< Judges 2 >

1 And the messenger of Yahweh came up from Gilgal, unto Bochim. And he said—I led you up out of Egypt, and brought you into the land, which I had sworn unto your fathers, And I said, I will not break my covenant with you, to times age-abiding;
Mngelo wa Yehova anapita ku Bokimu kuchokera ku Giligala ndipo anati kwa Aisraeli, “Ndinakutulutsani mʼdziko la Igupto ndikukulowetsani mʼdziko limene ndinalumbira kwa makolo anu. Ndinati ‘Sindidzaswa pangano langa ndi inu,
2 But, ye, must not solemnise a covenant with the inhabitants of this land, Their altars, must ye tear down, —But ye have not hearkened unto my voice, what is this ye have done?
ndipo inu musadzachite pangano ndi anthu a dziko lino, koma mudzaphwanye maguwa awo ansembe.’ Koma inu simunamvere lamulo langa. Chifukwa chiyani mwachita zimenezi?
3 Wherefore also I said, I will not drive them out from before you, —but they shall be your adversaries, and, their gods, shall become unto you a snare.
Ndikukuwuzani tsopano kuti sindithamangitsa nzikazo pamene inu mukufika. Ndidzawasandutsa kukhala adani anu ndipo milungu yawo idzakhala ngati msampha kwa inu.”
4 And it came to pass, when the messenger of Yahweh had spoken these words unto all the sons of Israel, that the people lifted up their voice, and wept.
Mngelo wa Mulungu atayankhula izi kwa Aisraeli, onse analira mokweza,
5 So they called the name of that place, Bochim, and offered sacrifice there, unto Yahweh.
ndipo anatcha malowo kuti Bokimu (kutanthauza kuti Olira). Pamenepo anapereka nsembe kwa Yehova.
6 Now, when Joshua had let the people go, the sons of Israel went their way, every man to his inheritance, to take possession of the land.
Yoswa atawuza Aisraeli kuti achoke, iwo anapita kukatenga dzikolo, aliyense dera lake.
7 And the people served Yahweh all the days of Joshua, —and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great work of Yahweh which he had wrought for Israel.
Anthuwo anatumikira Yehova masiku onse a moyo wa Yoswa. Atamwalira Yoswa, Aisraeli anatumikirabe Yehova nthawi yonse ya moyo wa akuluakulu amene anaona zazikulu zimene Yehova anawachitira.
8 So then Joshua, the son of Nun, the servant of Yahweh, died, —being a hundred and ten years old.
Yoswa mwana wa Nuni, mtumiki wa Yehova, anamwalira ali ndi zaka 110.
9 And they buried him within the bounds of his inheritance, in Timnath-heres, in the hill country of Ephraim, —on the north of Mount Gaash.
Ndipo anamuyika mʼmanda a mʼdziko lake, ku Timnati-Heresi mʼdziko la mapiri la Efereimu, kumpoto kwa phiri la Gaasi.
10 All that generation also, were gathered unto their fathers, —and there arose another generation, after them, who had not known Yahweh, nor even the work which he had wrought for Israel.
Mʼbado onse utapita kukakhala ndi anthu a mtundu awo, kenaka panauka mʼbado wina umene sunadziwe Yehova ngakhale ntchito zazikulu zimene Yehova anachitira Aisraeli.
11 So the sons of Israel did the thing that was wicked in the sight of Yahweh, —and served the Baals;
Choncho Aisraeli anayamba kuchita zinthu zoyipa pamaso pa Yehova ndipo anatumikira Abaala.
12 and forsook Yahweh, the God of their fathers, who brought them up out of the land of Egypt, and went after other gods, from among the gods of the peoples who were round about them, and bowed themselves down unto them, —and angered Yahweh.
Iwo anasiya Yehova Mulungu wa makolo awo, amene anawatulutsa ku Igupto. Ndipo anatsatira ndi kupembedza milungu yosiyanasiyana ya anthu amene anawazungulira. Motero Aisraeli anakwiyitsa Yehova.
