< Jeremiah 49 >

1 to/for son: descendant/people Ammon thus to say LORD son: child nothing to/for Israel if: surely yes to possess: possess nothing to/for him why? to possess: take Milcom [obj] Gad and people his in/on/with city his to dwell
論亞捫人。耶和華如此說: 以色列沒有兒子嗎? 沒有後嗣嗎? 瑪勒堪為何得迦得之地為業呢? 屬他的民為何住其中的城邑呢?
2 to/for so behold day to come (in): come utterance LORD and to hear: hear to(wards) Rabbah son: descendant/people Ammon shout battle and to be to/for mound devastation and daughter: village her in/on/with fire to kindle and to possess: take Israel [obj] to possess: take him to say LORD
耶和華說: 日子將到,我必使人聽見打仗的喊聲, 是攻擊亞捫人拉巴的喊聲。 拉巴要成為亂堆; 屬她的鄉村要被火焚燒。 先前得以色列地為業的, 此時以色列倒要得他們的地為業。 這是耶和華說的。
3 to wail Heshbon for to ruin Ai to cry daughter Rabbah to gird sackcloth to mourn and to rove in/on/with wall for Milcom in/on/with captivity to go: went priest his and ruler his together
希實本哪,你要哀號, 因為愛地變為荒場。 拉巴的居民哪,要呼喊, 以麻布束腰; 要哭號,在籬笆中跑來跑去; 因瑪勒堪和屬他的祭司、 首領要一同被擄去。
4 what? to boast: boast in/on/with valley to flow: flowing valley your [the] daughter [the] backsliding [the] to trust in/on/with treasure her who? to come (in): come to(wards) me
背道的民哪, 你們為何因有山谷, 就是水流的山谷誇張呢? 為何倚靠財寶說: 誰能來到我們這裏呢?
5 look! I to come (in): bring upon you dread utterance Lord YHWH/God Hosts from all around you and to banish man: anyone to/for face: before his and nothing to gather to/for to wander
主-萬軍之耶和華說: 我要使恐嚇從四圍的人中臨到你們; 你們必被趕出, 各人一直前往, 沒有人收聚逃民。
6 and after so to return: rescue [obj] captivity son: descendant/people Ammon utterance LORD
後來我還要使被擄的亞捫人歸回。 這是耶和華說的。
7 to/for Edom thus to say LORD Hosts nothing still wisdom in/on/with Teman to perish counsel from to understand to overrun wisdom their
論以東。萬軍之耶和華如此說: 提幔中再沒有智慧嗎? 明哲人不再有謀略嗎? 他們的智慧盡歸無有嗎?
8 to flee to turn be deep to/for to dwell to dwell Dedan for calamity Esau to come (in): bring upon him time to reckon: punish him
底但的居民哪,要轉身逃跑, 住在深密處; 因為我向以掃追討的時候, 必使災殃臨到他。
9 if to gather/restrain/fortify to come (in): come to/for you not to remain gleaning if thief in/on/with night to ruin sufficiency their
摘葡萄的若來到他那裏, 豈不剩下些葡萄呢? 盜賊若夜間而來, 豈不毀壞直到夠了呢?
10 for I to strip [obj] Esau to reveal: uncover [obj] hiding his and to hide not be able to ruin seed: children his and brother: male-sibling his and neighboring his and nothing he
我卻使以掃赤露, 顯出他的隱密處; 他不能自藏。 他的後裔、弟兄、鄰舍盡都滅絕; 他也歸於無有。
11 to leave: forsake [emph?] orphan your I to live and widow your upon me to trust
你撇下孤兒,我必保全他們的命; 你的寡婦可以倚靠我。
12 for thus to say LORD behold which nothing justice their to/for to drink [the] cup to drink to drink and you(m. s.) he/she/it to clear to clear not to clear for to drink to drink
13 for in/on/with me to swear utterance LORD for to/for horror: appalled to/for reproach to/for desolation and to/for curse to be Bozrah and all city her to be to/for desolation forever: enduring
14 tidings to hear: hear from with LORD and envoy in/on/with nation to send: depart to gather and to come (in): come upon her and to arise: rise to/for battle
我從耶和華那裏聽見信息, 並有使者被差往列國去,說: 你們聚集來攻擊以東, 要起來爭戰。
15 for behold small to give: make you in/on/with nation to despise in/on/with man
我使你在列國中為最小, 在世人中被藐視。
16 terror your to deceive [obj] you arrogance heart your to dwell in/on/with cleft [the] crag to capture height hill for to exult like/as eagle nest your from there to go down you utterance LORD
住在山穴中據守山頂的啊, 論到你的威嚇, 你因心中的狂傲自欺; 你雖如大鷹高高搭窩, 我卻從那裏拉下你來。 這是耶和華說的。
17 and to be Edom to/for horror: appalled all to pass upon her be desolate: appalled and to whistle upon all wound her
18 like/as overthrow Sodom and Gomorrah and neighboring her to say LORD not to dwell there man: anyone and not to sojourn in/on/with her son: descendant/people man
19 behold like/as lion to ascend: rise from pride [the] Jordan to(wards) pasture strong for to disturb to run: run him from upon her and who? to choose to(wards) her to reckon: overseer for who? like me and who? to appoint me and who? this to pasture which to stand: stand to/for face: before my
