< Proverbs 5 >

1 My son, to my wisdom, attend, and, to mine understanding, incline thou thine ear:
Moj sin, prisluhni moji modrosti in svoje uho pripogni k mojemu razumevanju,
2 That thou mayest preserve discretion, —and, as for knowledge, that thy lips may guard it.
da boš lahko upošteval preudarnost in da bodo tvoje ustnice lahko obvarovale spoznanje.
3 For, with sweet droppings, drip the lips of her that is a stranger, and, smoother than oil, is her mouth;
Kajti ustnice tuje ženske kapljajo kakor satovje in njena usta so bolj prilizljiva kakor olje,
4 But, the latter end of her, is bitter as wormwood, sharp, as a two-edged sword!
toda njen konec je grenek kakor pelin, oster kakor dvorezen meč.
5 Her feet, are going down to death, —on hades, will her steps take firm hold. (Sheol h7585)
Njena stopala gredo dol k smrti, njeni koraki se prijemljejo pekla. (Sheol h7585)
6 Lest, the path of life, she should ponder, her tracks have wandered she knoweth not [whither].
Da ne bi preudarjal steze življenja, njene poti so premične, da jih ti ne moreš spoznati.
7 Now, therefore, ye sons, hearken unto me, and do not turn away from the sayings of my mouth.
Zato mi torej prisluhnite, oh vi otroci in ne odidite od besed mojih ust.
8 Keep far from her thy way, and do not go near the opening of her house:
Svojo pot odstrani daleč od nje in ne pridi blizu vrat njene hiše,
9 Lest thou give, to other men, thy vigour, and thy years, to him that is cruel:
da ne bi svoje časti dal drugim in svojih let krutemu,
10 Lest strange men, be well fed, by thy strength, and, thy toils, be in the house of the alien.
da ne bi bili tujci nasičeni s tvojim premoženjem in bi bili tvoji napori v hiši tujca
11 So shalt thou grieve in thy latter end, in the failing of thy flesh and of thy healthy condition;
in boš končno žaloval, ko bo tvoje meso in tvoje telo iztrošeno
12 And thou shalt say—How I hated correction! and, reproof, my heart disdained;
in rečeš: »Kako sem sovražil poučevanje in je moje srce preziralo opomin
13 Neither hearkened I to the voice of my teachers, nor, to my instructors, inclined I mine ear:
in nisem ubogal glasu svojih učiteljev niti svojega ušesa nagnil k tem, ki so me poučevali!
14 Soon was I in all evil, in the midst of convocation and assembly.
Bil sem skoraj v vsem zlu v sredi skupnosti in zbora.«
15 Drink thou water out of thine own cistern, and flowing streams out of the midst of thine own well.
Pij vode iz svojega lastnega vodnega zbiralnika in tekoče vode iz svojega lastnega izvira.
16 Let not thy fountains, flow over, abroad, in the streets, dividings of waters:
Naj bodo tvoji studenci razpršeni naokoli in reke vodá po ulicah.
17 Let them be for thyself, alone, and not for strangers with thee.
Naj bodo samo tvoji lastni in ne s teboj [tudi] tujčevi.
18 Let thy well-spring be blessed, —and get thy joy from the wife of thy youth: —
Naj bo tvoj studenec blagoslovljen in razveseljuj se z ženo svoje mladosti.
19 A loving hind! a graceful doe! let, her bosom, content thee at all times, and, in her love, mayst thou stray evermore.
Ona naj bo kakor ljubeča košuta in prijetna srna. Naj te njene prsi zadovoljijo ob vseh časih in vedno bodi očaran z njeno ljubeznijo.
20 Wherefore, then, shouldst thou stray, my son, with a strange woman? or embrace the bosom of a woman unknown?
Zakaj hočeš biti ti, moj sin, očaran s tujo žensko in objemati naročje tujke?
21 For, before the eyes of Yahweh, are the ways of a man, —and, all his tracks, doth he consider:
Kajti človekove poti so pred Gospodovimi očmi in on preudarja vsa njegova ravnanja.
22 His own iniquities, shall entrap him with the lawless, and, by the cords of his own sin, shall he be seized.
Njegove lastne krivičnosti bodo zlobnega vzele k sebi in držan bo z vrvmi svojih grehov.
23 He, shall die, for lack of discipline, and, by the abounding of his perversity, shall he be lost.
Umrl bo brez poučevanja in v veličini svoje neumnosti bo zašel na stranpot.

< Proverbs 5 >