13 Yea, they forsook Yahweh, —and did service unto the Baal and unto Ashtaroth.
Iwo anasiya Yehova ndi kumatumikira Baala ndi Asiteroti.
14 Then kindled the anger of Yahweh upon Israel, and he delivered them into the hand of spoilers, who plundered them, —and he sold them into the hand of their enemies round about, so that they could no longer stand before their enemies.
Yehova anapsera mtima Aisraeli ndipo anawapereka mʼmanja mwa anthu ofunkha amene ankasakaza zinthu zawo. Ndipo analola kuti adani awo owazungulira amene sanathenso kulimbana nawo, awagonjetse.
15 Whithersoever they went out, the hand of Yahweh was found to be against them for misfortune, as spake Yahweh, and as sware Yahweh unto them, —and they were distressed exceedingly.
Nthawi zonse Aisraeli ankati akapita ku nkhondo, Yehova amalimbana nawo kuti agonjetsedwe, monga ananenera molumbira kuti zidzaterodi. Choncho iwo anali pa mavuto aakulu.
16 And, though Yahweh raised up judges, —who saved them out of the hand of them that plundered them,
Choncho Yehova anawawutsira atsogoleri amene ankawapulumutsa mʼmanja mwa anthu amene ankasakaza zinthu zawo.
17 yet, even unto their judges, did thy not hearken, for they went unchastely astray after other gods, and bowed themselves down to them, —they turned aside speedily out of the way wherein their fathers who hearkened unto the commandments of Yahweh, walked, they did not so.
Komabe iwo sanawamvere atsogoleri awowo popeza ankapembedza milungu ina ndi kumayigwadira. Iwo anapatuka msangamsanga mu njira imene ankayendamo makolo awo. Iwo aja ankamvera malamulo a Yehova, koma mʼbado uwu ayi.
18 And, when Yahweh raised them up judges, then was Yahweh with the judges, and saved them out of the hand of their enemies, all the days of the judge, —for Yahweh was grieved at their outcry, because of them who oppressed them, and ill-treated them.
Nthawi zonse Yehova akawautsira mtsogoleri, Iye amakhala naye, ndipo mtsogoleriyo ankawapulumutsa Aisraeliwo mʼmanja mwa adani awo mʼnthawi imene anali moyo. Yehova ankawamvera chisoni Aisraeli pamene ankabuwula chifukwa cha anthu owazunza ndi kuwasautsa.
19 But, when the judge was dead, they again broke faith more than their fathers, by going their way after other gods, by serving them, and bowing themselves down to them, —they ceased not from their doings nor from their stubborn way.
Koma nthawi zonse mtsogoleri akamwalira, Aisraeli ankabwerera mʼmbuyo. Iwo amadzisandutsa oyipa kupambana makolo awo popeza ankatsata milungu ina, kuyitumikira ndi kumayigwadira. Anakana kusiya makhalidwe awo oyipa ndi njira zawo zamakani.
20 So then the anger of Yahweh kindled upon Israel, and he said—Forasmuch as this nation have transgressed my covenant, which I commanded their fathers, and have not hearkened unto my voice,
Choncho Yehova anawapsera mtima Aisraeli ndipo anati, “Chifukwa mtundu uwu waswa pangano limene ndinakhazikitsa ndi makolo awo ndipo sanandimvere,
21 I also, will no further dispossess a man from before them, —from among the nations which Joshua left remaining, when he died;
Inenso sindidzapirikitsanso mtundu uli wonse wa anthu amene Yoswa anawasiya pomwalira.
22 that I may, by them, put Israel to the proof, —whether they are going to be observant of the way of Yahweh, to walk therein as their fathers observed it, or not.
Ndidzatero kuti ndiwayese Aisraeli ndi kuona ngati adzasamala kuyenda mʼnjira ya Ine Yehova monga momwe ankachitira makolo awo.”
23 Thus then Yahweh left these nations, not dispossessing them speedily, —neither had he delivered them into the hand of Joshua
Choncho Yehova anayileka mitundu imeneyi ndipo sanayithamangitse kapena kuyipereka mʼmanja mwa Yoswa.

< Judges 2 >