< Mark 5 >

1 And they came to the other side of the sea to the region of the (Gerasenes. *N(K)O*)
Bakazubuka lwizi baya kuchisi cha Jelasenesi.
2 And (when was exiting He *N(k)O*) out of the boat immediately (met with *N(k)O*) Him out of the tombs a man with a spirit unclean
Mpawaawo Jesu nakazwa mubwaato, mwaalumi wakanjidwe muuya mubi kazwa kuzibunda wakaza kuli nguwe.
3 who the dwelling had in the (tombs. *N(k)O*) And (not even *N(k)O*) (with a chain *N(K)O*) (no longer no longer *NO*) no [one] was able him to bind
Ooyu mwaalumi wakali kukkala kumawumbwe, alimwi katakwe naba umwi wakachili kukonzya kumwaanga, nikuba kuti wabelesya nsimbi.
4 because that he often with shackles and with chains to have been bound and to have been torn apart by him the chains and the shackles to have been shattered, and no [one] was able him to subdue.
Nkaambo chiindi chiingi wakanoonga waangwa nsimbi kumaboko akumawulu, pesi wakanoonga wazipasuula akutyola zyoonse nzyakanoonga waangwa aazyo. Takwe naba umwi wakali anguzu zyakumuzunda
5 And (through *N(K)O*) (all [times] *N(k)O*) night and day in the tombs and in the mountains he was crying out and cutting himself with stones.
Chiindi choonse sikati amansiku wakali kukwiila kumawumbwe amuzilundu akulichubbulula amabwe.
6 (And *no*) having seen (now *k*) Jesus from afar he ran and he fell on his knees (before Him *NK(o)*)
Lino naakabona Jesu kulekule, wakachijaana wakuwa bufugeme munsi lyamawulu aakwe, kunembo lyakwe.
7 And having cried in a voice loud (he spoke; *N(k)O*) What to me myself and to You, Jesus, Son of God the Most High? I adjure You by God, not me may torment.
Wakoompolola ajwi pati wati, “Uyaandanzi kulindime Jesu, Mwana wa Leza Mupati Kampatila? Ndakumbila muzina lya Leza kuti utandipenzyi pe!”
8 He was saying for to him; do come forth you spirit unclean out of the man!
Nkaambo Jesu wakali wati kuli nguwe, “Zwaa mumwaalumi oyu iwe nomuuya mubi!”
9 And He was asking him; What [is] [the] name of you And (he answered *k*) (he says *N(k)O*) (to him; *no*) (Legion *N(k)O*) [is] name to Me because many we are.
Lino Jesu wakabuzya kuti, “Nduweni izina lyako?” Wakasandula wati, “Izina lyangu ndime Ligiyoni, nkaambo tulibayiingi.”
10 And he was begging Him numerous times that not (them *N(k)O*) He may send out of the country.
Wakakombelezya Jesu kuti atabatandi pe kuzwa mubusena oobo.
11 There was now there near (the *N(k)O*) (hill *N(K)O*) a herd of pigs great feeding;
Kwakali butanga bupati bwangulube bwakali kuchela aakalundu kali afwiifwi,
12 And they begged Him (all demons *K*) saying; do send us into the pigs so that into them let us enter.
myuuya mibi yakakombelezya Jesu yati, “Tutandile mungulube; utuzumizye kuti tunjile mulinzizyo.”
13 And He allowed them (immediately *K*) (Jesus. *k*) And having gone out the spirits unclean entered into the pigs, and rushed the herd down the steep bank into the sea (were now *k*) about two thousand and they were drowned in the sea.
Wakayizumizya, elyo myuuya mibi yakazwa yaakunjila mungulube. Mweelwe uli zyuulu zibili wabutanga bwa ngulube zyakagwilimina kujenga zyaaliwalila mulwizi zyanikila
14 (And *no*) those (now *k*) feeding (them *N(k)O*) (pigs *k*) fled and (proclaimed [it] *N(k)O*) to the city and to the country. And (they went out *N(k)O*) to see what it is that having happened.
