< Lamentations 3 >

1 I, am the man, that hath seen affliction, by the rod of his indignation;
Nazali moto oyo amona pasi na nzela ya fimbu ya kanda na Ye.
2 Me, hath he driven out and brought into darkness, and not light;
Amemaki ngai mpe atambolisaki ngai kati na molili, kasi na pole te.
3 Surely, against me, doth he again and again, turn his hand all the day.
Solo, mokolo mobimba, azalaki kobalola loboko na Ye mpo na kotelemela ngai tango nyonso.
4 He hath worn out my flesh and my skin, hath broken my bones;
Abebisaki nzoto na ngai mpe poso na yango, abukaki mikuwa na ngai.
5 He hath built up against me, and carried round me, fortifications and a trench;
Mpo na kotelemela ngai, atongaki zingazinga na ngai mir ya ngenge mpe ya pasi.
6 In dark places, hath he made me sit, like the dead of age-past times.
Atongelaki ngai ndako ya kovanda kati na molili, lokola bato ya tango ya kala oyo bakufa.
7 He hath walled up around me, that I cannot get out, hath weighted my fetter;
Azingelaki ngai na bamir mpo ete nakima te; akangaki ngai na minyololo ya kilo.
8 Yea, when I make outcry and implore, he hath shut out my prayer;
Ezala soki nabeleli mpo na kosenga lisungi, azali koyoka libondeli na ngai te.
9 He hath walled in my ways with hewn stone, my paths, hath he caused to wind back.
Akangaki nzela na ngai na mabanga minene mpe abebisaki banzela na ngai ya mike.
10 A bear lying in wait, he is to me, a lion, in secret places;
Azalaki mpo na ngai lokola ngombolo oyo ebongami, lokola nkosi oyo ebombameli ngai;
11 My ways, hath he turned aside, and hath torn me in pieces, hath made me desolate;
apengwisaki ngai nzela, apasolaki ngai mpe akomisaki ngai eloko ya pamba.
12 He hath trodden his bow, and set me up, as a mark for the arrow.
Abendaki tolotolo na Ye mpe akomisaki ngai esika na Ye ya kobamba makonga.
13 He hath caused to enter my reins, the sons of his quiver;
Atobolaki motema na ngai, na makonga oyo ewutaki na libenga na Ye.
14 I have become a derision to all my people, their song all the day;
Nakomaki eloko ya liseki na miso ya bato na ngai nyonso; bazalaki tango nyonso kotiola ngai na banzembo.
15 He hath sated me with bitter things, hath drenched me with wormwood.
Atondisaki ngai na matiti ya bololo mpe alangwisaki ngai na masanga ya bololo.
16 And he hath crushed, with gravel-stones, my teeth, hath made me cower in ashes;
Abukaki minu na ngai na mabanga, azindisaki ngai na putulu.
17 And thou hast thrust away from welfare, my soul, I have forgotten prosperity;
Nazangaki kimia, nayebaki lisusu te nini yango bolamu.
18 And I said, Vanished is mine endurance, even mine expectation, from Yahweh.
Boye nalobaki: « Lokumu mpe makambo nyonso oyo natielaki elikya na Yawe esili! »
19 Remember my humiliation and my fleeings, the wormwood and poison;
Nakanisi pasi mpe minyoko na ngai, ezali lokola ngenge mpe masanga ya bololo.
20 Thou wilt, indeed remember, that, bowed down concerning myself, is my soul;
Tango nyonso nakanisaka yango, motema na ngai ebukanaka.
21 This, will I bring back to my heart, therefore, will I hope.
Nzokande, tala makambo oyo nakanisaka; oyo mpo na yango, nazalaka na elikya:
22 The lovingkindnesses of Yahweh, verily they are not exhausted, Verily! not at an end, are his compassions:
Bolamu ya Yawe esili te, mawa na Ye ekomi nanu na suka te;
23 New things for the mornings! Abundant is thy faithfulness:
ekomaka ya sika tongo nyonso. Solo, boyengebene na Yo ezali monene!
