thou didst laugh!
Niliere’ i Sarà ami’ty hoe, Izaho tsy nihehe! ie nihembañe. Aiy, hoe re, toe nitohàke.
16 And the men rose up from thence, and looked out over the face of Sodom, —Abraham also going with them to set them on their way.
Nienga amy zao indaty rey, nitalake ty tarehe’ i Sedome; le nindreza’ i Avrahame hasese’e mb’eo.
17 Now, Yahweh, had said, —Am I going to hide from Abraham what I do,
Aa hoe t’Iehovà, Haètako amy Avrahame hao ty hanoeko,
18 when, Abraham, shall surely become, a great and mighty nation, —and all the nations of the earth, shall be blessed in him?
fa toe ho foko ra’elahy naho maozatse t’i Avrahame, vaho ie ty hahasoa-tata ze kila foko’ ty tane toy?
19 For I have become his intimate friend, To the end that he may command his sons and his house after him, so shall they keep the way of Yahweh, by doing righteousness and justice. To the end that Yahweh may bring in for Abraham, what he hath spoken concerning him.
Apotako te hitoroa’e o ana’eo naho i hasavereña’e hanonjohy azey ty hifahatse amo sata’ Iehovào hañorike ty hiti’e naho ty hatò; vaho ho henefe’ Iehovà i nitsarae’e amy Avrahamey.
20 So Yahweh said, The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah, because it hath become great, —And their sin, because it hath become exceeding grievous,
Le hoe t’Iehovà, Mireoreo ty fitoreova’ i Sedome naho i Amorà, vaho loho mampioje o hakeo’eo!
21 Let me go down, pray, and let me behold, whether according to their outcry which hath come in unto me, they have done altogether, And if not. I must know!
Tsy mete tsy hizotsoako handrendreke hera toe nanoeñe o hene toreo nahatakatse ahikoo; fa naho tsie le ho fantako.
22 And the men turned from thence, and went their way, towards Sodom, —but, Yahweh was yet standing before Abraham.
Aa le nitolike mb’eo indaty rey nimb’e Sedome añe, fe mbe nijohañe añatrefa’ Iehovà eo t’i Avrahame.
23 So then Abraham drew near and said, Wilt thou really sweep away, the righteous with the lawless?
Niharinea’ i Avrahame le nanoa’e ty hoe, Haitoa’o mindre amo tsereheñeo hao ty vantañe?
24 Peradventure there are fifty righteous, in the midst of the city, Wilt thou really sweep away, and not spare the place, for the sake of the fifty righteous which are therein?
He te limam-polo ma­hity ro amy rovay ao, haitoa’o hao vaho tsy hapo’o i toetsey ty amy vantañe limampolo ama’e rey?
25 Far be it from thee! to do after this manner. to put to death the righteous with the lawless! Then should righteous and lawless be alike, Far be it from thee! Shall, the Judge of all the earth not do justice?
Lavits’ azo ty hanao izay, ty ham­pi­traofe’o fanjamanañe amo lo tsere­keo o vañoñeo, hampa­mirañe amo ratio ty toli’ o mahitio! Tsy marine azo izay! Tsy hanao ty hatò hao ty Mpizaka’ ty tane bey toy?
26 And Yahweh said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous in the midst of the city, then will I spare all the place for their sake.
Le hoe t’Iehovà, Naho hanjo ondaty ma­hity limampolo amy rovay, le hene hiheveako ty am’iereo i rovay.
27 And Abraham responded and said, —Behold I pray thee I have ventured to speak unto My Lord, though I am dust and ashes:
Tinoi’ i Avrahame ty hoe: Ie zao, fa rinambeko ty hitaroñe entam-bolañe amy Talè, izaho deboke naho lavenoke.
28 Peradventure there may lack, of the fifty righteous, five, Wilt thou destroy for five all the city? And he said, I will not destroy, if I find there forty and five.
Hera ho po-lime i limampolo vantañe rey, ho fonga rotsahe’o hao i rovay ty amy limey? Le hoe Re, Naho manjo efapolo lim’ amby ao le tsy ho rotsaheko.
29 And he added, yet once more, to speak unto him, and said, Peradventure there may be found there—forty. And he said—I will not do it, for the sake of the forty.
Nindrae’e ty hoe, Ke te ho efapolo ty zoeñe ao? Tinoi’e ty hoe: Ty amy efapoloy tsy hanoeko.
30 And he said Let it not, I pray thee, be vexing to My Lord, but let me speak, Peradventure there may be found there—thirty And he said, I will not to it, if I find there—thirty.
Le hoe re, Ee te tsy ho viñera’ i Talè t’ie mivolañe. Hera telo-polo ty ho zoeñe ao? Tinoi’e ty hoe, Tsy hanoeko ka te tendrek’ ahy ty telopolo.
31 And he said Behold, I pray thee, I have ventured to speak unto My Lord, Peradventure there may be found there—twenty. And he said I will not destroy it, for the sake of the twenty.
Hoe re, Kanao rinambeko ty hinday entañe amy Talè; atao t’ie roapolo ty ho oniñe ao? Tinoi’e ty hoe, Ty amy roapolo rezay, tsy harotsako.
32 And he said, Let it not, I pray thee, be vexing to My Lord, but let me speak only this once, Peradventure there may be found there—ten. And he said, I will not destroy [it], for the sake of the ten!
Le hoe re. Ee any te tsy ho viñetse amako t’i Talè ami’ty entako honka’e toy; atao t’ie folo ty ho zoeñe ao. Tinoi’e ty hoe, Tsy ho rotsaheko ty amy folo rey.
33 And Yahweh went his way, when he had made an end. of speaking unto Abraham, —Abraham, also returned to his place.
Ie niheneke i tsara’e amy Avrahamey, le nienga t’Iehovà; vaho nimpoly mb’an-toe’e mb’eo t’i Avrahame.

< Genesis 18 >