< Mark 4 >

1 And again He began to teach beside the sea. And (are gathered together *N(k)O*) to Him a crowd (greatest *N(K)O*) so that He into a boat having climbed (*k*) sitting in the sea, and all the crowd close to the sea on the land (was. *N(k)O*) 2 And He was teaching them in parables many things and He was saying to them in the teaching of Him; 3 do listen! Behold went out the [one] sowing (of the *ko*) to sow; 4 And it came to pass while sowing, some fell along the road, and came the birds (heaven *K*) and devoured it. 5 (And *no*) other (however *k*) fell upon the rocky place (and *o*) where not it had soil much, and immediately it sprang up because of the not having depth of soil. 6 (And *N(k)O*) (after *NO*) (rose *N(k)O*) (the *no*) (sun it was scorched *N(k)O*) and because of not having root it withered away. 7 And other fell among the thorns, and grew up the thorns and choked it, and fruit no it yielded. 8 And (others *N(k)O*) fell into the soil good and was yielding fruit growing up and (increasing *N(k)(o)*) and was bearing (one *N(K)(o)*) thirtyfold and (one *N(K)(o)*) sixty and (one *N(K)(o)*) a hundred. 9 And He was saying (to them: *k*) ([He] who has *N(k)O*) ears to hear he should hear. 10 (And *no*) when (now *k*) He was (utterly *N(K)O*) (alone, they were asking *N(k)O*) Him those around Him with the Twelve (about the *N(k)O*) (parables. *N(K)O*) 11 And He was saying to them; To you (to know *k*) the mystery has been given of the kingdom of God, To those however who are outside in parables everything is done 12 so that Looking they may look and not they may perceive and hearing they may hear and not they may understand otherwise otherwise they may turn and may be forgiven to them’ (sins. *k*) 13 And He says to them; Not understand you parable this? And how all the parables will you understand? 14 The [one] sowing the word sows. 15 These now are they along the road where is sown the word, and when they may hear, immediately comes Satan and takes away the word sown (in *N(k)O*) (hearts *K*) (them. *N(k)(o)*) 16 And these are (likewise *KO*) those upon the rocky places sown, who when they may hear the word, immediately with joy receive it 17 and not they have root in themselves but temporary are. then when was happening tribulation or persecution on account of the word, immediately they fall away. 18 And (another *N(K)O*) are those among the thorns sown; These are those the word (hearing, *N(k)O*) 19 and the cares of the (age *NK(O)*) (this *k*) and the deceit of the riches and of the other things desires entering in they choke the word, and unfruitful it becomes. (aiōn g165) 20 And (those *N(k)O*) are those upon the soil good having been sown, such as hear the word and receive [it] and bring forth fruit (one *N(K)O*) thirtyfold and (one *N(K)O*) sixty and (one *N(K)O*) a hundred. 21 And He was saying to them (that: *o*) surely not ever is brought in the lamp so that under the basket it may be put or under the bed? Surely that upon the lampstand (may it be put? *N(k)O*) 22 Nothing for there is (anything *k*) hidden (which *k*) only unless (in order *NO*) it shall be made manifest, nor has taken place a secret thing but that it shall come to light. 23 If anyone has ears to hear he should hear. 24 And He was saying to them; do take heed what you hear. With what measure you measure it will be measured to you and more will be added to you (who are hearing. *K*) 25 Who[ever] for (maybe *k*) (has, *N(k)O*) it will be given to him; and he who not has, even (what *N(k)O*) he has will be taken away from him. 26 And He was saying; Thus is the kingdom of God, as (if *ko*) a man shall cast the seed upon the earth 27 and he may sleep and he may be risen night and day, and the seed may sprout and it may grow how not knows he himself. 28 Of itself (for *k*) the earth brings forth fruit — first a plant then an ear then full (grain *NK(o)*) in the ear. 29 When then it may produce the fruit, immediately he sends the sickle for has come the harvest. 30 And He was saying; (how *N(k)O*) shall we liken the kingdom of God Or in (which *N(k)O*) it parable (let us present *N(k)O*) 31 As (a grain *NK(o)*) of mustard which when it may be sown upon the earth, (smaller than is *N(k)O*) all the seeds which [are] upon the earth. 32 and when it may be sown, it grows up and becomes (greater *N(k)O*) than all the garden plants and it produces branches great so that to be able under the shadow of it the birds of the air to perch. 33 And with such parables many He was speaking to them the word even as they were able to hear. 34 Without then parables not was He speaking to them; in private however (to [His] own *N(k)O*) disciples He was explaining all things. 35 And He says to them on that [very] day evening having come; let us pass over to the other side. 36 And having dismissed the crowd they take with [them] Him since He was in the boat, also other (now *k*) (boats *N(k)O*) were with Him. 37 And comes a storm violent of wind (And *no*) the (now *k*) waves were breaking over the boat so that already is being filled up (the *no*) (boat. *N(K)O*) 38 And He himself was (in *N(k)O*) the stern on the cushion sleeping. And (they wake *N(k)O*) Him and say to Him; Teacher, not is it concern to You that we perish? 39 And having been awoken He rebuked the wind and said to the sea; Silence! you must be still! And abated the wind, and there was a calm great. 40 And He said to them; Why fearful are you? (Still not *N(K)O*) (how not *K*) have you faith? 41 And they feared [with] fear great and were saying to each other; Who then this is that even the wind and the sea (it obeys *N(k)O*) Him?

< Mark 4 >