Aabo bakali kweembela ngulube bakachijanina kuyowaamba kudolopo amumyuunzi, lino bantu bakayinka kuyobona chakali chachitika.
15 And they come to Jesus and see the [man] being demonised sitting (and *k*) clothed and sound minded, the [one] who having had the (legion, *N(k)O*) and they were afraid.
Lino nibakasika kuli Jesu, bakamubona mwaalumi wakanjidwe ligiyoni wamyuuya mibi. Wakalikkede, kasamide, amizeezo yakwe yakali yaba kabotu. Eelyo bakayoowa.
16 And related (now *o*) to them those having seen [it] how it happened to the [one] being demonised and concerning the pigs.
Abo bakazibona bakaambila bantu azyakachitika kuli ooyu mwaalumi wakanjidwe muuya mubi, bakapandulula azyakachitika kungulube.
17 And they began to implore Him to depart from the region of them.
Mpawo bantu bakatanguna kumukombelezya Jesu kuti azwe muchisi chabo.
18 And (when climbing *N(k)O*) He into the boat was begging Him the [one] having been demonised that with Him he may be.
Lino Jesu nakaanjila mubwaato, mwaalumi wakanjidwe muuya mubi wakamukumbila kuti beende amwi.
19 (And *no*) (now Jesus *k*) not He did permit him, but He says to him; do go to the home of you to your own and (do declare *N(k)O*) to them as much as the Lord for you (has done *N(k)O*) and He had mercy on you.
Jesu wakamukakila, pesi wakati, “Kuya kumuunzi kuli bakulindinywe ukabaambile Mwami nzyaakuchitila, ambaakufwida luzyalo.”
20 And he departed and he began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much did for him Jesus; and all were marveling.
Eelyo mwaalumi ooyu wakeenda wakwaambila baku Dekkapolisi nzyakamuchitila Jesu. Mpawo bantu boonse bakagamba.
21 And when was crossing Jesus in the boat again to the other side was gathered a crowd great to Him, and He was beside the sea.
Lino Jesu naakazubuka lubo abwaato kuya mutala alwizi, bantu bayingi bakamubunganina kali kunkomwe yalwizi.
22 And (behold *k*) comes one of the synagogue rulers, named Jairus; and having seen Him he falls at the feet of Him
Lino umwi mweendelezi wachikombelo utegwa Jayilosi, wakaya nkukooko. Naakabona Jesu, wakawida kumawulu aakwe.
23 and (he begs *N(k)O*) Him much saying that The little daughter of mine at the end is holding, that having come may you lay the hands on her (so that *N(k)O*) she may be cured and (she may live. *N(k)O*)
Mpawo wakamukombelezya chamoyo woonse wati, “Mwanaangu musimbi waamba kufwa, wenche kuza umubike maboko, ulasilikwa apone.” Lino Jesu wakeenda awe.
24 And He departed with him, And was following Him a crowd great and were pressing in on Him.
Bantu bayiingi bakamutobela bamubunganina bamubika aakati.
25 And a woman (any *k*) being with a flux of blood twelve years
Mpawo awo kwakali mwanakazi wakali kuchiswa kalobola kwaminyaka ilikkumi ayibili.
26 and much having suffered under many physicians and having spent the of (her *N(k)O*) all and in no way having benefited but rather to the worse having come,
Wakafwaba kapati loko mukusilikwa abasilisi bayingi, alubo wakamana lubono lwake loonse. Nikuba boobo taakwe nakapona pe, bulwazi bwakayindilila.
27 having heard (the [things] *o*) concerning Jesus, having come up in the crowd behind [Him] she touched the clothing of Him;
Kali wamvwa impuwo zya Jesu, wakasika wanjila munkamu kusule lya Jesu wajata chisamo chakwe.
28 She was saying for that If I shall touch even even the garments of Him I will be healed.
Nkaambo wakayeeya kuti, “Kufumbwa ndaguma chisamo chakwe ndilapona.”
29 And immediately was dried up the flow of the blood of her and she knew in the body that she has been healed from the affliction.
Mpawo awo bulowa bwakagama, alimwi wakamvwa mumubili wakwe kuti wapona bulwazi bwakwe.