24 My portion, is Yahweh, saith my soul, For this cause, will I wait for him.
Namilobeli: « Yawe azali elikya na ngai; yango wana nakotia motema epai na Ye. »
25 Good is Yahweh, to them who wait for him, to the soul that will seek him;
Yawe azali malamu mpo na bato oyo batielaka Ye elikya, mpo na bato oyo balukaka Ye!
26 Good it is—both to wait and to be silent, for the deliverance of Yahweh;
Ezali malamu kozela na kimia lobiko kowuta na Yawe!
27 Good it is for a man, that he should bear the yoke in his youth.
Ezali malamu mpo na moto komema ekangiseli na ye wana azali nanu elenge.
28 Let him sit alone, and keep silence, because he took it upon himself:
Tika ete avanda kimia mpe avanda ye moko, pamba te Yawe nde alingi bongo mpo na ye.
29 Let him put, in the dust, his mouth, peradventure, there is hope!
Tika ete atia elongi na ye na mabele: tango mosusu elikya ekoki kozala.
30 Let him give, to him that smiteth him, his cheek, let him be sated with reproach.
Tika ete apesa litama mpo ete babeta ye mbata, mpe tika ete atonda na soni!
31 Surely My Lord, will not cast off, unto times age-abiding;
Pamba te Nkolo abwakaka moto te mpo na libela.
32 Surely, though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion, according to the multitude of his lovingkindnesses;
Ezala soki apesi etumbu, ayokaka kaka mawa mpo na bolingo monene na Ye.
33 Surely he hath not afflicted from his heart, nor caused sorrow to the sons of men.
Ezalaka na esengo te nde Yawe ayokisaka bato soni to atindelaka bato pasi.
34 To crush, under his feet, any of the prisoners of the earth;
Tango banyataka na makolo bakangami nyonso ya mokili,
35 To turn aside the right of a man, before the face of the Most High;
tango babebisaka lokumu ya moto na miso ya Ye-Oyo-Aleki-Likolo,
36 To oppress a son of earth in his cause, My Lord, hath made no provision.
tango banyokolaka moto kati na kosambisama, boni, Nkolo amonaka yango te?
37 Who was it that spake, and it was done, [when], My Lord, had not commanded?
Nani akoki kaka kobimisa liloba mpo ete likambo esalema soki Nkolo apesi yango nzela te?
38 Out of the mouth of the Most High, Proceed there not misfortunes and blessing?
Boni, ezali te wuta na monoko ya Ye-Oyo-Aleki-Likolo nde pasi mpe bolamu ekomelaka bato?
39 Why should a living son of earth complain, [Let] a man [complain] because of his sins?
Mpo na nini moto na bomoi amilela-lela tango bapesi ye etumbu likolo ya masumu na ye?
40 Let us search out our ways, and examine them well, and let us return unto Yahweh;
Tokota na mozindo ya kososola banzela na biso mpe totala malamu etamboli na biso, bongo tozonga epai na Yawe;
41 Let us lift up our heart, to the opened palms, to the Mighty One in the heavens;
totombola mitema mpe maboko na biso epai ya Nzambe oyo azali na Lola mpe toloba:
42 We, have trespassed and rebelled, Thou, hast not pardoned.
« Tosalaki masumu mpe totombokelaki Yo, yango wana olimbisaki te.
43 Thou hast covered thyself with anger, and pursued us, hast slain—hast not spared;
Omizipaki na kanda ndenge bamizipaka liputa, onyokolaki biso mpe obomaki na mawa te.
44 Thou hast screened thyself with the clouds, that prayer, should not pass through;
Omizipaki lipata mpo ete mabondeli edusola te.
