< Isaiah 55 >

1 Ho! every one that thirsteth! Come ye to the waters, Yea he that hath no money, —Come ye—buy corn, and eat, Yea come—buy corn without money, And without price, wine and milk,
O ry taliñiereñeo! Mb’an-drano mb’etoa! Ry tsy aman-dràlao, mb’etoa mivily, vaho mikama, eka, ikalò divay naho ronono tsy aman-drala, tsy amam-bili’e.
2 Wherefore should ye spend, Money, for that which is not bread? Or your labour, for that which, satisfieth not? Keep on hearkening unto me, And, so eat that which is good, And let your soul take exquisite delight in fatness:
Inoñe ty andrita’ areo drala amo tsy mahakamao, naho itoloña’ areo o tsy mañenekeo? Haoño iraho, mitsatsiha, vaho kamao ty soa, ampifaleo ty fiai’ areo ami’ty betro’e.
3 Incline your ear, and come unto me, Hearken, That your soul, may live, —That I may solemnise for you a covenant age-abiding, The Lovingkindness to David, well-assured.
Atokilaño amako o ravembia’ areoo; Mijanjiña, hahaveloñe ty tro’ areo, vaho hanoako fañina tsy modo, o fiferenaiña’ i Davideo.
4 Lo! As a witness to the peoples, have I given him, —As a leader and commander to the peoples:
Ingo, t’ie nanoeko mpañalañalañe amo kilakila’ndatio, mpiaolo naho mpameleke ondaty.
5 Lo! A nation thou shalt not know, shalt thou call, And, a nation which hath not known thee, unto thee, shall run, —For the sake of Yahweh thy God, And for the Holy One of Israel, because he hath adorned thee.
Ingo! ho koihe’o ty tane tsy fohi’o, vaho hilay mb’ama’o mb’eo ty tane tsy mahafohiñe azo, ty am’ Iehovà, Andrianañahare’o, i Masi’ Israeley, ihe nitolora’e engeñe.
6 Seek Yahweh while he may be found, —Call ye upon him while he is near:
Paiao t’Iehovà ie mbe mete ho oniñe, ikanjio te mbe marine eo.
7 Let the lawless forsake his way, And the man of iniquity, his thoughts, —And let him return unto Yahweh That he may have compassion upon him, And unto our God, For he will abundantly pardon.
Ee te hapo’ i tsereheñey o sata rati’eo vaho hado’ i mengokey o fikinià’eo; himpoly mb’am’ Iehovà hitretreza’e, naho mb’aman’ Añahare hilosora’e tàha.
8 For, my thoughts, are not, your thoughts, Nor, your ways, my ways, —Declareth Yahweh.
Toe tsy fitsakoreako o vetsevetse’ areoo, vaho tsy lalako o lala’ areoo, hoe t’Iehovà.
9 For, higher, are the heavens than the earth, —So, higher, are My ways than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.
Mira ami’ty maha ambone’ ty tane toy o likerañeo ty ha-andikera’ o lalakoo te amo sata’ areoo, naho o ereñerekoo te amo fitsakorean-tro’ areoo.
10 For, as the rain and the snow descend from the heavens. And thither, do not return, Except they have watered the earth. And caused it to bring forth and bud, —And given seed to the sower, and bread to the eater,
Hambañe ami’ty fiavi’ o orañeo naho o oram-panala boak’ andindiñeo ie tsy mibalike, naho tsy tondraha’e hey o taneo hampamokara’e naho hampitovoaña’e, hamahana’e doria ami” ty mpitongy naho ampemba ami’ty mikama,
11 So, shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth, It shall not return unto me void, —But shall accomplish that which I please, And shall prosper in that whereunto I have sent it.
Toe izay ty fiakara’ ty entako am-bavako ao; ie tsy holy mañomaño amako, fa ho fonire’e o satrikoo, vaho ho henefe’e ty namantohako.
12 For with gladness shall ye come forth, And in peace, shall ye be led, —the mountains and the hills shall break out, before you, into shouts of triumph, And all the wild trees shall clap their hands:
Hiavotse an-kafaleañe nahareo, vaho hampionjoneñe am-pierañerañañe; ho poñafe’ o vohitseo ty sabo aolo’ areo, le hene hiteha-tañañe ze hatae am-patrañe añe.
13 Instead of the thorn-bush, shall come up the fir-tree, And instead of the nettle, shall come up the myrtle-tree, —So shall it become unto Yahweh, a Name, A Sign age-abiding, which shall not be cut off.
Hitovoañe hisolo ty fatike ty mendoraveñe, vaho handimbe ty hisatse ty beifelañe. Ho fitiahiañe Iehovà izay, ho viloñe nainai’e tsy modo, tsy haitoañe.

< Isaiah 55 >