20 to/for so to hear: hear counsel LORD which to advise to(wards) Edom and plot his which to devise: devise to(wards) to dwell Teman if not to drag them little [the] flock if: surely yes not be desolate: appalled upon them pasture their
21 from voice: sound to fall: kill they to shake [the] land: country/planet cry in/on/with sea Red (Sea) to hear: hear voice: sound her
22 behold like/as eagle to ascend: rise and to fly and to spread wing his upon Bozrah and to be heart mighty man Edom in/on/with day [the] he/she/it like/as heart woman to distress
23 to/for Damascus be ashamed Hamath and Arpad for tidings bad: harmful to hear: hear to melt in/on/with sea anxiety to quiet not be able
論大馬士革。 哈馬和亞珥拔蒙羞, 因他們聽見凶惡的信息就消化了。 海上有憂愁,不得平靜。
24 to slacken Damascus to turn to/for to flee and panic to strengthen: hold distress and pain to grasp her like/as to beget
大馬士革發軟,轉身逃跑。 戰兢將她捉住; 痛苦憂愁將她抓住, 如產難的婦人一樣。
25 how? not to leave: forsake city (praise *Q(K)*) town rejoicing my
我所喜樂可稱讚的城, 為何被撇棄了呢?
26 to/for so to fall: kill youth her in/on/with street/plaza her and all human [the] battle to silence: silent in/on/with day [the] he/she/it utterance LORD Hosts
她的少年人必仆倒在街上; 當那日,一切兵丁必默默無聲。 這是萬軍之耶和華說的。
27 and to kindle fire in/on/with wall Damascus and to eat citadel: fortress Ben-hadad Ben-hadad
我必在大馬士革城中使火着起, 燒滅便‧哈達的宮殿。
28 to/for Kedar and to/for kingdom Hazor which to smite (Nebuchadnezzar *Q(K)*) king Babylon thus to say LORD to arise: rise to ascend: rise to(wards) Kedar and to ruin [obj] son: descendant/people front: east
論巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒所攻打的基達和夏瑣的諸國。耶和華如此說: 迦勒底人哪,起來上基達去, 毀滅東方人。
29 tent their and flock their to take: take curtain their and all article/utensil their and camel their to lift: bear to/for them and to call: call out upon them terror from around: side
他們的帳棚和羊群都要奪去, 將幔子和一切器皿,並駱駝為自己掠去。 人向他們喊着說: 四圍都有驚嚇。
30 to flee to wander much be deep to/for to dwell to dwell Hazor utterance LORD for to advise upon you Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon counsel and to devise: devise (upon you *Q(K)*) plot
耶和華說: 夏瑣的居民哪,要逃奔遠方, 住在深密處; 因為巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒設計謀害你們, 起意攻擊你們。
31 to arise: rise to ascend: rise to(wards) nation at ease to dwell to/for security utterance LORD not door and not bar to/for him isolation to dwell
耶和華說: 迦勒底人哪,起來! 上安逸無慮的居民那裏去; 他們是無門無閂、獨自居住的。
32 and to be camel their to/for plunder and crowd livestock their to/for spoil and to scatter them to/for all spirit: breath to cut side and from all side: beside his to come (in): bring [obj] calamity their utterance LORD
他們的駱駝必成為掠物; 他們眾多的牲畜必成為擄物。 我必將剃周圍頭髮的人分散四方, 使災殃從四圍臨到他們。 這是耶和華說的。
33 and to be Hazor to/for habitation jackal devastation till forever: enduring not to dwell there man: anyone and not to sojourn in/on/with her son: descendant/people man
夏瑣必成為野狗的住處, 永遠淒涼; 必無人住在那裏, 也無人在其中寄居。
34 which to be word LORD to(wards) Jeremiah [the] prophet to(wards) Elam in/on/with first: beginning royalty Zedekiah king Judah to/for to say
35 thus to say LORD Hosts look! I to break [obj] bow Elam first: best might their
36 and to come (in): bring to(wards) Elam four spirit: breath from four end [the] heaven and to scatter them to/for all [the] spirit: breath [the] these and not to be [the] nation which not to come (in): come there to banish (Elam *Q(K)*)
37 and to to be dismayed [obj] Elam (to/for face: before *LAB(h)*) enemy their and to/for face: before to seek soul: life their and to come (in): bring upon them distress: harm [obj] burning anger face: anger my utterance LORD and to send: depart after them [obj] [the] sword till to end: destroy I [obj] them
38 and to set: make throne my in/on/with Elam and to perish from there king and ruler utterance LORD
39 and to be in/on/with end [the] day (to return: rescue *Q(K)*) [obj] (captivity *Q(k)*) Elam utterance LORD

< Jeremiah 49 >