30 And immediately Jesus having known in Himself the out of Him power having gone forth, having turned in the crowd was saying: Who of Me touched the garments?
Mpawo awo Jesu wakamvwa kuti nguzu zyamana mumubil wakwe. Wakachebukila musule wabuzya wati, “ani ngwani waguma chisamo changu?”
31 And were saying to Him the disciples of Him; You see the crowd pressing in on You and You say Who Me touched?
Basikwiiya bakwe bakasandula bati, nga ulabuzya biyeni kuti, “ngwani wandiguma?” Kubwene bantu bayiingi balikubunganidile bakubikkide akati.
32 And He was looking around to see the [one who] this having done.
Pesi Jesu wakachiliswini kalanguula oyo wakamuguma.
33 And the woman having been frightened and trembling, know what has been done (upon *k*) to her, came and she fell down before Him and she told Him all the truth.
Lino mwanakazi olya mbwakalizi zyoonse zyakachitika alinguwe, wakaza kuli Jesu wawa kumawulu akwe, kazazama mukuyoowa, wamwaambila choonzyo chakachitika.
34 And He said to her; (Daughter, *N(k)O*) the faith of you has healed you. do go in peace and do be healthy from the affliction of you.
Lino wakamwaambila kuti, “Mwanaangu lusyomo lwako lwakuponia. Kuya muluumuno, waangunuke kuzwa mumafwabi ako.”
35 Still when He is speaking they come from the ruler of synagogue’s [house] saying that The daughter of You is dead; why still trouble you the Teacher?
Lino Jesu kachaambula, kwakasika bamwi bantu bakazwa kung'anda yaJayilosi Muzulwidi wambungano bati, “uchimukatazizyaanzi Muyiisi,” teemwanaako musimbi wafwa kale?”
36 And Jesus (immediately *K*) (having ignored *N(K)O*) the word spoken He says to the ruler of the synagogue; Not do fear, only do believe.
Jesu tatambwide pe ezizyakali kwaambuulwa, wakaambila Jayilosi kuti, “Syoma utayoowi pe.”
37 And not He allowed no [one] (with *no*) (Him *N(k)O*) to follow only except (*no*) Peter and James and John the brother of James.
Wakeenda aPita, Jemusi aJoni mukulana waJemusi, tewakazumizya bantu bayiingi pe.
38 And (they come *N(K)O*) to the house of the ruler of the synagogue. and He beholds a commotion (and *no*) weeping and wailing much,
Lino nibakasika kung'anda yamweendelezi wachikombelo, Jesu wakabona kunyongana, akuchundaana kwabantu balila akomooka kupati.
39 And having entered He says to them; Why make you commotion and weep? The child not is dead but sleeps.
Mpawo wakanjila mukati wabaambila kuti, “Nkaambonzi nimunyongana akoomoka, Mwana tafwide pe uledebiyo?”
40 And they were laughing at Him. (He himself *N(k)O*) then having put out (all *N(k)O*) takes with [Him] the father of the child and the mother and those with Him and enters in where was the child (reclining. *K*)
Mpawo bakamuseka. Lino naakamana kubatandila anze boonse, wakabweza wisi amusimbi abanyina abasikwiiya mbakali abo, wanjila omo mwakali mwana.
41 And when taking of the hand of the child He says to her; Talitha koum! Which is being translated, O Little girl, to you I say, (do arise. *N(k)O*)
Wakajata luboko lwamusimbi wamwaambila kuti, “Talita kkumi!” (chaamba kuti, kasimbi buka!”)
42 And immediately arose the girl and was walking; she was for of years twelve. And they were amazed (immediately *NO*) with amazement great.
Mpawo awo musimbi wakanyampuka, weendeenda (wakali aminyaka ilikkumi ayibili). Alizeezi, bantu bakagambwa loko.
43 And He instructed to them strictly that no one may know this, and He commanded to be given to her to eat.
Wakabaambila malayilile mayumu akuti bataambili muntu atala azyakachitika, mpawo wakati amumupe chakulya.

< Mark 5 >