45 Offscouring and refuse, dost thou make us, in the midst of the peoples.
Okomisaki biso lokola eloko ya nkele mpe ya tina te na miso ya bikolo.
46 With their mouth, opened wide over us, [stand] all our foes.
Banguna na biso nyonso bafungolaki minoko mpo na kotiola biso;
47 Terror and a pit, have befallen us, tumult and grievous injury;
libula na biso ekomi: somo, mabulu, kobebisama mpe kufa. »
48 With streams of water, mine eye runneth down, over the grievous injury of the daughter of my people.
Miso na ngai ezali kosopa miluka ya mpinzoli mpo ete bato na ngai babebisami.
49 Mine eye, poureth itself out and ceaseth not, without relief;
Miso na ngai ezali kobimisa mpinzoli tango nyonso mpe ezali kolemba te,
50 Until Yahweh out of the heavens shall look forth, and see,
kino tango Yawe akotala mpe akomona wuta kuna na Lola.
51 Mine eye dealeth severely with my soul, because of all the daughters of my city.
Makambo oyo miso na ngai ezali komona ezali koyokisa motema na ngai pasi likolo na bana basi nyonso ya engumba na ngai.
52 They, have laid snares, for me as a bird, who are mine enemies without cause:
Bato oyo bayinaka ngai na pamba balukaki kokanga ngai lokola ndeke;
53 They have cut off, in the dungeon, my life, and have cast a stone upon me;
balukaki koboma ngai kati na libulu, babwakelaki ngai mabanga;
54 Waters, flowed over, my head, I said, I am cut off!
mayi etondaki kino kozipa moto na ngai mpe nakanisaki ete nakomi pene ya kokufa.
55 I have called upon thy Name, O Yahweh, out of the dungeon below;
Nabelelaki Kombo na Yo, Yawe, wuta na mozindo ya libulu.
56 My voice, thou hast heard, —do not close thine ear to my respite, to mine outcry;
Oyokaki ngai libondeli na ngai: « Kokanga matoyi na Yo te wana nazali kobelela Yo mpo ete oyoka kolela na ngai mpe nazwa lisungi kowuta na Yo! »
57 Thou drewest near, in the day I kept calling on thee, thou saidst, Do not fear!
Tango nabelelaki Yo, opusanaki pene na ngai mpe olobaki: « Kobanga te! »
58 Thou hast pleaded, O My Lord, the pleas of my soul, hast redeemed my life;
Nkolo, obundelaki ngai solo, osikolaki bomoi na ngai!
59 Thou hast beheld, O Yahweh, my failure to get justice, Pronounce thou my sentence;
Yawe, omonaki mabe oyo basalaki ngai: longisa ngai!
60 Thou hast seen all their vindictiveness, all their plots against me.
Omonaki solo posa na bango ya kozongisa mabe na mabe mpe mabongisi na bango ya kosala ngai mabe.
61 Thou hast heard their reproach, O Yahweh, all their plots against me;
Yawe, oyokaki mafinga na bango, mabongisi na bango ya kosala ngai mabe,
62 The lips of mine assailants, and their mutterings, are against me, all the day;
maloba ya bayini na ngai mpe makanisi na bango ya kosala ngai mabe.
63 On their downsitting and their uprising, do thou look, I, am their song.
Tala mpe mona bango! Ezala bavandi to batelemi, mosala na bango: kotiola ngai na banzembo na bango.
64 Thou wilt render to them a recompense, O Yahweh, according to the work of their hands;
Yawe, pesa bango lifuti oyo ekoki na bango kolanda misala na bango;
65 Thou wilt suffer them a veiling of heart, thy curse to them;
yeisa mitema na bango makasi, kweyisela bango bilakeli mabe na Yo;
66 Thou wilt pursue in anger, and wilt destroy them, from under the heavens of Yahweh.
nyokola bango na kanda makasi na Yo mpe bebisa bango na se ya Lola na Yo, Yawe!

< Lamentations 3 >